Business Interaction Vouchers – application form

Applicant (Academic Partner) Details
Name: / Position:
Organisation Address:
Email: / Telephone:
Industrial Partner Details
Name: / Position:
Organisation Address:
Email: / Telephone:
Project Details
Project Title:
Proposed start date: / Proposed end date:
Briefly outline the details of your proposed work (max 350 words)
Include a brief description of the background to the project, its aim and an outline of the work to be undertaken.
Relevance to the aims of FoodWasteNet (max 200 words)
State the relevance of your project to the aims of FoodWasteNet
Relevance to IBBE (max 100 words)
Provide a short statement to indicate how this proposal fits within the BBSRC’s remit of Industrial Biotechnology
List the key project deliverables (max 250 words)
Outline value of project to the industrial partner (max 250 words)
Include the key benefits the project will bring to the industrial partner and an indication of the commercial potential for this project
Outline the project’s benefits to the longer term partnership (max 250 words)
Include how the project will lead to a longer term relationship between the partner and how the project fits in with the overall R&D strategy of the industrial partner.
Provide a brief public summary of the project that can be used by FoodWasteNet and the BBSRC, if the voucher is awarded (max 150 words)
Project Finance
Please provide a summary breakdown of project costs including brief justification
Summary Fund Heading / Fund Heading / Amount £
Directly Incurred / Staff
Travel & Subsistence
Other Costs
Directly Allocated / Investigator
Other Directly Allocated
Total project costs
Amount requested (at 100% FEC) from FoodWasteNet (maximum £5000)
Please outline the contribution from industrial partner – this must be at least equal in value to the amount requested from FoodWasteNet
Cash contribution from Industrial partner
Provide details of in-kind contribution from Industrial partner – e.g. materials supplied, staff time, equipment time.
Applicant (Academic Partner) Signature / Date
Industrial Partner Signature / Date
Support from Applicant’s Head of Department/Finance Officer
I confirm that the university will undertake to administer the Voucher. I understand that the voucher will be paid in arrears on provision of a project completion form and a statement of expenditure. Receipts will not be required but the university will keep proper financial records should an audit be required.
Head of Department/Finance Officer Signature / Date
Head of Department/Finance OfficerName

Submit this application as a word document to . Closing date: 6 November 2015 (noon).