l Page 2 October 13, 2006
6630 N. 47th Ave Suite # 1
Glendale, AZ 85301
Tel: (623) 934-0973 / Fax: (623) 934-0808
www.BestBP.com /
Type of Business: □ Company □ Corporation Partnership □ Partnership
Name of Business: ______
Business License Number: ______
Business Address: ______
Business Telephone: ______Fax: ______
How long at this address? ____ Date business opened ______Type of business ______
Full Name of Owner or President: ______
Sales Tax Status: □ Taxable □ Non-taxable
(If non-taxable, a signed tax exemption certificate must be attached)
Name of person to contact regarding payment: ______
Name of Bank: ______Contact: ______
Address: ______Phone: ______Account No. ______
Name Address Phone Account No.
Amount of credit requested: ______
TERMS: Net 10th prox interest charged at 1.5% per month (18% per annum) will be added to accounts over 30 days past due.
COPYRIGHT LICENSE INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT: I represent that I am familiar with the copyright laws governing reproduction of copyrighted materials. I warrant that I have received permission and license from the copyright owner of the film, print, slide, movie, artwork, digital medium or other material (hereafter referred to as the “photos”) submitted for processing and/or printing to reproduce the photos for the purposes that I intend to use them. I have the legal right to, and do authorize and grant a non-exclusive license to Glendale Blueprint and its agents to reproduce the photos and return them to me or my agents.
I understand that the information furnished on this application is for the purpose of obtaining business credit. To the best of my knowledge, the information given is true and correct. Further, I have read the Terms and Copyright License Indemnification Agreement and agree to them as stated.
Name and Signature: ______Date: ______