Curriculum Vitae
Name:Mary B. McRae
Business Address:Department of Applied Psychology
New York University
239 Greene St.
New York, NY 10003
Business Telephone:(212) 998-5552
Fax:(212) 995-4358
Academic Degrees
1987Ed.D. Counseling PsychologyTeachers College, Columbia University
1976Guidance and Counseling Brooklyn College, CUNY
1971History and Education City College, CUNY
Post Doctoral Training
The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology, One Year Course in Intensive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program, Completed June 6, 2005.
Academic Appointments:
Director of Doctoral Program in Counseling Psychology (Tenured):Dept of Applied Psychology. New York University, New York, NY 1/2004- 8/2007. Responsible APA accredited doctoral program with approximately 55 students.
Director of Clinical Training, Counselor Education Program: Dept of Applied Psychology. New York University, NY. 9/95-2000. Coordinated clinical training of both masters and doctoral level students in on-site laboratory and off-site practicum and internship experiences.
Associate Professor (Tenured): Dept of Applied Psychology. New York University, New York, NY 9/90 - present. Teach courses in Group Dynamics, Cross-cultural Counseling, Program Development and Evaluation.
Assistant Professor (Tenure track): Dept of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs. Hunter College, CUNY, NY. 9/87-9/90. Taught undergraduate and graduate level students in guidance and counseling and in rehabilitation counseling program.
Researcher/Counselor: Public Education Association and Teachers College, Columbia University. 1/83-6/84. Action oriented research to evaluate and reduce stress in academic settings for adolescents in a public junior high school.
Adjunct Instructor: Cornell University, School of Industrial Relations, Institute for Women and Work, New York, NY. Appointment by semester, 1/81-1/84. Taught course in Interpersonal Behavior and Communication to employees of Chase Bank enrolled in special undergraduate program.
Teacher: Junior High School 35, Brooklyn, NY. 1/71-1/72. Taught African and African American history to 7th and 8th graders.
Clinical Experience:
Psychologist: Part-time private practice, NY. 1992-1996/2000- present. Conduct group and individual sessions of psychotherapy with focus on depression and anxiety disorders.
Staff Psychologist: Harlem Hospital Center, NY. 12/85 - 8/87. Provided psychological assessments and consultations, individual and group psychotherapy with alcoholic and dual diagnosed clients.
Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology: Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bronx, NY. 10/84 - 9/85. Conducted therapy groups and individual psychotherapy with clients who had spinal cord injury, cancer, sexual dysfunction and who were on psychiatric ward (APA approved site).
Staff Psychotherapist: New Hope Guild, Brooklyn, NY. 11/78-6/84. Did individual and group psychotherapy with adults and adolescents.
Vocational Counselor: International Center for the Disabled, 7/77-8/80. Provided vocational and career counseling, individual and group sessions to college graduates with disabilities.
Administrative Experience:
Director of Clinical Training, Counselor Education Program: Dept of Applied Psychology. New York University, NY. 9/95-2001. Coordinate clinical training of both masters and doctoral level students in on-site laboratory and off-site practicum and internship experiences.
Acting Program Director of Counselor Education Program: Dept of Applied Psychology. New York University, NY. Spring semester 1998. Served as director of doctoral program in counseling psychology and masters program in counselor education.
Senior Administrator: Community Alliance for Youth Action, East New York Community Corporation. 1/72-7/77. Developed and implemented youth development programs in education and economic development.
Consultation, Coaching and Training Experience:
Founder and Director of Group Relations Conference Series on Working Across Differences at New York University (1999-present). These are non-residential temporary experiential educational institutions formed to study authority and leadership in group and organizational life with a special focus on the impact of social identity differences.
Consultant,University ESAN, Business School, Peru (August, 2008). Worked as a part of international team of consultants to conduct experiential workshop on leadership and transformation.
Consultant, Grubb Institute, London, (November, 2007). Worked as a part of international team of consultants to conduct experiential workshop on leadership and transformation.
Consultant and Associate Director: Tavistock Clinic, London, UK, 2003-2005. Worked on Group Relations 5 day experiential learning conferences in December of each year for staff and students at the Tavistock Institute and Clinic.
External Consultant: International Institute for Management Development (IMD) 2002-2004, Lausanne, Switzerland. Worked with international team of consultants doing team building, leadership exercises and coaching with managers from international corporations.
Coaching: (2000-2006). Institute for Not-For-Profit Management, Columbia Executive Education, Columbia University Business School. Leadership coaching for not-for-profit managers.
Training and Consultation: Anna Duran and Associates (1992- 1994.) Provided consultation and training on diversity issues and interpersonal communication to Fortune 500 companies.
Training and Consultation: United Way of New York City, Linkages Project. 11/92-
6/96. Conducted training workshops on building competent multicultural boards for
young professionals from targeted ethnic groups who were seldom represented on social
service boards. Consulted with director on program assessment, marketing, etc.
Training Specialist/Consultant: International Center for the Disabled, 8/80-9/81. Provided training and consultation on attitude clarification, hiring, and supervising people with disabilities to Fortune 500 managers.
Professional License:
New York State Licensed Psychologist #010051.
Guidance Counselor, New York City Board of Education #43771, 1983.
Teacher of Social Studies, New York City Board of Education #43771, 1971.
Fellowships & Visiting Professorships:
King-Chavez-Parks (KCP) Visiting Professor for Graduate Minority Programs: Michigan State University, April 26-28, 1999.
Fellowship: Institute of Social Research, Program for Research on Black Americans, University of Michigan, 1996-1997. Worked with researchers on the Black religious experience; qualitative research; grant writing.
Project Minority Women FORWARD Fellowship, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1986-1987.
Grants and Awards:
Working with Differences , New York University Curriculum Challenge Award, 2009-2010. Development of Educational Video.
Racial and Cultural Group Composition and Comfort in Group and Organizational Life. Steinhardt School of Education Challenge Fund. New York University, 2001-2002.
Transforming School Counseling, DeWitt-Wallace, Readers Digest Foundation. 1/98-6/98. Partnership grant with six schools in District #1. It is part of a national initiative to include school counselors in school reform.
Fieldwork in Counselor Training, LINKS Grant, Service and Learning Course Development Grant, New York University, Fall 1997.
The Present Day Relevancy of The Black Church, School of Education, New York University, Challenge Award, 1993-1994
The Goddard Award for Junior Faculty, New York University, 1993-1994.
Sex Bias within Black Populations: Impact on Managerial Decision-Making. PSC-CUNY Research Award, 1989-1990.
McRae, M. B.& Short, E. L. (2010). Racial Cultural Dynamics in Group and
Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries. Los Angeles, CA: Sage
McRae, M. B. & Green, Z. (2009).A World of Difference:Lessons and Innovations on the
Study of Race, Authority, and Identity. In E.Aram, R.Baxter & A. Nutkevitch,
Adaptation and Innovation: Theory, Design and RoleTaking inGroup Relations
Conferences and their Applications, London, Great Britain: Karnac.
McRae, M. B., Green, Z., & Irvine, B. (2009) The WorldEvent: A New Design for Study
of Intergroup Behavior in Group Relations Conferences.Organisational and Social Dynamics, 9, (1), 43-65.
McRae, M. B., Kwong Arora, A. & Short, E. L. (2007). Racial Dialogue among Women:
A Group Relations Theory Analysis. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 7 (2), 211-233.
McRae, M. B. & Short, E. L. (2005) Racial-Cultural Training for Group Counseling
and Psychotherapy. In R. T. Carter (Ed.) Handbook on Racial-Cultural Psychology, (pp.135-147), John Wiley & Sons.
McRae, M. B. (2004). How do I Talk to You, My White Sister? Center for Gender in
Organizations Commentaries, No. 2. Simmons School of Management.
McRae, M. B. (2004). Class, Race and Gender Issues in Taking up the Role of
Director: Training Implications. In S. Cytrynbaum & D. Noumair (Eds.) Group Relations Reader III, (pp.225-237). A. K. Rice Institute.
Thompson, D. & McRae,M. B. (2001).The Need to Belong: A Theory of the therapeutic
Function of the Black Church Tradition. Counseling and Values, 46, 40-53.
Suzuki, L. A., McRae, M. B. Short, E. L. (2001). The facets of cultural competence:
Searching outside the box. The Counseling Psychologist, 29, (6), 842-849.
Bowman, S.,Rasheed, S.,Ferris, J., Thompson, D., McRae, M., & Weitzman, L. ( 2001).
Interface of Feminism and Multiculturalism: Where are the Women of Color? In J. Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L. A. Suzuki, C. M. Alexander (Eds.) Handbook of Multicultural Counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (pp.779-799).
McRae,M. B. (2000). Black churches as organized healing systems. In Carnes, T., &
New York Glory: Religions in the City. NY: New York University Press.
McRae,M. B., Thompson, D., Cooper, S. (1999). Black Churches as Therapeutic
Groups. Journal of Multicultural Counseling, (27), 207-220.
McRae, M. B., Carey, P. M. & Anderson-Scott, Roxanna, (1998). Black churches as
therapeutic systems: A group process perspective. Journal of Health and
Education. 25 (6), 778-789.
McRae, M. B. & Noumair, D. (Spring, 1997). Race and gender in group research.
African American Research Perspectives. Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan.
McRae, M. B. (1995). Sex bas in hiring decisions of African American managers. In J.
McAdoo, (Ed.) Monograph of the Thirteenth Conference on Empirical Research in Black Psychology. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
McRae, M. B. (1994). Interracial group dynamics: A new perspective. Journal of
Specialists in Groups. (19), 168-174.
McRae, M. B. (1994). The influence of sex role stereotypes on personnel decisions of
Black managers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 306-309.
McRae, M. B. & Carter, R. T. (1992). Occupational profiles of Blacks in management:
Implications for career counseling. Journal of Employment Counseling, 29, 1-4.
McRae, M. B. & Johnson, S. D. (1991). Toward training for competence in multicultural
counselor education. Journal of Counseling and Development, 70, 131-135.
McRae, M. B. (1991). Sex and race bias in employment decisions: Black women
considered. Journal of Employment Counseling, 28, 91-98.
McRae, M. B. (1990). Sex role socialization and perception of opportunity structure:
Impact on educational and occupational decisions of black females. Educational Considerations, 18, 16-18.
McRae, M. B. (1990). Stigma and discrimination for those who are tested HIV positive.
In M. Tallmer, C. S. Clason, R. S. Lampke, A.H. Kutscher, E. Braun, & F. E. Selder (Eds.), Testing Positive for AIDS: Personal, Professional and Societal Responses. Philadelphia: Charles Press.
Invited Presentations:
McRae, M. B. (October 8, 2010). Panelist for symposium, AKRI/Academy Boundary: Past, Present, and Future. AKRI Symposium, Chicago, ILL.
McRae, M. (May 19, 2010). Facilitating Difficult Dialogue in the Classroom. Workshop for faculty at Vassar College.
McRae, M. B., Hershman, K., & Knight, A. (March 12, 2010). Leadership in Racially and Culturally Mixed Groups, Westchester Group Psychotherapy Society.
McRae, M. B. (March 7, 2010). Working with Differences. Symposium, Families, Groups, & Organizations: Group Relations Perspectives. The New York Center for the Study of Groups, Organizations, and Social Systems, New York, NY.
McRae, M. (Moderator), Mattis, J., Carothers, S. Williams, S., (Feb. 2009). The Color Purple: What does the story tell us about the lives of African Americans? African American Experience Forum, Convent Avenue Baptist Church, Harlem, NY.
McRae, M. & Green, Z., (November 4, 2006). A World of Difference: Lessons and Innovations on the Study of Race, Authority and Identity. Invited presentation, Adaptation and Innovation: Theory, Design and Role-Taking in Group Relations Conferences and their Applications, An International Conference, Belgirate, Italy.
Green, Z., McRae, M. B., van Reekum, G. (April 8, 2006). The World of Work: International Perspectives on Advances in Group Work. Invited presentation, The Forum of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, Chicago, IL.
McRae, M. B. (May, 2000). Group Life in Living Color: Role & Task, Authority & Authorization. Invited presentation, SAMI, Teachers College, Columbia University.
McRae, M. B. (August , 1999). Refueling the Soul: Black Women in Black
Churches. Invited presentation, Dept of Applied Psychology Colloquium, NYU. New York.
McRae, M. B. & Goldberg, D. (Workshop, June 3 & 4, 1999). Race and Class in Group and Organizational Life. National Multi-Cultural Institute, Washington DC.
McRae, M. B. Diversity in Groups. (Workshop, February 19,1998). EQUAL Commission, NYU.
McRae, M. B. (March 21, 1996). Racial Identity Attitudes in Groups and in the Classroom. Paper presented at the Multicultural Initiative Symposium, New York University.
McRae, M. B. (October 8, 1995). The Influence of the Black Church in the Community, Laity Day Speaker at Friendship Baptist Church, Harlem, NY.
McRae, M. B. (November 1, 1992). Sex Bias in Hiring Decisions of African American Managers. The Thirteenth Conference on Empirical Research in Black Psychology. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
McRae, M. B. & O'Connor, M (March 30, 1992). Racism: Self and others. Westtown School, Westtown, PA.
McRae, M. B., Whitten, L., White, J., Bosch, I., & Mottl, K. (November 23,
1991). Experiences of African American Clinicians: Implications for
Psychotherapy Practice. Roundtable discussion presented at conference given
by New York Coalition for Women's Mental Health and Hunter College, School
of Social Work titled "Race, Ethnicity and Sexual Preference: Sameness and
Difference in Clinical Practice with African American Women".
McRae, M. B. (September 20, 1991) Women Helping Women. Panelist at the
Thirteenth Annual National Conference of Black MBA's.
McRae, M. B. (April 22, 1991). The Counseling Process: Multicultural Considerations. North Eastern Counselors of the Deaf Spring Conference, NY.
Papers and Presentations:
McRae, M. B., Dias, S., Onoue, A., & Taylor, A. Racial and Cultural Differences: an Educational Video. AKRI Symposium, Chicago, ILL. October 8, 2010.
McRae, M. B, Knight, A. & Hershman, K. Working with Differences in Groups. AKRI Symposium, Chicago, ILL. October 9, 2010.
McRae, M. B., Reichman, A., Horner, C. Lee, K. (2008). Authority, Competition and Difference: Narratives from Member Experiences Leadership Across the Globe: Transforming Organizations and Relationships. The Forum of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, Chicago, IL.
Pruitt, L. P., Connolly, M. Miller, R., Short, E., Taylor, F., White, K. P. (2008). Torches, Quilts, and Songs My Mother Sang: Meaning and Metaphor in the Legacy of Rhetaugh Dumas, PhD, Mary McRae (Moderator). The Forum of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, Chicago, IL.
McRae, M. B., Kwong Arora, A. & Short, E. (April 7, 2006). How do I talk to you? Racial Dialogue Among Women in Group Relations Conferences.The Forum of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, Chicago, IL.
McRae, M. B., Patel, S. & Hsu, D. (February 21, 2004). There is Power I Numbers: Authority & Leadership in Group and Organizational Life. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Teachers College Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education.
McRae, M. B., Aora, A. K., Constantine, K., Petal, S., Short, E., Washburn, M., Zamen, N. (February 21, 2004). Racism Lives and Breeds in the Unconscious. Workshop presented at the 21st Annual Teachers College Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education.
McRae, M. B. (August, 2001). The Privilege of Tears: Addressing Barriers to Coalition, Becoming Allies. Discussant at Roundtable. American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.
McRae, M. B. (August, 1999). How do I Talk to You My White Sister? Paper presented at Symposium: The Interface of Feminism & Multiculturalism: Women of Color. American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.
McRae, M. B. (August, 1999). Refueling the Soul: Black Women in the Black Church. Paper presented at Symposium: Pieces of the Quilt: Black Women in the Millenium. American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA.
Larson, L., Suzuki, L., McRae, M., Sodowsky, G. Alexander, C. & Bowman, S. (August 1998). Thriving in Colleges of Education: Counseling Psychology Moving into Schools. Symposium conducted at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
McRae, M. B. & Noumair, D. (February 18, 1995). Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Groups. Workshop conducted at the Annual Teachers College Winter Roundtable on Cross-Cultural Counseling.
McRae, M. B. & Noumair, D. (August 1994). When Gender Isn't the Only Issue: Diversity in Groups. Workshop conducted at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
McRae, M. B., Whitten, L., & Azaunce, M. (August 1994). Mental Health Treatment: Issues Concerning Women of African Descent. Symposium conducted at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles.
Johnson, S. D., McRae, M. B. & Carter, R. T. (October 26, 1991). Symposium
on Philosophy of Race Relations, Self Development and Social Dynamics presented at the Tenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science and the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy titled "Nature, Mind and Community in Antiquity and in Greek, Jewish, Christian, Islamic and African Philosophy", Baruch College, NY.
McRae, M. B. (August 15, 1991). The Influence of Sex Role Stereotypes on Personnel Decisions of Black Managers. Paper presented at the Twenty-third Annual Convention of the Association of Black Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
McRae, M. B. & White, J. (February, 1991). Race and Ethnicity in Training and Psychotherapy. Workshop conducted at the Annual Teachers College Winter Roundtable in Cross-cultural Counseling.
McRae, M. B. (August, 1990), (Chair). The Lives of Black Women: Present and Future. Symposium conducted at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
McRae, M. B. (February, 1990). Race and sex discrimination: The Black woman
considered. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Teachers College Winter Roundtable in Cross-cultural Counseling.
McRae, M. B. (February, 1989). The influence of perception of job fit on sex and race bias in employment decisions. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Teachers College Winter Roundtable in Cross-cultural Counseling.
Group Relations Workshops and Consultation:
2006Consultant to Small Study Group, Leadership and Transformation. Sponsored by Washington-Baltimore Center for the Study of Group Relations & Project Leadership, a Nursing Organization.
2006Head of Small Study Group Team, The Challenge of Otherness”. Sponsored by Washington-Baltimore Center for the Study of Group Relations, Towson University of Maryland. Towson, MD.
2006Founding & Associate Director, “Embracing a World of Difference: A Working Group Relations Conferenceon Exploring and Transforming Authority Relations” Sponsored by New York University and the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, New York University, NY.
2005Associate Director, “Authority, Risk, and Creativity”. Conference sponsored by the Tavistock & Portman Trust, London, UK.
2005Founding Director, “Embracing a World of Difference: A Working Group Relations Conferenceon Exploring and Transforming Authority Relations” Sponsored by New York University (NYU) and the New York Center for the Study of Social Systems, NYU, NY.
2005Consultant, “The Culture of Fear”. Conference sponsored by the Washington-Baltimore Center for the Study of Group Relations, Baltimore, MD.
2004Director, “When There is a Foreigner in Our Midst”,Conference sponsored by New York University (NYU) and the New York Center for the Study of Social Systems, NYU, NY.
2004Consultant, “Leadership for Change”. Conference sponsored by University of San Diego, San Diego, CA.