MINK MidwestMD Business Meeting Minutes: 2/19/2014
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MINK MidwestMDBusiness Meeting Minutes: 2/19/2014
Saint Luke’s Regional Medical Center, Overland Park, KS
Members Present
Donna Shelby, Michelle Grady, Charlene Plotycia, Janell Wicht, Mary Kay Uhing, Jill Mick, Janet Wear-Enloe, Beth Schmidt, Jeanine Bock, Tonya Pehle, Joyce Grayson, Kelly Leseberg, Debbie Gleason, K.C. Fleming, Mandi Jordan, Marcy Lechner, Jenny Beard, Paula Johnson, Darci Petty. By phone: Mary Pratt and Julie Lambert.
Welcome and Introductions
Donna Shelby, MINK President, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.
General Business
Issue or Topic / Review/Approval Minutes of September 2013 MeetingPoints of Discussion / Michelle Grady presented the September minutes and attendees reviewed the content. A motion was made to accept the minutes.
Moved to accept by / Debbie Gleason
Seconded by / Marcy Lechner
Action Required / Motion passed. **Pam Hitchens and Jennifer Vandament attended the September meeting and were left off of the minutes. ** Correction noted.
Issue or Topic / Treasurer’s Report
Points of Discussion / Paula Johnson presented the Treasurer’s Report. Paula gave our total balance, deposits and expenses for the year. She said we did a lot last year as far as marketing and attending numerous job fairs. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’sReport.
Moved to accept by / Mary Kay Uhing
Seconded by / Janell Wicht
Action Required / None.
Donna Shelby introduced the 2013-2014 Officers and Committee Chairpersons. She noted that we are looking for a Vice-President. She asked for any volunteers who may be interested to contact her directly. Tonya Pehle volunteered to be the chairperson for the Vendor Partner committee.
Adventures in Medicine (AIM) Presentation
Nicole and ToddSkertich from AIM presented a report on our sponsorship results from last year. MINK sponsored the front and back covers of the Guidebook and it was mailed to 2014 residents and fellows graduating from programs in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. With the help of AIM, MINK was able to expand our brand significantly by reaching so many residents and fellows. We also purchased additional jump drives from AIM to hand out at job fairs which helps to drive physicians to our MINK website. They also helped us with our quarterly newsletter. AIM will take articles submitted by our members and post them on their blog. They gave us access to their AIM resource library which provides unbiased material for us to include in our newsletters.
Todd Skertich presented information on a new product they are offering to MINK and to our members. TheCareer and Life Planning Portal is a tool that MINK can use on theMINK web-site which will help direct physicians to individual member’s web-sites in all four states. Donna Shelby will ask Todd and Nicole to present, at the next business meeting in July, detailed information on how MINK could use this portal on the website. Tonya Pehle has left two hours for the business meeting in July and AIM could present during that time period.
Issue or Topic / Adventures in Medicine 2014 Proposal for SponsorshipPoints of Discussion / Donna Shelby presented the group with three options from AIM and opened the floor for discussion. Option 1 is the same exact package as last year, Option 2 is adopting the Career and Life Planning Portal, and Option 3 includes both Option 1 and 2. We have approximately 100 thumb drives left over to use for this year. After much discussion, a motion was made to go with Option number 3.
Moved to accept by / Debbie Gleason
Seconded by / Darcy Petty
Action Required / Motion passed. Donna Shelby will follow up with AIM about our decision to go with Option 3 and ask for a presentation at the next business meeting in July.
Legislative Update
Donna Shelby introduced Tim VanZandt from Saint Luke’s Health System. Tim gave a legislative update for Missouri and Kansas.
Committee Reports
Issue or Topic / Membership CommitteePoints of Discussion / Mary Pratt gave an update by phone. We currently have 97 members. She is still waiting for few more members to pay their dues. She asked that all members check the MINK website to verify their contact information is correct. We discussed possible options for recruiting new members from Iowa. We recently lost 3 members from Iowa.
Action Required / Mary will notify the membership when the MINK website password has been changed.
Issue or Topic / Educational Conference Committee
Points of Discussion / Tonya Pehlegave an update on the conference. She handed out a “Save-the-Date”
flyer and encouraged all members to make their reservations now. The conference
will be held at Camden on the Lake in Lake of the Ozarks. Based on the membership
feedback, Tonya felt that this conference addressed all issues and/or suggestions
from members. The speakers are confirmed and a room has been reserved at the
resortnext door for a fun evening activity. She has had wonderful vendor support.
Action Required / Tonya will email the agenda for the conference to all MINK members.
Issue or Topic / MINK AD Sales Committee
Points of Discussion / Terrah Reeves was absent—Tonya Pehlespoke on her behalf. Prior to the business meeting, Terrah emailed the membership about advertising opportunities on the MINK web-site. Several members spoke about the financial benefit/incentive from advertising with MINK. All members are encouraged to purchase some form of advertising which helps to support MINK.
Action Required / None.
Issue or Topic / E-Newsletter Committee
Points of Discussion / Beth Everts was absent—Donna Shelby spoke on her behalf. Beth has agreed to be the Chairperson for this committee again this year. Her biggest struggle is getting content for the newsletter from MINK members. She is open to ideas for obtaining newsletter items. For every member who submits an article for the newsletter, their name goes into a drawing for $100 gift card. We had three members submit articles last year and Janet Wear-Enloe is the winner! Beth thanks everyone who submitted articles. The articles don’t have to long—a paragraph is perfect! Beth would love for more members to help with the content for the newsletter.
Action Required / None.
Issue or Topic / Website Committee
Points of Discussion / Charlene Plotycia volunteered to be the Chairperson for this committee. She will work to keep the website updated with current information and she will work with AIM as well.
Action Required / None.
Issue or Topic / Advertising and Career Fair Give-Aways Committee
Points of Discussion / Paula Johnson gave an update. We have advertised for two seasons with PracticeLink and CareerMD. Several members expressed how much they like MINK’s new ad—it looks new and fresh. After some discussion, a motion was made to continue advertising with both PracticeLink and CareerMD. Paula said we have pens, bags and jump drives to give away at career fairs.
Moved to accept by / Tonya Pehle and Charlene Plotycia
Seconded by / Paula Johnson and Janet Wear-Enloe
Action Required / Motion passed to continue advertising in both PracticeLink and CareerMD. Paula Johnson will place the ads with PracticLink and CareerMD.
Issue or Topic / Career Fairs Committee—Survey and 2014 Career Fairs
Points of Discussion / Joni Adamson was absent. Donna Shelby presented the survey results from members for their top recruiting needs. Family medicine, Pediatric Sub Specialties and Internal Medicine were the top three. Charlene Plotycia will attend the Dermatology conference on March 22, 2014. Janet Wear-Enloe will attend the Neurology conference on April 28, 2014. Janet asked that anyone who has an opening to mail your flyer to her by April 21st. She will take flyers with her to the conference. Charlene and others volunteered to attend the AFFP Student and Resident Conference. Charlene and the others will work out the details of who will be working the MINK booth on the different days.
Action Required / Paula Johnson will check about the display rules for the Neurology conference. Janet Wear-Enloe and Charlene Plotyciawill email the entire membership about taking flyers with them to the conferences. Paula Johnson will pay the registration for the AAFP conference. Charlene will create a schedule for those attending the AAFP conference.
Issue or Topic / Career Fairs Committee (cont.)—Expectations of MINK Representative attending Career Fairs on MINK’s behalf
Points of Discussion / Joni Adamson was absent. Donna Shelby provided the update. MINK will cover the hotel and travel expenses of MINK members attending career fairs. The receipts need to be turned into Paula Johnson for reimbursement. The list of attendees needs to be submitted to all MINK members within 48 hours of the career fair using an excel format. Michelle Grady volunteered to come up with an excel template for members to use. A motion was made to continue to draw a winner from the attendees of the career fairs and to notify Paula Johnson the name of the winner.
Moved to accept by / Mary Kay Uhing
Seconded by / Janet Wear-Enloe
Action Required / Motion passed to continue drawing a winner from the attendee list. Michelle Grady will create a template for MINK members to use at career fairs and she will coordinate with Joni Adamson. Paula Johnson will send the award to the winner.
Issue or Topic / Career Fairs Committee (cont.)—Determine/Discuss Specialty Conferences for 2014
Points of Discussion / Donna Shelby provided an attachment to the agenda which listed the Specialty Conferences, CareerMD and Practice Match Career Fairs which MINK could send a representative to attend. We agreed to only sponsor the ACP IM specialty conference for $2,500 and not attend. After much discussion, we decided not to attend the APA (Psychiatry) and AAP (Pediatric) conferences.
Moved to accept by / Debbie Gleason
Seconded by / KC Fleming
Action Required / Motion passed to only sponsor the ACP IM conference. Paula Johnson will register us for the conference and distribute the attendee list to all MINK members.
Issue or Topic / Career Fairs Committee (cont.)—Determine/Discuss CareerMD and Practice Match Career Fairs for 2014
Points of Discussion / Donna Shelby opened this topic for discussion. After much discussion, we decided to attend the following career fairs:
- CareerMD in Columbia, MO—Charlene Ploytcia will represent MINK
- Practice Match in St. Louis, MO—MINK representative TBD
- CareerMD in St. Louis, MO—MINK representative TBD
- CareerMD in Iowa City, IA—Debbie Gleason or Michelle Grady will represent MINK
- CareerMD in Kansas City, MO—Charlene Ploytcia will represent MINK
- CareerMD in Des Moines, IA—MINK representative TBD
Moved to accept by / Darcy Petty, Julie Lambert, Charlene Ploytcia and Debbie Gleason
Seconded by / Charlene Ploytcia, KC Fleming and Darcy Petty
Action Required / Motions were passed to attend the above career fairs. Donna Shelby will have Joni Adamson find someone to attend the Practice Match career fair in St. Louis, MO. We need to find representatives for the CareerMD career fairs in St. Louis and Des Moines, IA.
Issue or Topic / Career Fairs Committee (cont.)—MINK Sponsored Career Fairs
Points of Discussion / Donna Shelby opened this topic for discussion. Michelle Grady and Julie Lambert gave an update on the job fairs in Omaha, NE. The job fairs will be held on September 18, 2014 at UNMC and on September 19, 2014 at Alegent Creighton. Michelle distributed some “Save-the-Date” flyers to members attending the meeting. Julie Lambert does not have any rooms available at Alegent Creighton to host the MINK business meeting. Paula Johnson gave an update on the cost of the MINK sponsored career fairs. The job fairs in Omaha cost $1800 and the Wichita, job fair cost $2857. Everyone agreed Kayla Joy did a great job with the Wichita, KS job fair. If she is willing, we would like her to do it again. A suggestion was made to maybe have the job fair on campus instead of at a hotel off campus.
Action Required / Michelle Grady will try to find a room to host the MINK business meeting at UNMC on Thursday, September 18, 2014. Julie Lambert will finalize the location of the job fair and let Michelle know so Michelle can send the “Save the Date” flyer to all MINK members. Donna Shelby will follow up with Kayla Joy to see if she is willing to plan and host the job fair again in Wichita, KS.
ASPR Update
Debbie Gleason gave an update from ASPR. The benchmarking survey is open now through March 2014. All participants receive free access to the final report and searchable data. The final report is expected by August 2014. New surveys are being added—watch for the ASPR weekly for more information. The annual conference will be in Minneapolis on August 23 – 27, 2014. ASPR has launched a new feature on their website: Volunteer Development Portal. If you are interested in volunteering your time, check out the new portal. The call for nominations for elections will be opening in March 2014. The elections will be held in June 2014.
New Business
Debbie Gleason shared that she has had agencies calling her residents during business/working hours. The agencies are using a variety of tactics to get through to the residents. Debbie Gleason wanted to make sure all MINK members are informed that the AMA has strict regulations that prohibit recruiters from contacting residents during working hours.
Debbie also suggested looking outside the box at retired MINK members who may be interested in helping to fill in any project needs.
Donna Shelby wanted to be sure that we plan for the February business meeting during the September business meeting. She ran into some difficulties finding a meeting room to host the February business meeting. She also mentioned that we are looking to fill the Vice President vacancy. Anyone who is interested needs to contact Donna Shelby.
Save the Date
Michelle Grady will create a “Save-the-Date” flyer once she has the location confirmed at Alegent Creighton for the MINK job fairs in Omaha, NE.