
©Punjab Skills Development Fund Business RulesPage 1



The table specifies the financial penalties which will be imposed in case violations are observed during the visits by Third Party Monitoring Firm (TPM). In case the Training Service Provider (TSP) contests the observations of TPM, PSDF will conduct an inquiry and may condone the penalties after the inquiry if it is established that reported violations were incorrect or erroneously recorded

Business Rules
No. / Service Parameters / Description of Violation / Type of Violation
Fake/ghost trainee / A trainee who is enrolled under PSDF funding and marked present but found absent in two TPM visits. And subsequent inquiry reveals that s/he is fake or ghost trainee / Serious[1]
Any fee charged from trainees / The trainee reports about payment of any kind of fee at any time during the training process (If any trainee reports such a case the trainee’s complete contact information must be noted and passed on to PSDF instantly by TPM) / Serious
Unannounced relocation of training centre / The training centre is relocated to a different site without prior approval or information to PSDF / Serious
Non-functional Classes / Neither trainees nor trainer is available OR centre is found closed during TPM visit without prior intimation to PSDF.
Trainees found present but class is not in progress due to any reason. e.g. non-availability of Instructor, backup source of electricity (Subject to the trades) or trainees found involved in any other activities instead of training / Major
Trainee attendance register availability / Register is not available during a monitoring visit in the class or the training centre. / Major
Trainee Count / 6a)Attendance is not marked in the register. 6b) A trainee is marked present but found absent. 6c) A trainee has been dropped out but marked present in the register. 6d) Trainee names of current and previous months will be compared. If it is observed that previous names are deleted in attendance register of the current month or new names are added by any means, the same will be reported. All above scenarios (6a,6b,6c & 6d) will be reported as major violation in trainee count. Note: attendance will only be considered for those trainees whose trainee profiles are received and accepted by PSDF. / Major
Trainer attendance/ Register Maintenance / The trainer is found absent during the visit and his attendance is marked on the register. / Major
Books/Manual/Hand-outs / More than 20% trainees report non-supply of books/manuals / Major
Splitting of Class / Splitting of a class into two sections without prior approval / Major
Merging of two Classes / Merger of two or more classes into one without prior approval / Major
Change in Class Timing / Change in class timing without prior approval / Major
Attendance Register Format / TSP has not followed the prescribed format of attendance register. / Major
Maintenance of Stipend Register / The stipend register is not maintained as per the process specified in the guidelines / Minor
Trainee ID Card / More than 20% trainees are not wearing their Trainee ID cards provided by PSDF / Minor
Study plan provision / More than 20% trainees report non supply of syllabus to them / Minor
Stationary / More than 20% trainees report non-availability of stationary / Minor
Uniform / More than 20% trainees report non-supply of uniforms / Minor
Bags / More than 20% trainees report non-supply of bags / Minor
Payment of Stipend[2] / More than 20% trainees report ‘non-payment ofany monthly stipend amount. TSPs are not able to pay the stipend amount within a month after release of payment from PSDF. / A penalty equivalent to 2 % of training cost of the class will be deducted.
PSDF Reporting Timelines / If the inception report, monthly progress report, completion report and trainee profiles are not sent according to schedule specified in Reporting & Monitoring Guidelines / A penalty equivalent to 2 % of training cost of the class will be deducted if delay is without acceptable reasons
Absent from test of PSDF listed Trades / After registering with PSDF, if a trainee does not appear in the test arranged by PSDF. / The testing fee paid by PSDF to Testing Agency will be deducted from the invoice of the TSP.
Absent from test-TSP proposed trades / A trainee whose testing fee has been paid by PSDF but fails to appear in the test of the testing agency proposed by TSP / The testing fee paid by PSDF to Training Service Provider will be deducted.
Monthly Violation Count and Penalties at Class Level
Violation / Warning / Penalty / Remarks
Minor / If there are up to three violations / If more than three violations take place, then 2% fine will be imposed on each additional violation / 2% of the training cost part of the monthly invoice. For example, in case of five minor violations 4% fine will be imposed.
Major / 5% fine will be imposed on each violation / 5% of the training cost part of the monthly invoice of the class will be deducted for each violation
Serious / Inquiry / Inquiry can result in suspension or cancellation of class contract, training centre’s contract or of the entire organization or up to 50% financial penalty equivalent to the training cost in the monthly invoice of the class
Observation / No penalty will be applied but PSDF may make direct payments to the trainees by the end of training / The TSP may be asked to provide details about payment of stipend
Further Rules
  1. In any given month, the financial penalty imposed will not exceed 20% of the maximum possible monthly payment invoiced for the class except in case of serious violations.(Max Financial Penalty)
  1. In case of missing or unverified CNICs PSDF will withhold training cost of such trainees since inception. The same amount will be released only once PSDF receives valid CNICs for such trainees.(CNIC Unverified)
  1. If a case, at any stage of training, if any trainee’s dual/multiple enrolment is detected by PSDF, entire training cost of such trainee will be deducted since inception which means it will also include already paid cost to the TSP.( Dual Trainee )
  1. Penalties will not be applied during the first invoice of training contract.(First Month of Contract)
  1. A trainee who is found absent infour consecutive visits, s/he will be treated as a drop out irrespective of training duration.(Marginal – Dropout)
  1. If a trainee, whose testing fee has been paid by PSDF, fails to appear in the trade test, then the testing fee shall be deducted from the final invoice of TSP. (Absent – Testing Fee)
  1. If the trainees attendance is less than 80% of enrolled trainees (excluding drop outs), an amount shall be deducted as per specified procedure[3] which will be reimbursed if the attendance reaches 80% or forfeited if the attendance continues to remain below 80%. (Physical Count)
  1. If more than 20% trainees of a class fail in the test of the testing/certifying agency, the CLIENT shall deduct 10% of the training cost per trainee for all failed trainees above the threshold.(Absent – Training Cost)

©Punjab Skills Development Fund Business RulesPage 1

[1]Serious violation can apply up to 50% financial penalty on invoiced amount. It can lead to inquiry -cancellation of full or partial activities agreed in contract.

[2]If stipend is not paid, the unpaid amount will be paid directly to the trainees by PSDF provided the training provider does not make the full payment to the trainee by the end of training.

[3] The amount will be eighty per cent minus percentage of trainees present multiplied by total payable training cost