CNIB Library Braille Creative Writing Contest 2012 Winners



Grade 1, 2, 3

1st Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

2nd Prize (tie) – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

2nd Prize (tie) Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

3rd Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

1st Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Poem

Grade 4, 5, 6

1st Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Story

2nd Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Story

3rd Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Story

1st Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Poem

2nd Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Poem

3rd Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Poem

Grade 7, 8, 9

1st Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Story

2nd Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Story

3rd Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Story

1st Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Poem

2nd Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Poem

3rd Prize – Grade 7, 8, 9 Poem

Grade 10, 11, 12

1st Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Story

2nd Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Story

3rd Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Story

1st Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Poem

2nd Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Poem

3rd Prize – Grade 10, 11, 12 Poem


The CNIB Library Braille Creative Writing Contest is an annual competition for primary and secondary students who are blind or partially sighted and live in Canada. Stories and poems may be submitted in uncontracted, partially contracted or fully contracted braille. Cash prizes are awarded in two categories: short story and poetry, and in four grade levels: 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12.

The Judge for the 2012 contest was Young Adult author Faye Harnest.

For children with vision loss, being able to read and write braille is the key to literacy, successful employment, and independence.Financial assistance for the Braille Creative Writing Contest is provided by the Canadian Braille Literacy Foundation.

Learn more about this contest and the importance of braille on our website:

Grade 1, 2, 3

1st Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

The Spider in the Bathroom

By Gabrielle Close

Hi, I am Gabrielle the tarantula spider. I always wanted a fancy home and a fancy car but I was born a spider. I had to look carefully to find a home. I found this fancy restaurant. The restaurant I chose had a golden toilet in the bathroom. It had a fancy set of tables and chairs. In the bathroom there was a miniature waterfall, lavender soap and towels made of silk. The menu is elaborate, it has lobster, fish chowder, Mexican rice, bacon, and velvet cake. I found a really great place to live. I loved all the exquisite things around me. But boy was I lonely. So I tried to make friends. So I spun a web to get right in the face of the person who is using the golden toilet. One day a Queen named Elizabeth came in to use the bathroom. She had a dress with diamonds and a crown with emeralds. I went to say hello and she screamed and ran out of the bathroom. I felt sad and wondered why she didn't want to be my friend. Then later that day an author named Robert Munsch came in to use the golden toilet. I decided to say, "how are you?" He yelled and ran out of the bathroom. I got mad! I didn't know what to do. So I waited for one more person to come in. The next person that came in was a girl named Marcy. She saw me crying. Marcy looked at me and said, would you like to go to a place where nobody is scared of spiders? "Yes please," I said. So Marcy got a container and put me inside. Then she drove me to a spider farm. Then I met the most handsome Mexican blood leg tarantula. We fell in love the second we saw each other. We got married and built a web out of flowers, silk, and leaves. It was the most beautiful spider web in the whole farm. I felt happy and we lived happily ever after.

2nd Prize (tie) – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

The Awesome Flight

By Erick Seed

It had been an ordinary day for me. I had gone to school and come home, as usual. I had eaten dinner, and finished my homework. At bedtime, as usual, I read for a little bit from my book about dragons. Finally, I turned out the light, curled up with a soft green dragon stuffy, and tried to fall asleep. That's when my ordinary day became extraordinary. That's when my toy dragon came to life!!! That dragon was not a toy anymore. He was a real dragon. He had lots of giant teeth, with horrible bad breath, and a huge nose with nostrils so big that you could fit a car in there! After I finished my book, I put it on my bedside table. I touched the dragon, and then magically... I grew 2 wings on my back. The dragon and I flew out of the house. I was so excited that I flew faster. I flew so fast that I could hear humming in the air. Finally, the dragon and I arrived in China. I was so amazed because I found a restaurant!!! Good thing I was hungry! I went into the restaurant. I ordered wonton soup. The dragon had some fried rice. When we were done, we ate fortune cookies. Mine said "You will have good marks at your jobs. Your good marks will be rewarded, because you're a very good boy." The dragon's fortune cookie said, "This will be the best time that you have ever had in your whole life!" We ate our cookies and then flew off again. This time we were traveling 300 miles per hour. That's almost as fast as an airplane! Now we arrived at the Indian Ocean. I was extremely cold! We were there to warm up for a while. I went in to warm up for a while. After a while, I was all warmed up and decided to fly back home. We flew back to China, and then all the way back to Edmonton. Finally, I went back into my house and climbed into bed. My wings shrunk off. Now the dragon turned back into a fuzzy stuffy again. I cuddled with him. I reached back to my bedside table and read my dragon book. After a while, I had bad breath almost as horrible as the dragon's. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then I went to bed and fell asleep. Mom came in and gave me a kiss. Now the moral of this story is, if you have a toy dragon, cuddle it for a while longer.

2nd Prize (tie) Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

The Monarch Adventure

By Ava Ries

Once there was a butterfly egg on some milkweed. It was laid a few days ago by a monarch named Mindy.

Monarchs are black and orange. They are pretty like other butterflies.

Four days after the butterfly egg was laid it was a caterpillar, a newly hatched caterpillar which is called a firstinstar. Mindy named her Melody. She was the color of her mother.

Melody had to crawl around looking for more and more leaves to eat because she was a growing little caterpillar.

After a few weeks, Melody was a cocoon. Ten days later, she was a monarch butterfly not acaterpillar! Twenty minutes later, she could fly. She was so happy.

Then the adventure began—the adventure to Mexico! That'll be a long trip —a long, long trip!

Then, ZOOM! Off flew Melody monarch. But first she said "Bye-bye, Mom."

"Bye, sweety, I'll miss you." said Mindy

On the way, Melody got stuck in a web, a spider web—uh-oh! Melody was trapped in a webby spider's web. But she knew a monarch trick Mindy taught her.She showed the spider her wings. Then, thespider yelled, "Yuck, apoisonous butterfly. I don'twant to get sick." Then, the spiderlet her go.

Next she was almost bird bait!Then Melody outmanoeuvred the bird andsaved her own life!

After a lot more flying Melodycame to a flower to feed on—she lovednectar from flowers it's her favouritefood. When she was done, she flew moreuntil she found a hollow tree.Then, she took a little rest. After anhour, Melody was back flying on herway to Mexico.

Soon Melody reached the GreatLakes which she had to fly all the wayacross!

But first, she had another nectarbreak.

Later, Melody was in aMexican forest. She had reached herdestination. Mexico! She flewto another hollow tree where othermonarchs were waiting for her.

"Welcome to Mexico,Melody!" shouted a little monarch namedMolly. Then the monarchs wentto sleep.

Two months later, thebutterflies woke up.

Then they flew to a milkweed patchwhere the butterflies would lay neweggs.

When the youngest butterfly, Melodylanded on a leaf, her mother flew besideher "Congratulations, Melody." SaidMindy "Thanks Mom!" saidMelody.

Then Melody and the otherbutterflies laid new eggs, and theyall lived happily for the rest of theirlives.

3rd Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Story

The Best Part of Me

By Gabriel Oria

My fingers are so special to me. Myfingers help me read and write thebumpy braille. When I play the pianomy fingers dance across the smooth keys.My fingers help me dribble abasketball 20 times in gym class.When I walk down the hallways atmy school my finger has to be straightand pointy. I like to put my fingerprintson my glasses and the car windows.When I open my bedroom door, myfingers help me turn the small ovalkey. My fingers even push on my

eyes even though they aren't supposedto.

What would I do without my fingers?

1st Prize – Grade 1, 2, 3 Poem


By Margaret Ingleson

I love butterflys.

I can not hurt butterflys.

I can hug my mom I can hug my dad

but I can't hug a butterfly.

I love butterflys.

Grade 4, 5, 6

1st Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Story

Chris Cross

By Makayla Conn

Chris woke up one morning and was surprised to find out that everything was a little blurry.

"It will pass," he said tohimself. Or so he thought.

When Chris came downstairsfor breakfast, he thought hiscornflakes didn't look likecornflakes at all. At school,Chris had a hard time doingthe math problems on the boardbecause everything was soblurry. At lunch when he wentinto the cafeteria he kepttripping over... welleverything. When Chris gothome he decided not to tellanyone about the "blurryincident". It would just pass,right? Well Chris finallygave up and told his teacher.

Mrs. Garwood sent a note hometo his mom saying she neededto take him to the eye doctor!Chris knew telling Mrs.Garwood about the "blurryincident" was a BIG MISTAKE.

Chris decided not to tell hismom about the note but at dinnerhis twin sister Lacey, spilledthe news. She told their parentshow Chris didn't want to tellthem about the note in hisbookbag.

"Chris," said his mom. "Goget that note in your bagplease."

Slowly, Chris got up and gothis bag from his bedroom.

"Hand it to me please," saidMom. Lacey mouthed the words"You're in trouble" with asmirk. Chris stuck his tongueout at her.

"Chris, you have got an eyeappointment to put on thecalendar" said Mom after shehad read the note. Oh brother.

"Now Chris," said Mom asthey were in the car on theway to the eye doctor, "youmust do everything Dr. Irissays."

"Whatever" was the answershe got from the back seatof the car.

When they arrivedat the eye doctor's office,they were greeted by a prettylady with black hair pulledinto a bun.

"You must be Chris," thelady said.

"I'm Beatrice. I work atthe front desk. Dr. Iriswill be with you in a minute,"Beatrice said. "There arecolouring books, picture booksand Lego over there you canuse while you wait."

"Thanks," Chris mumbled.

He didn't feel like colouring,looking at pictures, or evenplaying with Lego, which heusually really liked to do.

But not now, not today. Chriswas too angry to do much ofanything except sit down onthe chair beside his mom andgive himself a little talkinside his head.

"Oh great. Two days ago, myvision was perfect and nowI'm here. This is great,just great."

Dr. Iris was a middle-agedman with brown hair and a bigsmile. He always wore a bluesmock with a smiley face on it.

Chris didn't feel so smileytoday.

"Ahh,Chris!" Dr. Irisexclaimed. "You are my starpatient!"

He led Chris into a smallroom with a big, comfy-lookingchair, a desk with lots oflittle tools and stuff, acomputer and a small TVdevice.

"Since you are a patient youget to sit in that chair," saidDr.Iris motioning to the bigchair, "And we will see whatyou can see on this littledevice." He was pointing to theTV device. Chris slowlygot on to the big chair and satdown. He was still nervousbut at least Dr. Iris wasnice. Yet he still felt alittle uncomfortable in theroom without his mom.

The first thing Dr. Irisdid was look in Chris's eyewith a bright light. Then hemade Chris tell him what wason the TV device. A square,a rooster, a smudgy thing...

After Chris's eye appointmentwith Dr. Iris, he had somenews. Chris was gettingglasses. Not today, nottomorrow, but next week. Chrissobbed all the way home. Thenext day at school Chrisdidn't tell anyone about himgetting glasses because hethought they might make fun ofhim. Chris tried and triedto beg his mom to not getglasses but she refused. Bythe time next week rolledaround Chris had run out ofideas to not get glasses.

"Would you like plastic ormetal?" asked Mrs. Hoff.

She was the person who helpedkids get the rightprescription and chooseglasses.

"Plastic please," said Mom.

Chris wasn't really in themood for picking out glasses.

"There are all differentcolours," said Mrs. Hoff.

"You can choose anything youwant!"

"But I don't want glasses!"Chris whined.

His mothersighed. Then she knelt downto him.

"What colour of glasses wouldyou like Chris?" said his mom,in a tired kind of way.

"Invisible glasses so Idon't have to worry aboutpeople laughing at me!" Chrisalmost shouted.

"There are some cool blueones over here," said Mrs.Hoff. So they ended up getting blue, plastic glasses.

Chris had to wear the newglasses all the way home, untilhe went to bed, and the nextday at school! For the firstweek at school Chris took offhis glasses before he got offthe bus to school. But his momstarted to get suspicious.She had a long talk withChris about why he shouldwear his new glasses and aboutschool. The next day atschool Chris walked intoclass a little more confidentthan the past week. But assoon as he heard some gigglesfrom the kids at his table,his heart fell, and he feltlike taking off his glasses...again!

"Well Chris, we have allbeen so curious." said Mrs.Garwood. "Would you pleasetell everyone your story." Andhe did! He told everyoneabout the "blurry incident",going to the eye doctor's,and of course... his newglasses. Chris thoughteveryone would burst outlaughing, but surprisinglynobody did. Instead, everybodyhelped Chris and didn't laughat him.

Finally, Chris felt goodabout himself for the firsttime in a really long time.

"Your next homework assignmentis to write about a greatAmerican," said Mrs. Garwood.

There were a few groans, butChris didn't care. He sattall in his seat with his headheld high.

At the end of the day, Mrs.Garwood asked to see Chrisafter class. At first Chriswas a little nervous, butwhen he saw the size of thesmile on Mrs. Garwood's facehe let out a little sigh ofrelief. Mrs. Garwood saidthat she was happy aboutChris' confidence, etc., etc., etc. The last thing Mrs.Garwood said to Chris was: "Even thought you have avisual impairment, you stillhave to do your homework!"

2nd Prize – Grade 4, 5, 6 Story

The Puppy Fashion Show

By Macara Slobodian

Once there were two puppies. Their names were Cinnamon and Mia. They had a passion for fashion.

Cinnamon is a chocolate lab who loves the colour pink. Mia is a pomeranian who loves stiletto heels. They live in Manhattan, New York.

They really like to read fashion magazines. They also like to hold mini fashion shows for each other.

One day while Mia and Cinnamon were shopping at their favourite thrift store, Cinnamon spots a sign up sheet for a high-fashion Broadway fashion show. Mia sees it too.

They both want to sign up. They are both very excited. They have never been in a real fashion show before. They both sign up.

"Ho no" said Mia, "We only have a week to get our outfits ready! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Last minute thrift store shopping spree!" said Cinnamon.

"Well, we are right in front of our favourite thrift store." said Mia. "Let's go!"

They walk into the store. They try on various types of dresses, hats, scarves and shoes.

Cinnamon is thrilled to find the most perfect outfit for Mia! it is turquoise blue and silver with a matching handbag.

Mia is also thrilled to find the perfect outfit for Cinnamon. It is pink and black with a matching handbag.

Next they go to their favourite shoe store. They try on many pairs of shoes before they find the right pairs to go with their outfits. Mia falls in love with a silver pair of stilettos. Cinnamon is struck by a pair of black princess flats.

Finally, they go to their favourite jewellery store. Mia finds a gold necklace embedded with blue diamonds, and she also finds a silver pair of hoop earrings. She needs to find one more thing. Then she comes across a glittery blue barrette. Cinnamon finds a sparkly black scarf and then she comes across a stylish pink sparkly hat.

A week later, they show at the fashion show. They see many different dogs in all kinds of outfits.