/ Annual Unit Plan July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 / Unit: / Purchasing
FKCC Mission Statement:Enriched by its unique island location, Florida KeysCommunity College provides student-centered post-secondary degrees, life-long learning opportunities, and workforce development initiatives which enhance the educational, recreational, economic, and cultural environment of the Florida Keys.
Type of Plan: / X / Zero-based
Budget / Self-Funded / Additional Budget Requests for Personnel,
Supplies, Equipment(attach budget request form) / Additional Budget Request for Renovations/ remodeling (attach budget request)
Division: / Administrative / Unit Director: / Hill / Budget Acct No.: / 633010 / Total Amount Requested (Only for Annual Plans requesting new/additional money): / $ n/a
Unit Purpose Statement: / The mission of FKCC Purchasing is to support the purpose and goals of Florida KeysCommunity College by purchasing and providing quality goods and services at competitive prices and providing responsive and responsible service to all College departments.
Unit Goal: / The department achieves its mission by dedication to excellence in customer service, providing avenues of access to businesses, processing orders in a timely manner, streamlining operations, pursuing cost savings, identifying new sources of supply, developing relationships with small, minority, and women-owned vendors, and complying with all statutory requirements of the State of Florida.
Link to College Goal: / 1
Unit Objective/Project Description
(assign priority - #1 = highest) / Link to Plan / Expected Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Educate the college community of the purchasing processes and requirement to improve efficiency / 7 / Conduct employee trainings on purchasing processes:
  • Requisition training
  • Business and purchasing procedures/requirements
Begin to develop an online training tutorial for new hires and also a question and answer page / 1 “Intro to Purchasing” Workshop/semester
Individual trainings with all new hires
Facilitate a workshop or present on Business and Purchasing procedures & requirements in Spring 2010 / Purchasing workshop held on 5/18/09
10 “New Hire” trainings
Business Office and Purchasing Office procedures presentation held on 5/18/10 / On 5/18/09 Purchaser held workshop.
  • Proper purchasing procedures
  • Requisitioning
  • Payment time frame
  • Tips on logging requisitions
  • Travel requisitions
  • Approval process
  • Vendor information
The Purchaser scheduled workshops for the Fall and Spring semesters. Purchaser worked with the business office to link in accounts payable information and business office procedures that directly relate to purchasing. The workshopscommunicate, educate and review the processes and procedures for purchasing and the business office. This enables timely and accurate processing and eases frustrations for new hires.
Every time a new hire starts at FKCC anindividual trainingby the Purchaser is held on purchasing policies and procedures. When multiple hires are on board group training is held. Trainings have reduced missteps in the purchasing process. The focused group sessions held in computer labs allows for individualized training and detailed discussion to ensure accurate dissemination of information.
Streamline and enhance purchasing process / 7 / Investigate Banner modules that offer commodity coding because it will improve tracking and add more detail to purchasing information
Evaluate vendor contracts for renegotiation and potential cost-savings / Update procedures for tracking inventory
Establish one vendor at best price:
Office Supplies
Printing and awards companies
Uniform Companies / Procedure not updated– new system purchased 6/10
Vendor established in progress: / Objective in progress. A new procedure has not been developed for tracking inventory. Purchaser has an inventory software system with scanner to electronically track all inventory. The scanner calculates depreciation of all assets which was originally done manually through the business office. This would reduce time spent on inventory and accurately track college assets.
Objective in progress. Purchaser researched the possibility of establishing one vendor for specific product categories. Purchaser found that vendors can only price on a per item basis and at the time of purchase. With this, Purchasing is identifying trends with different items and the vendor the sells the items and createda database by vendor with item prices to ensure the most cost effective deals for the college. For example, FKCC is underwent Campus beautification. As a result, the Purchaser priced vendors appropriate for the new landscaping and provided the database of contacts to the appropriate office.
Purchaser has begun process by meeting with departments to identify their needs and pair vendors appropriately.