Community Engagement Committee

Draft Minutes of Meeting held at the Parish Office, Library Building,

Meadow Lane, Burton Joyce

On Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs Cluff, Fife, Hazard & Johnson (Chair)

In Attendance: Parish Clerk

1.  Apologies: Cllr Greenfield

2.  Declaration of Interests: None received

3.  Minutes of meeting held on 10th November 2015:

The minutes of the meeting held on the 10th November 2015 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chair.

4.  Mineral Extraction - Shelford

Cllr Fife provided a verbal update following on from the meeting of Notts County Council held on the 14th January 2016. It was noted that the draft Local Minerals Plan had been approved and would be subject to a 6 week period of consultation which would commence in February. It was understood that County Councillor officers had been asked to review the legitimacy of some of the figures published in the Plan. It was agreed that Cllr Cluff would write to the Shelford and Gunthorpe groups to invite them to attend a meeting at the Poplars.

5. Old School Building

It was noted that there had been no further progress with the Old School Building due to the Trustee situation not having yet been resolved. The Parish Clerk confirmed that she had written to the agent to instigate a meeting with the Trustees. It was reported that there had been some interest from village organisations for short-term lets. The requirement to make provision for the Old School Building in the 2016/17 budget was acknowledged.

6. First Responders

Cllr Johnson appraised the current situation with regard to the First Responders scheme. It was noted that the Village Plan Committee had made provision for a fixed defibrillator in the village centre. Following a discussion it was agreed that the Village Society would act as the main point of contact to establish a First Responder service in Burton Joyce. It was recommended that the Parish Council approve a donation of £500 towards the First Responder set-up costs from the 2016/17 budget.

7. Emergency Plan

Members discussed the requirement to produce an updated emergency plan. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would bring a draft emergency plan to the next meeting of the Communities Committee.

8. Village Litter Pick

Members discussed a request from a resident to extend the list of volunteers who routinely litter pick a designated area within the village. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk and Cllr Johnson would invite the interested residents to a meeting to discuss the extension of the scheme.

9. HM Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons

This item was briefly discussed and it was recommended that the concept of the 90th Birthday Beacons would be referred to the February meeting of the Parish Council for decision.

10. Highways & Transport Issues

The Parish Clerk confirmed that Notts Highways Department had arranged to install new bollards and re-seed the grassed verges on Church Road directly opposite the shops. Cllr Cluff agreed to contact the café owner to discuss her proposal to sponsor planters in that area. It was noted that work to clear the village gulleys was scheduled to take place before the end of January. The Parish Clerk advised that a number of issues with blocked gulleys had been reported to the Highways Department for remedial action. Cllr Cluff raised an issue with regard to the abuse of grass verges at a number of locations in the village. Following a lengthy discussion which centred on inconsiderate and damaging parking at a number of sites, it was agreed that an article would be placed in the Parish magazine advising people not to park cars on the grass verges. It was further agreed that the impending parking survey would look to investigate the issue in greater detail and report would be submitted to the next meeting of the Communities Committee.

11. Parking Survey

It was agreed that the Parish Clerk and Cllr Johnson would arrange a meeting date in respect of the propose Parking Survey and circulate details to interested parties.

12. Christmas Fair

Cllr Johnson gave a verbal overview of the Christmas Fair 2015 and it was noted that the event had been very successful and well-received and had financially broken even. Following a discussion it was agreed that the event would be held again in 2016 on a date to be determined and a working group review would be undertaken as to how the event could be staged differently next time.

13. Burton Joyce Primary School

Cllr Hazard advised that he had attended the last meeting of the School Council and that the design of the new school badge had now been finalised. It was noted that changes to the uniform were being phased in. The concept of a ‘buddy bench’ was being considered and costed. The Grove had been closed to the School for a short period to accommodate urgent tree works. Works to the classroom for the first year children had now been completed.

14. Village Society Update

Cllr Fife reported that current issues being considered were the proposals re the Shelford mineral extraction and the incongruity of train fares to/from Burton Joyce.

15. Community Theatre

Cllr Johnson confirmed that the event to be held on the 12th February had proved to be very successful and was already sold out. Notts County Council’s involvement in underwriting the Village Venture events was described and noted. It was agreed that the issue of any profits and where profits should be distributed would be referred back to the full Council.

16. Village Clock

It was noted that work to repair the village clock was imminent.

17. Information Update

Cllr Cluff agreed to contact Gedling Borough Council’s Lighting Department to discuss the provision of street lighting provision between the level crossing and the Poplars Sports Ground.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 8th March 2016.