BurnsideHigh School

Guidelines for Overseas School Trips

1.The Board of Trustees recognises that:

i)overseas trips can provide excellent educational opportunities;

ii)teachers may wish to organise and supervise overseas school trips;

iii)some parents/caregivers are willing and able to send their son/daughter on overseas trips, but there should not be "peer pressure" on students who may not go for financial reasons.

iv)overseas trips, which are linked to curriculum areas, do not form part of any course requirement.

2.The Board does not accept liability for overseas school trips beyond accepting responsibility to ensure that they are properly organised and supervised.

Before giving its approval, the Board will take the following steps:

i)inspect a full itinerary and budget;

ii)ensure that each parent/caregiver gives written approval for their son/daughter joining the trip subject to the conditions of this statement and further requirements laid down by the school;

iii)ensure that adequate travel and health insurance is included in the budget;

iv)ensure that proper gender-specific supervision by teachers and responsible adults, where necessary, is provided. For groups which include girls there must be an adult female supervisor.

v)the Board will seek evidence of risk management procedures.

3.The Board will not normally provide financial assistance for overseas school trips.

4.Approval will not normally be given for overseas school trips that extend significantly beyond the school vacations.

5.In order that fundraising activities do not conflict with the total school programme, prior approval for these must be obtained from the Principal.

6.The Board will require a written report from the teacher in charge on the return of the party.

7.In the event of a trip cancellation, the Board will ensure that parents’/caregivers’ personal contributions are refunded. (Funds accumulated for a specific trip through school-based fundraising will be held by the school to off-set the costs of a future trip).

8.Students who cancel their trip arrangements may be subject to an administrative fee.

9.Travel costs for teachers, but not for accompanying adults, will be met from the trip


Burnside High School

Statement of Rules Governing Student Behaviour

(To be Viewed and Agreed to by Parents/Caregivers and Students)

Essential expectations - which can be extended for special needs of a given trip

The following statement is to be considered by students and parents/caregivers.

It is the basis of behaviour whilst on the trip.

1.The Board does not accept liability for overseas school trips beyond accepting responsibility to ensure that they properly organised and supervised.

2.Normal school rules (as encoded in the Bylaw) apply in respect of smoking, alcohol use, and the use of drugs, and other relevant clauses.

3.Students are not to drive cars or ride motorcycles.

4.Behaviour is expected to be appropriate at all times. There may be close neighbours and students must be accountable for their conduct at all times.

Inappropriate behaviour will be handled by the staff members in charge.

Such inappropriate behaviour includes:

Loud, rough, discourteous behaviour.

Accidental damage to property (students are likely to be liable for any damage or repair).

Lateness for commitments.

Untidy appearance.

Unacceptable behaviour will result in parents/caregivers being informed and other appropriate action being taken by the staff in charge, or the Principal, on return to school. In the case of a serious breach of behaviour requirements, parents/caregivers will be contacted and the student sent home on the first available flight at the parents’/caregivers’ expense.

Such unacceptable behaviour may include:

Any behaviour which makes it difficult for others to enjoy or benefit from the trip.

Gross misconduct which is harmful or a dangerous example to the student or to other students.

5.Students should care for each other, and follow the procedure of keeping to groups of at least four people when not supervised by staff and away from the accommodation.

6.Punctuality, following instructions, and keeping to agreed rendezvous times and places is expected.


It is the responsibility of the parents/caregivers to inform the school of any health problems likely to affect a student during the trip.

Students taking prescribed medicines should be responsible for their own medication, and ensure sufficient supply for the duration of the trip (medication/pills may need to be declared at customs if travelling overseas).

By signing the slip below, parents are giving permission for an emergency operation if, after considerable effort, the parents/caregivers cannot be contacted. Failure to provide this authorisation will mean that the student cannot go abroad on the trip


It is the students’ personal responsibility to take all reasonable care to safeguard all money and personal possessions. Money and passports should not be left in insecure places.


Essential transport will be arranged by staff. Public transport will be used where possible. Hitchhiking is forbidden.

10.Swimming is only permitted when staff are present.

11.Curfews and "lights out" to be at the discretion of staff and linked to circumstances at the time. Times set by staff must be adhered to.

The underlying principles governing behaviour should be self-control, responsibility, co-operation and courtesy to one another.


W Maguire



We accept the above statement on rules and procedures governing student behaviour on overseas trips

and agree to abide by them.


