Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Doerre! Our Science department would like to acquaint you with the rules and regulations pertaining to our department. If there are any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail anytime throughout the year. My phone number is (832) 249-5757 and my e-mail address is . I also have a classroom website which will help you stay current with daily class work, homework, warm-ups, and upcoming tests and quizzes. This address can be found at: . (If you would like a copy, this document is on the download page of my website) I’m looking forward to being your science teacher this year!

Pam Green



I.  Major Grades count 60%

  1. Tests - given on Tuesday or Friday
  2. Either a notebook check or project each 6 weeks

II.  Daily grades count 30%

  1. Class work d. quizzes
  2. Homework e. Some minor projects may count as
  3. Lab reports two daily grades

Homework grades 10%

III.  Make-up work – is the student’s responsibility. The student will have the

same number of days as they were absent to make up the


IV. Late work – Daily/HW – Day 1 minus 30 points

Day 2 minus 30 points

Day 3 minus 30 points

After day 3, the highest grade possible is a 50

Major Work - Day 1 minus 10 points

Day 2 minus 20 points

Day 3 minus 30 points

After day 3, the highest grade possible is a 50

Supply list

-3 subject Spiral

-2 pencils -map pencils -tape -pencil bag

-Black felt pen -ruler -scissors -pens/red checking pens

Test re-take policy:

The student has the opportunity to re-take a test that they scored below an 80. The student will have 1 week from the day the original grade was received to re-take the test. Both test grades will be averaged together however, the highest grade a student will receive on a retake is an 80.


Please go to my website – and find the forms page on the left hand side of the homepage. Please fill this form out and submit it to me. Receipt of this form will be conformation that you and your child have read and understood the above guidelines.


If you would like to receive scheduled announcements regarding the class via text or email follow the attached directions: