Recall Appointments
SECTION 3 (Single Clinical Audit).
3.1 The topic to be audited including the Aims and Objectives:Topic: RECALL APPOINTMENTS
Aims & Objetcives:
To reduce missed recall appointments and increase quality of care.
3.2 The source material / references will you be using:
3.3 The proposed standard:
90% of patients that have a recall appointment reserved for them, should keep that appointment
3.4 How the activity will be measured and the data analysed: include the data sample size.
Pilot study Sample all recalls booked for one week. To check if methodology and standard appropriate. Findings recorded on data collection sheet, data analysed, standard/criteria to be adjusted as needed.
1st Audit cycle Sample all recalls booked for one month. Patients who miss appointments will be contacted and asked (using a semi-structured interview pro-forma) why they did not attend. Findings recorded on data collection sheet, data analysed. Staff meeting, to discuss action plans. Standard/criteria to be adjusted as needed. Institute changes according to action plans
2nd Audit cycle Sample all recalls booked for one month following institution of changes. Findings recorded on data collection sheet, data analysed. Staff meeting, to discuss results. If standard has been exceeded, consider either –
Re-auditing in a year’s time to ensure that the standard is still being met.
Raising the standard, instituting further changes, and completing a third cycle
3.5 Proposed timetable of activity:
1 Planning
2 Staff meeting to explain project
3 Arrange pro-forma for interviewing patients who do not attend
4 Pilot study
5 1st Audit cycle, analysis, and staff meeting
6 Institute Changes
7 2nd Audit cycle analysis,, and staff meeting
8 Write report
3.8 Total number of hours for the whole project :
15 Hours
Date / Patient ID / Attended Y/N / Appointment booked by patient / Appointment booked by friend/relative / Appointment arranged by practice and sent to patient / Patient type:
Exempt NHS
Not Exempt NHS
Denplan/Cap'n / Reason given for non-attendance