Minutes of the Meeting held at the Kingswood Community Centre, Westbrook, on
Wednesday, 15 April 2015 at 7.30 pm
Present Chairman Ward
* K Burgess (L) Burtonwood West
Vice Chairman
A McCausland M.B.E. (IND) Westbrook (Co-opted 16/05/12)
Council Members
A Abbey (L) Burtonwood East
* J Davidson (L) Burtonwood East
J Joyce (L) Burtonwood East
* J Higham (L) Burtonwood West
T O’Neill (L) Burtonwood West
B Long (LD) Callands
(Elected 11/09/14)
* R Harrison M.B.E. (L) Callands
* M Harrison (IND) Callands
* S Krizanac (LD) Callands
* Bob MacLaren (IND) Callands
M Smith (LD) Old Hall
(Co-opted 16/10/12)
* A Guthrie (L) Westbrook
* J Guthrie (L) Westbrook
M Thorpe (IND) Westbrook
(Co-opted 16/05/12)
* Denotes Councillor present at Council
Also present PCSO Neil Samuels
J Pickles – Clerk
C91 Apologies
Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor A Abbey, J Joyce, T O’Neill, M Smith, M Thorpe, B Long, and A McCausland.
C92 Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest
It was noted that no declarations of interest were received.
C93 Community / Policing Issues
It was noted that PCSO C Blanchard had sent his monthly email report to the Clerk and that this had been forwarded to the Members. Additionally PCSO Neil Samuels attended the meeting to give his report for the Westbrook Ward, it contained details in relation to;-
· Anti-social Behaviour
· Speeding Issues
· Mobile speed unit placed on Westbrook Crescent average speed 31mph top speed recorded 54mph
· Local litter pick
· Attended coffee morning at Your Housing Group Offices
· Local nursery group visit
C94 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (18 March 2015)
It was resolved by the Council that the minutes from the meeting held on 18 March 2015 were read and approved as a correct and true record
C95 Matters Arising
C96 Report of the Finance Sub-Committee (15 April 2015)
The Chairman reported verbally on the Finance Sub-Committee meeting attended by himself, Councillor A Guthrie and B MacLaren.
Resolved that the following recommendations of the Finance Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council.
C96.1 Apologies
It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Councillor J Joyce, A McCausland and A Abbey.
C96.2 Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest
It was noted that no declarations of interest were received.
C96.3 Applications for Grant
A Grant request had been received from the Burtonwood Over 50’s Club in relation to their annual outing to Southport due to their centre bring used as a polling station on 7 March 2015and it was
Recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee that the Club be awarded a grant to the value of £250.00
C96.4 Accounts Approved for Payment (Chairman using delegated powers between meetings (March / April 2015)
C96.5 Accounts Requiring Payment (April 2015)
United Utilities Water Kingswood £1544.75
WBC Trade Waste Kingswood £1325.60
British Gas Contract Pavilion £ 471.88
Relief Caretaker Kingswood £ 40.00
Clerks Expenses March / April 2015 £ 117.80
Recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee that all payments be made
C96.6 Monthly Accounts & Bank Reconciliation (March 2015)
The Clerk had produced a report detailing the payments and receipts account for the month of March 2015 and it was
Recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee that the report be accepted
C96.7 Kingswood Community Centre
The Clerk reported that the building would be used as a local polling station on 7 May 2015.
C96.8 Pavillion Centre
The Clerk reported that the building would be used as a local polling station on 7 May 2015.
C96.9 Play Area Pavilion
The Clerk reported that the work to the play area site (repairs/renewals) would commence on Monday 27 May.
C96.10Play Area – Collins Green
The Clerk reported that the work to the play area site (repairs/renewals) would commence on Monday 20 May.
C96.11Play Area Inspections
The Clerk reported that an inspection report had been received but it contained the same information the repair scheme taking place over the next couple of weeks had been based on.
C96.12Fir Tree Lane – Community Ground
It was noted that the Clerk had placed an order to have the pitches marked out.
C96.14Quotations Received
The Chairman had gained quotes for a number of large free standing flower troughs and it was
Recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee that the Clerk seek a variety of quotations
C97 Report of the Planning Sub Committee 15 April 2015
Councillor A Guthrie reported verbally on the Planning Sub-Committee meeting attended by herself and Councillor J Higham.
Resolved that the following recommendations of the Finance Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council.
C97.1 Apologies
Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor B Long and T O’Neill.
C97.2 Declarations of Interest
It was noted that no declarations of interest had been received.
C97.3 Documents Received
0 General Item of Correspondence
2 Domestic Planning Applications
4 Non Domestic Planning Applications
0 Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning – (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (1)
0 Notice of Withdrawal of Planning Application
0 Notice of Decision – Permission Granted
0 Notice of Decision – Permission Refused
0 Notice of Certificate of Lawful Use
0 Notice of Permitted Development
0 Notice of Decision – Approved
0 The Planning Inspectorate
0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Informal Hearing
0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Written Representation
0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Public Inquiry
4 Enforcement Notices Closed
3 Enforcement Noticed Opened
2 WBC Development Control Agenda
2 WBC Cat D Listing
0 Ward List
Recommended by the Planning Sub-Committee that the documents received be noted
C98 Correspondence
1. WBC – Polling Station Info – Kingswood
2. WBC – Polling Station Info – Pavilion
3. Notes of Westbrook Community Meeting 23/02/15
4. Chair – WBC Anzac Day
5. Cheshire Constabulary March 2015
6. The Countryside Voice
7. Cheshire Constabulary – Change of Bank Details
8. CPRE Spring Church Walk
9. Dog Fouling - Were watching you
10. Aprils Neighbourhood Bulletin
11. Westbrook Community Meeting - 23/02/15
12. PCSO C Blanchard – Report for Burtonwood
Resolved by the Council that the above documents received be noted
C99 Burtonwood Reports / Updates
Councillor J Higham reported on speeding vehicles on Chapel Lane.
Councillor J Davidson reported on the uneven pathway on Perrins Road Park and fly tipping to the rear of Winwick Hospital.
Councillor K Burgess reported that he was to organise another litter pick within the village to include the local school children. Councillor Burgess also reported on speeding vehicles on Fir Tree Lane, in addition he also reported on the Mobile Skate Park event that he had organised, the event was due to take place on 16 May on the Pavilion Park site, it was noted that the police, fire and ambulance services was to be there, representatives of the Borough Council had also been invited.
C100 Callands / Westbrook Updates
Councillor S Krizanac reported on a local tree problem, residents had pruned some of the wooded area in the vicinity of Callands Road and Cromwell Avenue, following this they had been accused of vandalising the trees and bushes by the Borough Council, it was noted that the matter had now been resolved.
Councillor A Guthrie reported on the Great Sankey Hub proposal, it was noted that there was a consultation meeting on Saturday 18 April that he would be attending. Councillor Guthrie also reported that at the last Tier 1 meeting it was agreed to have a local community fair at the library, local groups, church groups and the U3A were to be invited. Councillor Guthrie had met with one of the Live Wire managers and had impressed upon him the many advantages of the local library in the Westbrook Centre.
The Members discussed the Great Sankey Hub proposal at some length and what it would mean to the local community if the Westbrook District Centre was to lose its local library and GP services.
Councillor R Harrison reported that the matter was to be discussed at the next community meeting, it was noted that after the last community meeting Ruth Whitworth was tasked with writing a strategy and a local vision plan for the centre.
Councillor J Guthrie reported on a very productive and positive meeting that she had attended with Julie Dalton of Gulliver’s World. At this meeting Julie stated that there was a need for the business to evolve and the need to invest in the local community.
Councillor R Harrison additionally reported on the backlog of traffic surrounding Gulliver’s World at opening and closing times.
C101 Old Hall
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.
Signed as a true record……..…………….
Cllr K Burgess
20 May 2015