Call to order & establish quorum / 5 min / Call to order Susan Smith @ 1330
Established Quorum: 14/14 chapter representatives present
Introductions / 5 min / Welcome and Introductions of new attendees
Timekeeper/Facilitator: Carole Snyder
Approval of minutes / 5 min / Review/Approve Minutes
Motion to approve: Linda Rosenberg
Seconded: Dianne Idman- Gervais / Approved as written
Treasurer’s Report
David Samuelson / 20 min / Wells Fargo Account Summary
- Business Checking Account: $214,325.87
- Chapter –Committee Accounts: $183,510.06
- Cal ENA Savings: $97,744.63
- Cal ENA Net Worth- $515,223.89
- Budget update- 1st quarter is behind. January meeting in Oakland saved money for the State
- Electronic reimbursement
- Bookkeeper/ Accountant fees
- W-9- these are reportable income to IRS with the exception of the $50 per Diem. Teaching fees and/or monthly stipend must go on a 1099 tax form as required by ENA. 1099 form are not to be used for reimbursement expenses.
Chapter reports are to be submitted quarterly- due the 15th of the month after
On HOLD for now. There is an additional fee of $10/month for any non- Wells Fargo account. Surepay does not need the account #information and there are no fees involved. Reimbursement will remain in paper for now.
Susan, Janet and David met with CFO Jim Petty regarding accountant fees. All files have been received. CFO stated that “we are not overpaying the accountant” per his assessment.
President Report
Susan Smith / 20 min /
- Leadership Orientation
State Achievement Award- there is a new reference guide for this award and the philosophy has changed. They are looking for actions “above and beyond”, not for what you are supposed to do. Application form is new and different. Cal ENA failed to get this award for this year.
Disclosure statements
- Website- will be considered to be the central location for everything. Mark Wandro has done a great job throughout the years. However, it is not reasonable for a member volunteer to continue on this job as it requires a full time person to update it according to National ENA standards and guidelines + the time/effort to maintain it.
- Correspondence: Constant Contact, Elite
- Elite- up to 50,000 contacts; inability to put attachments, only Jpeg; more expensive; 2700 members/ 2700 points
- Constant Contact- same pricing; $110/month with free trial available; administrative rights to each chapter/ committee available; opt out option from receiving blast email. Members to look out for email from Carole as she performs a trial.
- Mail Chimp
- Grant from ENA BOD & Foundation- up to $1000 for Leaders Orientation and/or Day on the Hill 2015. This is a matching grant. $1500 budgeted by the State
- Membership Chair
Chapter and committee bylaws must be consistent with the State Bylaws; SOP’s are allowed for as long as it does not conflict with the State Bylaws
Conflict of Interest forms MUST be submitted by all chapter officers, committee chairs
Susan to look at options for entities that can help us re-create the website according to established guidelines by ENA. The state will support chapter and committee websites as needed. A projected $150-$2000 monthly fee to maintain the website with the ability to edit by ENA members.
BOD to research the best option. ENA members to check their SPAM folder for now until a better option can be sought. Carole will check into an RFS (request for service) on all 3 options.
All members were requested to update their profile on the National website. Final resolution tentatively at the end of May.
4 people registered: Diana, Kara, GAC (Mark) and a board member (David)
$2500 total for all 4 attendees
Linda Rosenberg appointed as co- chair
Board Reports / 10 min /
- Cal ACEP
- CHA EMS/Trauma Committee
- EMSA Task Forces
- CHA Capacity task force
- Community Para medicine- core training; regulatory checks still needs to be done. Site visits to start soon. Implementation target date by June 1,2015
OSPD currently doing site visits
Unfinished Business / 10 min /
- Policies- formatting
New Business / 40min
Director at Large Update
Patrice Christensen / 20 min /
- 2015 meetings
- May 21-22, Indian Wells, CFED
- Hotel reservations need to go through CFED. Hotel is $159/night before and after the ENA meetings. The Renaissance hotel does not provide shuttle service from both Palm Springs and Ontario airport.
- CEN review as pre- conference educational offering on May 18, 2015. Actual CFED conference scheduled for May 19-21, 2015
- August meeting- Queen Mary
- November meeting- Kona Kai in San Diego; education committee plans to have an educational conference
- Sponsors – vendor letters have been sent out
- Teva donated $1500 as a sponsor for the May 2015 meeting. Dr. Scott will be speaking x 20 minutes during lunch. Teva has agreed to sponsor our ENA meeting in Long Beach this year
- Patrice to reach out to previous sponsors such as Chamberlain, OBP (Gene), J-tip, I-Stat
Book hotel as usual with Director at Large
CHAPTER REPORTS / Assignment of Board Liaison
East Bay #223 / 5 min /
- We had a meeting on February 10th at JMMC in Concord. A rep from Pain-Ease sponsored our lunch. We had three attendees. Our next meeting is in May.
Greater LA #224 / 5 min /
- Chapter met January 21st at PIH, ten members were present. Chapter sent two members to Leg Day in Sacramento.
- Brain stormed on ideas to increase recruitment and retention:
- Work with local ED’s to arrange conference call with minimum of ten people in attendance and we’ll provide pizza.
- Ask if alternate meeting dates and times may increase attendance.
- Give away free membership at EDAP Conference.
- Have a four hour special topic meeting in May/June for C.E.U.s.
- Started planning next EDAP conference and looking at dates.
Northern LA #460 / 5 min /
- Chapter meeting on January 15th. Hosting an ENPC class on March 21st and 22nd. Planning for fundraising ideas at some local restaurants, current topics include drowning and helmet/head safety for pediatrics. Currently planning next meeting with speaker.
Mid Valley #225 / 5 min /
- Mid Valley held a meeting on March 11th at Valley Children’s Hospital in Madera. We had Dr. Robert Kezirian from the Emergency Department speak on Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies while we had dinner. We had sixteen people attend the meeting.
Orange Coast #226 / 5 min /
- A few of our members were able to attend the ENA State and Chapter Leaders Orientation in Las Vegas on February 19th and 20th. A common thread throughout the conference was related to the significance of increased membership and engagement of the members. One of the supporting ideas to increase, inform and engage target audiences was through social networking.
In addition, we discussed our plans to update our internal records and website for our future leaders as they transition into the officer roles. / Susan Smith
San Diego #228 / 5 min /
- San Diego Chapter is gearing up for our annual 9-1-1 Conference on April 24th at the Vista Community Center. We have 8 applicants for our two scholarships, (one new entry, one RN Advancement). These will be awarded at our conference. We are planning a showing of the Waiting Room at the Coronado Theater in conjunction with emergency Nurses’ Day. Several other activities are still in the development/planning stages.
San Francisco #230 / 5 min /
- San Francisco held a successful ED Update on February 17 at San Francisco General. The speakers included 6 distinguished MDs from the General speaking on topics that included Precipitous Delivery, Penetrating Chest Trauma, Medical Care at Burning Man, Traumatic Brain Injury, the Asiana Plane Crash at SFO and Spinal Immobilization with new backboard guidelines. Eighty-six RNs attended, including 21 new members who got the conference for free by joining that day. We provided breakfast and lunch, had two vendors and raised $3500 for the chapter. We are planning another Update for the fall. Cheryl and Kerry are working on a statement for ENA about the new backboard guidelines.
Channel Islands #378 / 5 min /
- Rough start this year, president has been elected
Loma Prieta #232 / 5 min /
- Our last meeting was held at Regional Medical Center of San Jose on March 12th. We provided a one hour C.E.U education program titled Interesting Toxicology Cases by Dr. Kieu Nguyen, ED Physician.
Inland Empire #362 / 5 min /
- Meetings are held monthly. Pharmaceutical companies have sponsored our last two meetings. BTG representing CroFab & Medicines Company presenting an in-service on Orbactiv.
Sacramento #253 / 5 min /
- We have been busy with education events and were thrilled to host the State Council meeting and Legislative day this month. We have a lecture on 5150/1799 at the end of March, Pediatric rashes in April, and are planning a fundraiser event in May for the ENA Foundation State Challenge. In June we are hosting TCAR and a Sports injuries lecture. In July we are collaborating with the local AACN chapter to provide a one day symposium on ED and critical care nursing topics. In August we have a lecture on Trauma Disasters and our special guest: Matt Powers, President of ENA to speak about the benefits of membership. We are reaching out to our local EMS and nursing students to invite them to chapter meetings and our local EDs to increase membership.
Superior # 379 / 5 min / Carole Snyder
Kern County #442 / 5 min /
- Kern County’s Education Day is scheduled for Wednesday May 13, 2015 from 0700 to 1700 in the Learning Center at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital.
- Speakers scheduled to date include:
- Active Shooter in the Workplace by Bakersfield Police Department
- Coroner’s Cases: Protecting the Chain of Custody by Kern County Coroner
- Pain Medication Contracts With Emergency Department Patients; Lisa Harding, RN, BSN
- Snakes, Insects and Needles That Bite: Current Treatment for Needle Sticks by Tobin Miller, RN
- One or two more topics to be added
- Monthly meetings have been changed from 0800 to 1700, still on the second Tuesday of every month. Locations change monthly and will be announced.
Monterey #495 /
- Monterey Bay- We are excited to become an official Chapter. Our 2015 Chapter Officers are: President- Karen McDonald, President-elect - Susan Burnell Donovan, Secretary- Lisa Latham, and Treasurer- Diana Hanakahi. We had a chapter meeting on February 9th sponsored by TEVA at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.
June 10, 2015 Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, speaker TBA and will be discussing more about an educational day.
October 12, 2015 Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz, speaker TBA
December 2, 2015 Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital, speaker TBA
Times are: 5:30-6/6:15pm light dinner is free. And one hour of CE. The meeting to follow speaker presentation. / Linda Rosenberg
COMMITTEE REPORTS / Assignment of Board Liaison
Carole Snyder / 5 min /
- $300 for service – for standardizing formatting for all P&P, Bylaws and SOP’s
Delegate/Gen Assembly
Louise Hummel /
- Delegate application copies to be found on the back table and/or go to the website. Deadline for submission of application in June 5, 2015; new format for GA (3- ½ days); call Carole Snyder if you need a delegate shirt (yellow poppy seed color). ENA Annual conference will be on Sept. 28-Oct. 3, 2015
Dianne Idman Gervais / 5 min /
- The Education Committee is actively planning several events for this year:
- CFED preconference CEN on Monday, May 18th
- C.E. Cruise following the State council meeting in August in Long beach. Leave Friday after the meeting, return Monday. Details to follow.
- Educational event prior to meeting in San Diego on Thursday, November 12th at the Kona Kai Resort from 0800 to 1600. Save the date fliers will be out soon. Looking for suggestions, volunteers for topics and speakers.
Emergency Preparedness/EMS
Judy Scott / 5 min /
- Susan Smith reviewed the latest STEMI Guidelines developed by the task force. The Epi-pen Regulations are out for public comment and available to review on the EMSA’s website. Please review these documents and send your comments to Judy Scott ASAP.
The EMS Committee is going to look at surveying different areas to gather information from different perspectives. / Carole Snyder/ Susan Smith
EMS Commission
Linda Broyles / 5 min /
- The EMS Commission met in Los Angeles on March 18, 2015. The next meeting will be held June 18, 2015 in Sacramento.
The Community Paramedicine (CP) projects will be moving forward over the coming year. The pilot sites completed their core training of 77 paramedics in January. They will continue to get site-specific training. Beginning in June 2015, the CP pilot sites will be activated and will provide services based on their established protocols. There are still challenges ahead; not all the critics of the projects have been able to be appeased. There are questions as to whether or not the projects will be able to be sustainable after the first year given the opposition and funding issues.
The First Aid and CPR Standards and Training for Public Safety Personnel Regulations were approved by OAL on Feb. 5, 2015 and were submitted to the office of the California Secretary of State for publishing. The regulations will go into effect on April 1, 2015.
The agenda included a continued discussion on an EMS Plan Appeal Process. There are two appeals pending to the commission and there is no current process to have appeals presented directly to the commission. The EMS Authority has drafted two sets of regulations consistent with the request made by the EMS Commission at the December meeting; one set is a standard rule-making package and the other is an emergency regulation package. After much discussion, a decision was made to withdraw the emergency regulation package and move forward with the standard regulation package which was submitted to OAL and are out for public comment March 13-April 27th.
Diane Schertz / 5 min /
- Information on scholarships can be found on the website. Submission deadline is April 30th.
The CalENA Bowling Tournament from the State Council meeting raised $883 due to a large anonymous donation of one of our members as well as the support and participation of the meeting attendees. The “bowl-off” was the cumulative activity between Jen Denno and Louella Buell.
Attendees were asked to think about suggestions for the recognition for naming the scholarship in conjunction with our $5,000 donation of funds raised. / Agnes Faria
Vicki Dippner Robinson / 5 min /
- The Pediatric Committee discussed the Regional Director vacancies for the Northern California area and the Southern California area. Nominations for these positions were made. Chair-elect nominations were encouraged. It was decided that our committee will sponsor both a Northern and a Southern ENPC Instructor Course. We discussed the possibility of having an ENPC Provider class prior to the CFED Conference in May at Indian Wells.