Appendix U

Reporting Examples

  1. Reporting Package:

The Offeror shall provide the commonwealth with full reporting packages as referenced, but not limited to, those described.


Agent Reports

Agent Unavailable Time / Total time an agent was unavailable for specific time interval (s).
Agent Answered / Total calls an agent answered for specific time interval(s).
Agent Talk Time / Total time an agent was on an interaction for a specific time interval(s).
Agent Log In Time / Time agent logged in.
Agent Log Out / Time agent logged out.
Agent Refused / Total number of refused calls an agent had for specific time interval(s).
Agent Answer Time / Total time it took for an agent to answer an offered interaction for a specific time interval.
Agent Wrap Up Time / Total time an agent was in a wrap up state for a specific time interval(s).
Agent Hold Time / Total time an agent had an interaction on hold for a specific time interval(s).

Interaction Reports

Abandon / Total number of abandon interactions for a specific time interval(s).
Answered / Total number of interactions that were answered by an agent for a specific time interval(s).
Transferred / Total number of interactions that were transferred to another agent, tenant, skill, or outside number by an agent or the platform for specific time interval(s).
Inbound / Total number of inbound interactions for specific time interval(s).
Outbound / Total number of outbound interactions for specific time interval(s).
Queued / Total number of interactions that were in a queue for specific time interval(s).
Refusals / Total number of interactions that were refused after being offered to an agent for specific time interval(s).
PreQueue Abandon / Total number of interactions that were abandon by the initiator before the interaction made it to a queue.
Abandon Time / Time for an individual interaction to abandon and average time to abandon across business area for specific time interval(s).
In Queue Time / Time an individual interaction spent in queue and average time that all interactions spent in queue for specific time interval(s).
Routing Time / Time an between an interaction being presented to an agent and the agent answering and the average time of all interactions spent routing for a specific time interval.

B. Reporting Dictionary:

The Offeror shall provide a dictionary of reporting terms that clearly defines metrics each report is displaying.


These are examples of definitions that are required. This is not a complete list of what is required. The Offeror shall provide such definitions for any and all reporting terms and metrics.

Abandon / Any call that has been disconnected by the caller while in queue, but before being presented to an agent.
Routing Time / Total time in HH:MM:SS between a call being presented to an agent and the agent answering the call.
Pre Queue Abandon / Any call that has been disconnected by the caller before entering the queue.
Handled Time / Total time a contact has been handled by an agent.
Refused / Any call that was presented to an agent, but was not answered by the agent.

C. Reporting Metrics:

The Offeror shall provide a comprehensive explanation as to how metrics are derived.


These are examples of how metrics are derived. This is not a complete list of what is required. The Offeror shall provide such explanations for any and all reports.

Average Handled Time / (Handled Time)/ (Total Handled)
Average Abandon Time / (Abandon Time)/ (Total Abandon)
% in SLA / (IN SLA)/ (Total Queued)

E. Interfaces

The Offeror shall provide integration with existing agency interfaces as described.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The commonwealth currently has one CRM vendor that integrates directly with the OA HRSC contact center that provides caller (employee) information automatically to the agent that handles their call. The current vendor is listed in the table below.

Agency/ Call Center / CRM 3rd Party Vendor
OA HRSC / Infor/ Enwisen

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

The Department of Health will have, at the time of this contract award, an IVR that connects directly with a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 database. This IVR system handles approximately 200 calls a day, 15 simultaneous calls at a time that last an estimated 10 minutes per call. This system allows callers to enter check information directly into Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) database to process WIC checks. This is a 24/7/365 system.

Recording Servers

As demonstrated in Appendix K, ECCS Recording Information by Call Center, some contact centers use an on premise recording server with a vendor provided user interface that allows users to search for recordings. The contact center automatically downloads all inbound and outbound recordings to these servers for retention and later use.