Business Core Standards
Business Communications, BC 1.0: Use oral, written, and nonverbal communication to effectively and positively express ideas, solve business problems and transfer business information.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-1.1 Interpersonal – Analyze, evaluate, and practice interpersonal communication skills as they apply to business.
BC-1.2 Analyze how nonverbal cues impact business communications.
BC-1.3 Communicate orally to convey and/or receive technical information and ideas.
BC-1.4 Read and interpret information from business journals, forms, and other documents to make decisions, solve problems, and/or facilitate communication between internal and external customers.
BC-1.1:Teacher Signature/Date
Describe how the use of descriptive “I/We” language creates a more
positive environment for communicating.
- Team Building activities
Conduct and respond to a peer evaluationthat offer constructive feedback,
maintain positive relationships, and result in agreement on next steps/action goals.
- Presentations
- Work Behavior
Analyze conflict management techniques that are sensitive to cultural
practices and protocols to address problems encountered in business
Analyze body language & describe the messages it conveys.
- Customer Service
Identify and model appropriate personal hygiene & grooming.
Select appropriate business attire.
- Presentation
Date accomplished ______
Orally communicate business information and ideas in a clear, logical,
and convincing style.
Use appropriate non-verbal communication techniques to enhance
Use correct industry terminology in the appropriate context.
- ePortfolio Presentation.
Date accomplished: ______
- Other Presentation
Date accomplished: ______
Evaluate business articles, reports, and other sources of information.
Express thoughts and ideas succinctly (concisely).
Systems, BC-2.0: Evaluate the impact of internal and external systems on business organizations and business success.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-2.1 Analyze business decision making relative to a firm’s controllable (internal) and uncontrollable (external) variables.
Teacher Signature/Date
Identify and describe internal variables to be considered in decision making.
Identify and describe external variables to be considered in decision making.
Analyze how supply and demand affect the price and quantity of goods
and services.
- Stock Market Simulation
Date accomplished ______
Examine the stakeholders and their respective roles for an organization.
- Kealakehe High School
Analyze the perspectives of various stakeholders and their influences
on the decision making process.
- ePortfolio use
Organizational Behavior & Business Ethics, BC-3.0:Analyze individual and group behaviors and their impact within business organizations.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-3.1 Analyze ways that corporate culture supports or limits the success of specific businesses.
BC-3.2 Define, give example, and evaluate its impact of ethical and unethical behaviors on business.
BC-3.1:Teacher Signature/Date
Identify leadership styles and describe the implications of each
style on the work environment
Select of business organization of interest and document its corporate culture.
- Kealakehe High School
BC 3.2:
Identify ethical issues facing business organizations
Business Technology, BC-4.0: Analyze the influence of technology on business.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-4.1 Analyze the impact of technology on business as it evolves.
BC-4.2 Develop a plan to guide business technology decisions to meet current and future needs.
BC-4.1:Teacher Signature/Date
Identify a widely used business technology, describe how it has changed
over time, and how it has influenced and enhanced business practices.
- Cloud - Google Drive, etc
Give examples of ethical issues that have emerged from uses of technology
Explain how ergonomics have impacted business
- Pre/Post Assessments
- Ergonomics Evaluation
Explain how emerging communication technologies may affect and
change business practices
BC-4.2:Teacher Signature/Date
Evaluate how computer network systems and international electronic resources
such as the internet can be used to facilitate production and communication.
- Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, etc
- ePortfolio
Identify technology needs of a selected business.
Make business technology recommendations and defend your
recommendations with evidence.
- ePortfolio
Customer Service Concepts, BC-5.0Evaluate and apply service excellence concepts and skills to internal and external customers.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-5.1 Create quality customer service strategies and selling techniques that will attract repeat customers and contribute to business success and customer satisfaction.
Teacher Signature/Date
Identify and compare various buying behaviors of customers and explain
the importance of interpersonal and human relation skills on buying behaviors
Evaluate internal and external customers, propose ideas and strategies
to improve customer service and business success.
Describe and model customer service skills for a selected business area.
Accounting Concepts, BC-6.0: Use basic accounting principles to analyze and evaluate business decisions.
Performance Indicators (Benchmarks):
BC-6.1 Utilize information from accounting records to gather information and draw conclusions.
Teacher Signature/Date
Explain the role and importance of accounting to any business.
Analyze and explain information from simple balance sheets and
income statements
Interpret balance sheet/income statement to draw and justify conclusions
about the financial health of a business.
- Stock Market Simulation
Financial Concepts, BC-7.0: use basic financial principles to analyze and evaluate business financial decisions.
Teacher Signature/Date
Use finance ratios to determine the financial condition of a company
and justify your interpretation.
- Stock Market Simulation