Burlington Amateur Hockey Association

The BAHA executive board of directors held a meeting on Saturday, October 14th, 2017 at the BPD Community Room at 7:30 am.

Those in attendance:

Conrad “Bubba” Ritchie – President

Brendan Fisher – Vice President - Travel

Danielle Bean – Vice President -House

Megan Rubman – Secretary

Lisa Matanle – Treasurer

Call to Order – Bubba called the meeting to order at 7:35 am.


-Following the tryouts of the previous 4 days, the rosters of the 10U T3, 10U T4, 12U T2, 12U T4, 14U T2, and 14U T4 teams were reviewed. These rosters were approved unanimously by the executive board.

Potential coaches were discussed.

The full board then held its meeting at 8:00 am.

The executive board was joined by:

Kelley Chagnon – Ice Scheduler, Co-Director of Tournaments

Alec Smail – Director of Coaching - Travel

Paul Lekstutis – Director - Girls’ Programs

Marc Daignault – State Representative

Ilka Pritchard –Director of Operations

Karen Poulin – Registrar

Leigh Fisher – Equipment Director

Call to Order – Bubba called the meeting to order at 8:09 am.

Minutes from previous meeting – Brendan made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. Paul seconded the motion. All in favor; minutes approved.


-Bubba discussed the tryout process, noting that 3tryout days for each team is necessary to get the full picture of each player’s performance, as the players move around in the standing throughout the process.

-The final rosters for the travel teams were reviewed.

-Paul made a motion to approve the 10U rosters. Alec seconded the motion. All in favor; 10U rosters approved. Probable coaches for each team were discussed.

-Megan made a motion to approve the rosters of the 12U teams. Leigh seconded the motion. All in favor; 12U rosters approved. Probable coaches for each team were discussed.

-Ilka made a motion to approve the 14U rosters. Lisa seconded the motion. All in favor; 14U rosters approved. Probable coaches for each team were discussed. Due to low numbers on each 14U team, the fact that some players will play for their high school team, and the issue that 2 of the T2 players are transfers who will not likely be eligible for States, it was discussed that some players may need to be double-rostered in order to have enough players for some games. The issue arose that it would be unfair to the T4 team to have the T2 team take some of their players for States. It was decided that the T2 and T4 coaches would make these decisions together.

-The 12U girls team didn’t need approval as there is only one team this season.

-It was proposed that Tim Smail be given a monetary gift or compensation due to his time invested in the tryout process despite the fact that he doesn’t have a child in the program. Bubba was in favor of this but said that we need to set a president so that it is not just given randomly. Paul proposed monetizing the Levinsky award when the recipient has no children in the program. Ilka proposed that we consider the tryout process separately from all other BAHA functions and that those who are on-ice to run the tryouts be compensated, as we compensate the independent evaluators.

-Marc made a motion to pay Tim $200. Karen seconded the motion. All in favor; motion approved.

-The 8U numbers look as though there might be 3 teams instead of 4. It was discussed that we should still do an evaluation of the players, and then teams can be merged or split as appropriate for each location.

-Marc mentioned the upcoming goalie clinic on 10/21. He has contacted some of the goalies, and Kelley states that she will send them all a message.

Next Meeting – Our next board meeting will be held Monday, November 6th, 2017 at 6:00pm in the Leddy Lounge.

Adjournment – Megan made a motion to adjourn. Lisa seconded the motion. All in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:55 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Megan Rubman