Burlescombe Parish Council September2018 Minutes


Minutes of

September Meeting

Held in the Community Hall, Burlescombe on Monday 17th September at 7pm


9.1 / Opening Statement by the Parish Clerk
The Parish Clerk opened the Meeting and updated everyone on the events that had taken place over the summer. The Interim Councillors had remained in place whilst an election for the five vacancies took place and as there were only three applicants, they were automatically elected. At this point the three interim Councillors stood down and Burlescombe Parish Council became quorate with the minimum required of three Councillors. The remaining six vacancies can be co-opted.
Councillors David Sprague, Liz Duthie and Lewis Worrow were introduced.
The outgoing Chairman Cllr Ray Radford, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.
9.2 / Present:
Parish Councillors:David Sprague, Lewis Worrow and Liz Duthie
District Councillor Heather Bainbridge & County Councillor Ray Radford
Leslie Findlay – Parish Clerk/RFO/Proper Officer / ACTION
District Councillor Christine Collis
9.3.2 / Councillor Appointments
The Clerk confirmed that all three Councillors had signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and witnessed by the Clerk.
Election of Officers
Cllr Worrow proposed that Cllr Sprague should be appointed as the Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr Duthie and Cllr Sprague accepted.
The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Cllr Radford handed over to Cllr Sprague.
Election of Appointments and Committees:
The Councillors agreed the following appointments:
Chair of Planning – Cllr Duthie
Planning Committee – Cllrs Sprague & Worrow
Highways – Cllr Sprague
St Mary’s Church - Cllr Sprague
Community Hall - Cllr Sprague
Quarry Liaison – Cllrs Duthie & Sprague
Public Rights of Way – Cllr Worrow
In order to fulfil all the commitments and responsibilities representatives outside the PC have been asked to assist until new Councillors are available to take on the roles.
Burlescombe Play area will be represented by Mr David Hodson-Whittle
Old Railway Line and Park Wood will be represented by Mr Cliff Taylor
Great Western Canal will be represented by Cllr Adam Pilgrim HRPC.
9.4 / Declaration of Interests:
None declared
J Downing requested that MDDC were tasked to keep the grass under the millennium trees cut. Clerk to advise MDDC
J Downing informed the PC that Broadpath and Hillhead were having a landsite visit. Chairman requested that as Mrs Downing was attending as a Burlescombe resident she could report back to the PC. Mrs Downing agreed. In addition Town Farm Quarry had a Liaison meeting on 29th Oct, Clerk requested further details.
The Developer for the Moor Lane application was unable to attend the meeting but had given the PC an updated report outlining their comments in regard to the objections raised by residents. This report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
The following comments were regarding the Moor Lane planning application.
J Ward – concern that the ditch in the field was not being maintained and needed clearing out.
D Apse – Westleigh had a lack of facilities and MDDC had recently refused a planning application in Uplowman on this basis.
K Cochran – her property Flax Pitt Cottage had no front garden and looked directly out onto the proposed site.
C King – there was a lack of parking spaces if the layby which is currently used for parking was removed.
C Taylor & C Reeves– There had already been concerns and issues regarding parking in the main road of Westleigh and this would clearly be exacerbated with more traffic and inadequate parking for visitors.
D Apse – if this application was approved there was a likelihood the adjoining field would also become a further development.
B Ward – in the pre-application the words Phase One were on the diagrams, which would indicate that more development was proposed in the future.
C Parker – in this rural village the roads are not cleared quickly and in recent bad weather the village has been cut off.
J Downing – a few years ago BPC was informed that the sewage works in the villages was already working at full capacity and any new builds would require extensive sewage works. / LF
9.5.1 / Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record and unanimously approved by the Councillors.
Matters arising:
Westleigh Bus Shelter – The Clerk confirmed that Westleigh Bus shelter had a new roof and recently given a new coat of paint. The Council formally thanked Mr Grahame Hawkins for doing such an excellent job.
Quarry dust – The Clerk informed Council that there had been several reports of an increase in the dust levels around Westleigh. DCC and AI had been informed and new dust monitors were now in place at these sites.
9.6.7 / Planning
Councillors discussed the following applications:
18/00946/MOUT Outline for the erection of 15 dwellings, access and associated works at Land NGR 306177 116745 (Moor Lane), Westleigh.
The Developer was unable to attend but had sent a letter of information which had been circulated to all councillors, put on the website and emailed to local residents. Councillors had listened to all the objections raised by the residents and unanimously agreed to object to this application. Letter attached.
18/00504/MOUT Outline for the erection of 6 dwellings at land north of Town Farm, Burlescombe –This application was to have been discussed at a Planning Meeting on Wednesday 19th September 2018 in the URC Hall, Westleigh but was cancelled as the Developer is amending his application due to the comments made by English Heritage.
18/01329/HOUSE Erection of a single storey extension and detached garage at Kestor, Burlescombe – Councillors had no objections to this application
Taken out of Committee:
CP/DCC/4067/2018 Widening of a 400 metre length of Clay Lane to allow for two-way vehicular movements associated with existing mineral operations at Hillhead Quarry, Uffculme - previous PC had no objections to this application.
18/01110/LBC Listed Building Consent for the replacement of an existing window and French doors on rear elevation and creation of en-suite in first floor bedroom at Rocknell Manor Farm, Westleigh. No Objections
18/01106/LBC Listed Building Consent for the internal refurbishment and replacement of windows and doors at Great Southdown Farm Cottage, Burlescombe – No Objections
18/0123/TPO application to reduce the crown of 1 Weeping Willow tree by 2-3m, crown lift 3m from the ground and remove dead wood. Protected by Tree preservation Order at 2 Quarry view – BPC will follow the advice of the Tree Officer.
18/01239/CAT Notification of intention to prune over extended branches into main canopy to reduce uneven crown of 1 Cherry Tree within the Conservation Area at 2 Quarry View - Burlescombe Parish Council would request that advice is sought from the Tree Officer in order that the pruning is kept to a minimum.
MDDC Decisions:
18/00660/FULL Conversion and first floor extension of stables and tack room to studio and holiday let at lower Elms, Burlescombe
18/00586/LBC & 18/00585/HOUSE Erection of single storey extension and frameless glass link to existing house following demolition of coal shed and internal/external works to existing kitchen and utility room at Leonard Moor Cottage, Uffculme – Granted full planning/LBC permission
18/00931/HOUSE Erection of single storey extension following removal of existing boiler room/toilet at Oakleigh Burlescombe – granted full planning permission
18/00778/FULL change of use of part agricultural land to residential garden and siting of a building for use as annexe at land south of Culm view, Burlescombe – granted full planning permission
18/01110/LBC Listed Building Consent for the replacement of an existing window and French doors on rear elevation and creation of en-suite in first floor bedroom at Rocknell Manor Farm, Westleigh. Granted Listed Building Consent
18/01239/CAT Notification of intention to prune over extended branches into main canopy to reduce uneven crown of 1 Cherry Tree within the Conservation Area at 2 Quarry View – No Objections
The Clerk had received an email from a resident at Waterloo Cross regarding the proposed extension of Hitchcock’s Business. The PC had no information regarding this proposal but would ensure that their concerns would be noted as and when an application was submitted.
Local Plan Hearing – Cllr Duthie will be representing BPC at the hearing on Thursday 21sr Septermber.
9.9 / Highways
Work completed:
Post Office lane in Westleigh has been resurfaced but the contractors have left a lot of loose stones. Clerk to advise Highways.
Work required:
The chevrons in the layby at the top of Burlescombe have been hit and are bent. Clerk to advise DCC.Reported work number W181160106
The white lines on the A38 at the junction had not been painted.
The results of the Longwood Lane consultation will be discussed at the Full Council meeting on Monday 1st October.
Grass Cutting. The annual maintenance was continuing, the Clerk had informed MDDC that the grass around the village sign had not been cut.
Community Hall – NTR
St Mary’s Church – applied for annual cemetery grant / LF
9.10.7 / Clerk’s Report
The following expenditure was approved:
Amount £ / SO/BACS/DD / Payable to / Comments
300.00 / BACS / URC Hall / Cemetery grant
500.00 / BACS / St Mary’s Church / Cemetery grant
28.49 / BACS / URC Hall / Defibrillator insurance
50.00 / Cheque - 713 / Royal British Legion / Remembrance Wreath
35.00 / DD / ICO / Data Protection Registration
150.00 / BACS / Grahame Hawkins / ORL hedge maintenance
Confirmation of expenditure previously approved:
300.00 / BACS / G Hawkins / ORL & Park Wood maintenance
285.00 / BACS / G Hawkins / Painting of bus shelter
301.50 / BACS / Countrywide Grounds maintenance / Grass cutting in Westleigh play area
Expenditure taken out of Committee:
64.80 / BACS / Vision ICT / Setting up of Cllr emails
25.00 / BACS / Sampford Peverell parish magazine / Advert for clerk vacancy
The Publication Scheme, as required by the ICO was circulated to all Councillors and adopted by the Council. Available to view on the website.
Signatories for Lloyds Bank. The paperwork authorising the three new signatories (Cllrs Sprague, Duthie & Worrow) was with the bank.
Asset Register. Cllrs authorised for two items (Laptop £299 & Printer £160) to be written off as they were beyond repair.
Land Registry documents – it was agreed that the documents should be updated once the new Clerk has been appointed.
9.11.2 / Training
Cllrs Duthie & Worrow will be attending the DALC New Councillors course on Wednesday 17th Oct. Approval for payment of £60 was authorised.
GDPR training – Will take place for all Cllrs and Clerk on Tuesday 16th Oct. Payment of £50 to HRPC was authorised.
9.12.4 / ORL/Park Wood
Report from Mr C Taylor
The ORL is well maintained. The Wildlife area is fully covered and looking very good after its coppicing last year.
Grahame has been keeping the walkways clear, work cutting back the brambles up to Redlands and at the steps by the Black bridge hasbeen carried out recently.
The Tar plant does have some fallen rocks which the council will need to keep an eye on in case it deteriorates further.
Dog fouling is still an issue along the whole of the ORL and along all parts of the Canal.
The Clerk confirmed that AI were still in the process of producing the information boards.
Park Wood
Parkwood is well maintained and the drain covers are safe after their recent repairs.
The Clerk reported that MDDC had been in contact as Bray Close had some flooding issues and had requested that some minor works could be carried out at one of the entrances to the ORL. Cllrs had no objections and Clerk to advise MDDC.
The Clerk had received a letter from the Solicitors Lyon Davidson regarding a personal injury claim in respect of an accident occurring on the permissive path towards Park Wood. The Clerk had informed the solicitors that the PC did not own the land and the drains were the responsibility of Network Rail. The drains have been repaired by network rail.
The Clerk had chased Western power and Hi –Line to carry out the tree trimming near the Water Tower that was agreed in January. Hi- line have now confirmed the work will be carried out on 3rd October. / LF
9.12.5 / Matters brought forward for information or future agenda:
Clerk vacancy: The job has been advertised in local parish magazines, website, Notice-Boards and the DALC newsletter. There have been several enquiries.
Councillor Vacancies: There are six vacancies on the Council, if anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor or would like further information please contact the parish clerk.
Cllr Radford reminded Cllrs that money was available in the Locality budget and the new Community Fund which has replaced the TAP Fund.
The next Full Council meeting will be on Monday 1st October in the URC Hall, Westleigh.
The meeting closed at 8.07pm.

David Sprague


Burlescombe Parish Council


Clerk – Mrs Leslie Findlay

c/o Ayshford House, Westleigh, Tiverton Devon EX16 7HL

Tel: 01884 820424 Email:

Mid Devon District Council

Planning Services

Development Management

Phoenix House

Tiverton Devon EX16 6PP 18th September 2018

FAO Mr Daniel Rance

Proposed Development in Westleigh, Devon

Your reference 18/00964/MOUT dated 16th July 2018

Dear Daniel,

Burlescombe Parish Council discussed this application at a PC meeting yesterday evening and the comments, observations and objections from the residents of the Parish have been taken into consideration when it was unanimously agreed to strongly object to this application.

This application is outside the permitted development boundary and it is green belt land which should be retained and only ever considered as an absolute last resort for development. The land in the area is generally rented to local farmers and not Owner operated. There is a need to retain access to land for the farming community to use, especially in rural parishes. There are currently six affordable houses being built in Burlescombe and there is no identifiable need for more affordable housing in this part of the parish.

In July 2016 Burlescombe Parish Council objected to the pre-application and many of the objections raised are still relevant today.

The development is too large in scale to be supported by a small village with no amenities such as a shop or pub and public transport is limited to one bus a week. In a harsh winter this village has been cut off as the roads are not cleared of snow and access in and out is severely restricted.

Roads within Westleigh are all narrow with significant constraints forcing single lane passing. Being a rural area this is already a major concern with farm machinery and commercial deliveries to Ebear Nursery. The addition of residential traffic from a development of 15 houses, feeding directly into the most significant choke point in the village should be of concern. Westleigh Quarry has made a recent application to extract 600,000 more tonnes of material from the Westleigh end of the quarry. If this is approved there will be an increase in Quarry traffic as well.

The loss of parking spaces for residents living opposite the site was addressed by the Developer but insufficient parking spaces have been allowed for them or for the new houses. There does not seem to be any allowance for visitor parking spaces. More parking spaces would be required. This is of great concern to the Council as there has been an issue of parking in the main road in Westleigh due to a lack of parking facilities already in the village and this will only exacerbate the issue.

The field itself being considered has drainage issues with the flooding occurring on the corner and into Moor Lane. Drainage would need to be considerably upgraded to alleviate flooding on the road and diverted away from Moor Lane. The adjoining field also floods so both sides of this development have a high risk of flooding. The flooding that accumulates on the land at Allens Well/South View is the drain that terminates into a ditch which is in the site of the proposed development of 15 dwellings. The ditch runs down the side of the field. This ditch , in the last 27 years has only ever been cleaned out correctly which was approximately 8 years ago and the Council Contractors cleaned it thoroughly. The Council carried out this task because they didn't know, at the time, who owned the field! The owners of the field in the last 18 months have partly cleaned the ditch but there are still trees & bushes growing in it. When the ditch was cleaned approximately 8 years ago there were no problems with flooding at the Allens Well/South View bend. It is therefore requested that if the application is approved a condition is imposed if new drainage is not installed that annual maintenance as well as access to it is carried out.