Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS)

Component 5: Business Sector Research with Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA) and Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)


Poverty Reduction Grant (PRG)

Strengthening the Development Research and Policy Analysis Capacity of the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)

(Phase 2)




1. Introduction

This report briefly summarizes the activities and results of the travel to Vietnamundertaken by Finn Tarp (5 to 15 January) and Henning Tarp Jensen (12 to 19 January) plus Jørgen Birk Mortensen (7 to 16 January). The terms of reference (TOR) for the travel can be summarized as follows:

  1. Follow up on project implementation of the BSPS and PRG projects, and report to Danish Embassy, CIEM and ILSSA.
  2. Obtain comments on the following project outputs: provincial profiles, SME descriptive report, and impact of WTO accession study. In addition agreement on publication steps needs to be made. Also the final 2006 outputs under PRG research project 1 will be reviewed.
  3. Discussion of BSPS rural household survey, including final data base, and preparation of analytical steps.
  4. Planning of briefing trips to provinces in April.
  5. Further work planning on PRG research projects 1 and 2
  6. Ad hoc issues and work as required.

2. Activities performed and follow-up

The activities performed are summarized in accordance with the outline in the introduction in what follows.

Ad. 1: Follow up on project implementation of the BSPS and PRG projects, and report to Danish Embassy, CIEM and ILSSA.

Briefing and debriefing meetings were held with Henrik Vistisen of the Danish Embassy. The same goes for Hong and Hoai (CIEM) and Vinh (ILSSA). All aspects of project planning and implementation were reviewed.

Ad. 2: Finalization of deliverables/outputs

The following was achieved:

  1. It was agreed with Ms. Hoai of CIEM that the DoE will submit all agreed 2006 research deliverables under CIEM/Danida research project 1 before 1 February 2006 after so they can be made publically available.
  1. It was agreed with Dr. Thanh and Dr Huong of CIEM that they will provide any further comments on 2006 WTO studies under CIEM/Danida research project 2 before end of January 2007. Then the studies will be made publically available. Dr. Huong will draft a policy brief on the basis of the two studies. The two concultancy reports still to be delivered will be provided soonest.
  1. It was agreed with Dr. Quang and Dr. Cuong of CIEM that they will provide any further comments on the provincial profile study and the descriptive SME enterprise report before end of January 2007. Then the studies will be made prepared for publication as soon as possible. Policy briefs and news messages will be prepared in due course.

Ad. 3: BSPS rural household survey

The finalization of the 2006 BSPS rural household survey data occupied a central role during the present visit. A considerable effort had been made by ILSSA staff to prepare for this and the data were carefully reviewed. It will now form the basis for initiating the draft descriptive report which will be continued in Copenhagen during the three-week visit of two CIEM and two IPSARD staff from 25 January. Any corrections to the data base will also be discussed during this visit. The planned deadline for the descriptive rural household report is end-March 2007 after work on in-depth studies will begin.

Ad. 4: Provincial visits/workshops

It was agreed with Dr. Quang, Dr. Cuong and Ms. Hoai that CIEM will take the lead on organising two visits/workshops in Khanh Hoa and Nghe An in early May. In this work staff from Copenhagen will be prepared to present and sicsuss the work carried out under the headings of the 2005 SME survey, 2006 Household survey and provincial profiles. Final dates should be established soon for proper planning purposes.

Ad. 5: PRG research projects 1 and 2

A seminar entitled “Economic Analysis of Environmental Impact and Policy: Danish Experience and Some Research Ideas for Vietnam” was organised by CIEM on 9 January. The programme is attached in Annex 1. A news release on the seminar is being prepared and submitted to the Danish Embassy. In the seminar Professor Jørgen Birk Mortensen gave a presentation on Danish experiences and he also held meetings with a series of specialists in Vietnam, and provided valuable input to the planning of environmental work under project 1. This work was agreed in a series of meetings with Ms. Hong and Mr. Hai of CIEM, on the one hand, and F. Tarp, J. Birk Mortensen and H. T. Jensen, on the side of DoE.

Henning Tarp Jensen subsequently followed up on the 2007 data requirements for research project 1 and 2 with GSO and CIEM. A set of mutually agreed TORs were developed, and they are included in Annex 2.

Ad. 9: Ad hoc

A series of ad hoc activities were also carried out. They included in particular an intensive series of data meetings with GSO to discuss access to relevant data and other information. Moreover, the ASPS support to the rural household survey was reviewed with IPSARD and it was agreed that DoE will contribute to the planned surveys in 2008 and 2010.

3. Final remarks

Work was carried out as planned in accordance with the TOR, and work is progressing smoothly from 2006 to 2007.

The next visit of DoE has been planned for late April/early May 2007.

Annex 1


Economic Analysis of Environmental Impact and Policy:

International Experience and Some Research Ideas for Vietnam

Vietnam Trade Union Hotel, Hanoi, January 9, 2007

(Jointly organized by CIEM, MPI and DOE, CopenhagenUniversity)

9 January 2007
08.00-08.30 / Registration
08.30-9.00 / Opening remarks / Ass. Prof. Le Xuan Ba, CIEM Vice President,
Prof. Finn Tarp, DoE, University of Copenhagen
Chairs: Ass.Prof. Le Xuan Ba and Prof. Finn Tarp
9.00 - 9.45 / Applied Environmental Economics in the Danish Economic Council / Prof. Jǿrgen Birk Mortensen, DoE, University of Copenhagen
09.45-10.15 / Overview of Environmental Issues and Strategy in Vietnam / Mr. Nguyen Cong Thanh, NEU – Project’s National Consultant
10.15-10.35 / Coffee break
10:35- 10:45 / Ideas of the Project’s Future Researches on Environmental Impact and Policy for Vietnam / Prof. Finn Tarp, DOE, University of Copenhagen
Ms. Vu Xuan Nguyet Hong, CIEM
10:45 – 11:200 / Open Discussion
11:20 – 11:30 / Conclusion / Ass. Prof. Le Xuan Ba
11:30 - / Lunch / At Western Restaurant,
1st floor, Vietnam Trade Union Hotel

Annex 2


Ha Noi, Vietnam19. January, 2007

Terms of Reference: Time Series on Sector Level Data.

Counterpart: Government Statistical Office, Ha Noi.

Description of deliverables:

  • Item 1: Trade (yearly time series covering 1997-2005)
  • Exports (112 IO sectors)
  • Imports (112 IO sectors)
  • Import Tariffs (112 IO sectors) Delivery Date: February 19, 2007
  • Item 2: Prices (yearly time series covering 1999-2005)
  • Producer Prices (112 IO sectors)
  • Import Prices (112 IO sectors)
  • Export Prices (112 IO sectors)Delivery Date: March 19, 2007
  • Item 3: Investment by Sector of Destination (yearly time series covering 1999-2005)
  • Government (infrastructure, health, education)
  • Private Domestically Owned Enterprises (112 IO sectors)
  • Private Foreign Owned Enterprises (112 IO sectors)
  • State Enterprises (112 IO sectors)Delivery Date:April 16, 2007
  • Item 4: Supply (yearly time series covering 1999-2005)
  • Gross Output (112 IO sectors)
  • Value Added at Factor Cost (112 IO sectors)
  • Capital Value Added (112 IO sectors)Delivery Date: April 30, 2007
  • Item 5: Other (longer time series)
  • Gross Output (28 sectors; 1995-2005)Delivery Date: May 14, 2007

Sector Specification (28 sectors – unique mapping to 112 IO sectors):

  • Agricultural Sectors (6):Paddy, OtherCrops; Livestock & Poultry; Forestry; Fish Farming; Fishery.
  • Industrial Sectors (15): Oil & Gas; Mining; Processed Seafood, Processed Rice; Other Agricultural Processing;Textiles; Paper; Wood; Rubber; Non-Metallic Mineral Products; Transport Equipment; Metal Products; Other Manufacturing; Electricity & Water,Construction.
  • Service Sectors (7):Transport; Communication; Trade;Financial Services; Public Administration; Hotels & Restaurants; Other Services.

Total Payment: $6,500

Payment Schedule:

  • Initial Payment (January 22): $2,500
  • Upon Delivery of Items 1 & 2 (March 19): $1,000
  • Upon Delivery of Item 3 & 4 (April 30): $1,000
  • Final Payment upon Approval of Deliverables 1-5: $2,000


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