Part1 – Contaminated Sites...... 1

Inorganic and organic geochemistry of waste material from
the Idrija mercury mine, Slovenia

Alcala, C., Spangenberg, J. E., Lavric, J. V...... 3

Mineralogical/Geochemical sampling and mercury pollution
at La Soterrańa mine, Asturias, Spain

Álvarez, R., Loredo, J., García Iglesias, J...... 4

Mercury and antibiotic resistance in bacterial flora of sediments from
Cartagena Bay, Colombia

Arroyo, B., Arzuza, O., Young, G., Puello, M., Mendoza, K., Johnson, B.,
Piermattey, J., Olivero, J...... 8

Mercury in some lakes of the Southern Ural. Influence of former gold mining

Baranov, E. N.,Laperdina, T. G.,Tatsy, Y. G...... 9

Formation and Degradation of (CH3)2Hg in Nuclear Waste Tanks

Bloom, N. S., von der Geest, E., Prestbo, E. M., Wilmarth, W., Thaxton, D...... 12

Gold Mining and Mercury Pollution in The Ghanaian Pra River Basin,
West Africa

Bonzongo, J. C., Donkor, A. K., Nartey, V. K., Hines, M. E...... 16

Enhancement of selective indigenous sedimentary microbial populations
and effect on mercury transformation: Implications for Development of Liners
in Engineered Wetlands

Bonzongo, J. C., Gomez, J. M...... 21

Mercury Contamination in Fish from Gold Mining Areas
in The Amazon Region and Human Health Risk Assessment

Castilhos, Z. C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A. P., Villas-Bôas, R. C.,
Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 26

Biomagnification of Hg in fish from gold mining affected Amazonian
aquatic systems

Castilhos, Z. C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A. P., Villas-Bôas, R. C.,
Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 31

Mercury contamination in fish from gold mining areas in Indonesia

Castilhos, Z, C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A. P., Villas-Bôas, R. C.,
Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 35

Fishes as indicators of Hg availability in Amazonian aquatic systems
affected by gold mining

Castilhos, Z. C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Rodrigues, A. P., Villas-Bôas, R. C.,
Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 39

Remediation of mercury in the environment

Cathum, S., Velicogna, D., Obenauf, A. ,Dumouchel, A., Punt, M., Brown, C. E., Ridal, J.....44

Heavy Metal Contamination and Risk Assessment around Some
Abandoned Metal Mine Sites in Korea

Chon, H. T., Lee, J. S...... 49

Atmospheric pollution by mercury in gold mining regions
A case study: Itaituba, Amazon, Brazil.

Cid de Souza, T., Raimundo dos Anjos, J., Rodrigues Bastos, W...... 50

Mercury deposition in a San Francisco estuary tidal marsh

Conaway, C. H., Watson, E., Flanders, J. R. Flegal, A. R...... 51

Environmental Contamination of Mercury in the Philippines:
its Impact on the Health and the Environment

Cortes-Maramba, N. P., Francisco-Rivera, A. T., Akagi, H...... 53

Investigation of Mercury Contamination in Vlora Bay (Albania)

Çullaj, A., Lazo, P., Baraj, B...... 58

Spatial Variability and Distribution of Airborne Mercury from Gold Mining
in Tongguan County of Shanxi Province, PR China

Dai, Q., Feng, X., Hou, Y., Li, G., He, L., Wang, D...... 63

Release of Total Gaseous Mercury from Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Sites nearby Mexico City

de la Rosa,D. A., Volke-Sepúlveda, T., Solórzano, G...... 67

West European Chlor-alkali mercury emissions and waste management

Debelle, J. P...... 72

Clean-up Strategies for Microbial Mercury Removal from
Contaminated Environment

Deckwer, W. D., Leonhäuser, J., Ledakowicz, S., Wagner-Döbler, I...... 77

Curimata cyprinoides as a fish model for analysis goldmining
and damming effects on mercury contamination of freshwater systems

Dominique, Y., Maury-Brachet, R., Muresan, B., Vigouroux, R., Cossa, D.,
Mariotti, A., Boudou, A...... 78

Evaluation of mercury pollution in cultivated and wild plants from
two small communities of the Tapajos Gold Mining Reserve, Para State, Brazil

Egler, S. G., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Villas-Bôas, R. C., Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 79

Origin and Fate of Hg Total in the Jundiaí City (Brazil)
Wastewater Treatment Plant

Fadini, P. S., Alciati, J. C.,Barros, J. C. L., Guimarăes, J. R...... 83

Total Mercury in Sediment Samples from Rio Grande Reservoir, SP, Brazil, by FIA-CV-AAS technique in Sediment Cores dated by Pb-210

Fávaro, D. I. T.,Moreira, S. R. D., Moreira, E. G., Mazzilli, B., Campagnoli, F...... 87

Mercury contamination from Artisinal Zinc smelting using Indigenous method
in Hezhang, Guizhou, PR China

Feng1, X., Li, G., Qiu, G...... 88

Mapping Errors of Mercury Source Emissions with Geostatistical Tools

Garro, G., Cinnirella, S., Pirrone, N...... 92

Mechanisms of mercury dispersion in the Idrija mercury mine surroundings through history

Gosar, M...... 93

Conceptual Model for Mercury in the Guadalupe River Watershed

Grieb, T., Gherini, S., Summers, K., Roy, S., Drury, D., Austin, C...... 97

Mercury Pollution and Strategic Planning Forhandling
Illegal Gold Mining Activities in Pongkor, West Java

Halimah, S...... 98

Atmospheric mercury in Andacollo, a copper- and gold mining district of Chile

Higueras, P., Oyarzun, R., Lillo, J., Oyarzún, J., Maturana, H...... 99

Identification of the plant-communities and hyperaccumulators
in mercury contaminated sectors of the Almadén district, Spain

Higueras, P., Molina, J. A., Oyarzun, R., Lillo, J., Esbrí, J. M...... 103

Mercury Speciation and Transformations in Mine Waste, Sediment,
and Water at the Almadén Mercury Mine, Spain

Hines, M. E., Gray, J. E., Higueras, P. L., Lasorsa, B. K...... 108

Remediation and Legal Case Histories of the Buena Vista and Klau Mines

Hubner, G...... 112

Effects on Methyl Mercury on Fish after Additions of Selenium
to Lakes and a Hydroelectric Reservoir in Sweden

Hultberg, H...... 113

Hg And Se, Cd, Pb in Foodstuffs and Soil From
Selected Individual Gardens Near Hg Mining Area

Jereb, V., Falnoga. I., Milačič, R., Stibilj, V., Horvat, M...... 114

Demonstration of the MercOx Process for Mercury Removal at a Thermal Soil Treatment Plant (EU Life Project 1999-2003)

Korell, J., Seifert, H., Paur, H. R., Andersson, S., Hall, B., Bolin, P...... 115

Current and Past Mercury Distribution in Air over Idrija Region

Kotnik, J., Dizdarevič, T., Horvat, M...... 119

The Idrija mercury deposit (Slovenia) – a natural source of
the priority pollutants mercury and PAH

Lavric, J. V., Spangenberg, J.E...... 125

Kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of microbial reduction of mercury ions

Ledakowicz, S., Danhamer, H., Becker, U. F., Deckwer, W. D...... 127

Longterm operation of a microbiological mercury removing pilot plant
at two chloralkali factories in Europe

Leonhaeuser, J., von Canstein, H., Wagner-Doebler, I., Deckwer, W. D...... 128

The soil-air exchanges of mercury from a newly built
sanitary municipal landfill in Guizhou province, China

Li, Z., Feng, X., Tang, S., Wang, S., Liang, L...... 129

The problem of mercury contamination in Asturias (Spain)

Loredo, J., Ordóńez, A., Álvarez, R...... 133

Mercury distribution in Apolobamba auriferous mining area (Bolivia):
Evaluation and risk assessment

Martínez-Martínez, S., Acosta, J. A., Faz, A., Millán, R., Muńoz, M. A.,
Vera, R., Sierra, M. J., García, G...... 137

Mercury Remediation of Drinking Water Supply Conduits for 9 Million
Consumer Water Supply System in Northeastern United States

Matscherz, K., Cox, G., Marcitelli, R., Elie-Pierre, S...... 141

Mercury distribution in fish organs and food regimes: significant relationships
from twelve species collected in French Guiana (Amazonian basin)

Maury-Brachet, R., Durrieu, G., El Adib, I., Boudou, A...... 142

Efficiency of Industrial Minerals on the Removal of Mercury Species
from Liquid Effluents

Melamed, R...... 147

Mercury in the stream and overbank sediments of the Žumberak area
(Northwestern Croatia)

Mileusnić, M., Peh, Z., Miko, S., Halamić, J., Galović, L., Durn, G...... 151

Mercury content in natural vegetation of three plots
in the mining area of Almadén (Spain)

Millán, R., Gamarra, R., Schmid, T., Vera, R., Sierra, M. J., Quejido, A. J.,
Sánchez, D. M., Fernández, M...... 155

The Assessment of Environmental Impacts Associated with the use of Mercury
in the Small-Scale Mining Sector

Mondlane, S., Shoko, D...... 159

Induced metal-uptake for the phytoremediation of Hg-contaminated soils

Moreno, F. N., Anderson, C. W. N., Stewart, R. B., Robinson, B. H., Meech, J. A...... 160

Chemical-biological remediation of a clay soil contaminated by mercury and oil

Nardella, A., Carpentieri, A., Sisto. R...... 161

Mercury Pollution in Selected Small Scale Gold Mining Communities
in South Western Ghana

Nartley, V. K., Adotey, D.K., Donkor, A. K., Bonzongo, J. C...... 168

Natural Hg-bearing hydrothermal systems and environment:
geohistorical estimation of the mercury contribution

Obolenskiy, A. A., Gushchina, L. V., Naumov, E. A...... 173

Environmental assessment and remediation options for a historic mine site
located in a semi urban area in the north of Spain

Ordóńez, A., Álvarez, R., Loredo, J...... 177

Prediction of mercury-bearing gas deposits (theoretical and environmental aspects)

Ozerova, N. A., Mashyanov, N. R., Ryzhov, V. V., Pikovsky, Yu. J...... 181

Distribution, cycling, and fate of mercury and associated elements
at historical lode gold mines in Nova Scotia, Canada

Parsons, M. B., Smith, P. K., Goodwin, T. A., Hall, G. E. M.,
Sangster, A. L., Percival, J. B...... 185

Dissolved Gaseous Mercury and Radon Levels in Thermal Waters
in Relation to Seismic Activity

Popit, A., Kotnik, J., Vaupotič, J., Horvat, M...... 190

Mercury speciation and distribution in waters affected by abandoned mines
in eastern Guizhou province, southwestern China

Qiu, G., Feng, X., Wang, S., Shang, L...... 195

Distribution of mercury and trace elements in a soil profile from Almadén area

Quejido, A. J., Fernández, M., Sánchez, D. M., Hernández, C., González, M., Aldea, M.,
Morante, R., Martín, R., Schmid, T., Millán, R...... 199

Biosorption of Mercury by Rice Husk

Rafique, U., Iqbal, S., Rafique, U...... 203

Observations and analysis of mercury in the topsoil within a 100-m radius
of a chlor-alkali plant in northern Kazakhstan using EPA method 7473

Randall, P., Hedrick, E., Grimmet, P., Engle, M., Ilyushchenko, M...... 207

Characterization and pH/Eh-based leaching tests of mining wastes
containing mercury

Randall, P...... 212

Analysis of alternatives for the long term management of excess mercury

Randall, P...... 217

Survey of Land Contaminated with Mercury at PVC-SODA Factory in Vlora, Albania

Reif, J., Průša, J., Mejstřík, V., Procházka, L., Liška, A., Bláha, P., Duras,R., Novotná, J.,
Mátlová, E., Dyba, I., Biçaku, K., Gjyli, G...... 220

Mercury Levels in Fish From Fish Farms Settled in Degraded Areas
due to Former Gold Mining Activity

Reinaldo, C., Hacon, S., Farias, R., Argento, R., Andrade, C., Yokoo, E...... 229

Major Metropolitan Drinking Water Supply in Northeastern United States
Cleans-up Mercury Contamination

Riznychok,W., Borsykowsky, M., Elie-Pierre, S., Smith, P...... 230

Mercury bioequivalence in muscles and erythrocytes of catfish, Netuma barba,
from Guanabara Bay-RJ, Brazil

Rodrigues, A. P. C., Castilhos, Z. C., Silva, L/ C. C. P., Albuquerque, C.,
Inácio, A. F., Agostini, L/ N., Linde, A. R., Almosny, N...... 231

Environmental Assessment of Mercury Pollution in two Brazilian
Gold Mining Areas - Biogeochemical Aspects

Rodrigues-Filho, S., Peregovich, B., Castilhos, Z. C., Santos, R., Yallouz, A. V., Egler, S. G., Nascimento, F. M., Pedroso, L. R. M., Villas-Bôas, R. C., Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C. 235

Environmental Assessment of Mercury Pollution in two Indonesian
Gold Mining Areas - Biogeochemical Aspects

Rodrigues-Filho, S., Peregovich, B., Castilhos, Z. C., Santos, R., Yallouz, A. V., Egler, S. G., Nascimento, F. M., Pedroso, L. R. M., Villas-Bôas, R. C., Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C. 240

Evaluation of the use of mercury in the Brazilian and Indonesian
gold prospecting areas: searching for environmental sustainable solutions

dos Santos, R. L. C., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Sobral, L. G. S., Peregovich, B.,
Villas Bôas, R. C., Veiga, M. M., Beinhoff, C...... 244

The role of the bacterial enzyme, organomercurial lyase, in controlling
methylmercury accumulation in mercury contaminated natural waters

Schaefer, J., Yagi, J., Cardona-Marek, T., Ellickson, K., Tel-Or, S.,
Reinfelder, J., Barkay, T...... 250

Atmospheric Mercury Dispersion in Porto Velho City - RO, Amazon

Sebrenski da Silva,G., Rodrigues Bastos, W., Glória da Silveira, E...... 251

Solutions for Mercury Pollution in Artisanal Gold Mining
in the Kadoma-Chakari area, Zimbabwe

Shoko, D. S. M., Veiga, M. M...... 255

Remediation of Mercury using a Pyroaurite type

Singh,R.P., Gupta, P., Chauhan, M. S., Parthvi, R., Parthvi, P...... 259

Reduction of Mercury Pollution in India

Singh, R. P., Suman, R., Parthvi, R., Parthvi, P...... 260

Mercury Sources to Surface Flow at a Contaminated Industrial Site

Southworth, G., Peterson, M., Bogle, M. A., Hensley, J., Ralph Turner3, and Gerri Moline1..261

Is there any correlation between elevated concentration of mercury
in the air and earthquakes?

Spiric, Z., Dragas, M...... 264

Effect of various biogeochemical factors on Hg methylation in sulfidic mine tailings

Stanley, N., Fortin, D...... 267

Mercury Determination from Industrial Waste Waters

Stoica, A. I., Furtuna, R. M., Marinescu, D., Baiulescu, G. E...... 272

Electrokinetic remediation of mercury contaminated soil

Sučr, P., Lifvergren, T., Allard, B...... 275

On the choice of conditions for geologic disposal of Hg-waste - formation
of HgS by mixing HgO or elemental Hg with S, FeS or FeS2

Svensson, M., Allard, B., Düker, A...... 279

Diffusion of mercury through concrete and bentonite -enhanced sand - proposed container and backfill materials in a repository for permanent disposal of mercury

Svensson, M., Allard, B...... 283

A Preliminary study on mercury speciation in municipal
waste landfill gas from Guizhou, China

Tang, S., Feng, X., Li, Z., Wang, S., Liang, L...... 287

Exposure to environmental mercury in the Rwamagasa artisanal gold mining area, Geita District, Tanzania

Taylor, H., Chitamweba, D., Mkumbo, O., Machiwa, J. F., Appleton, J. D., Lister, R.,
Smith, B., Tesha, A. L., Beinhoff, C., Veiga, M...... 290

Mercury in Artisanal Gold Mining in Geita District, Tanzania

Tesha, A., Nayopa, J., Veiga, M., Appleton, D., Lister, R...... 294

Mercury pollution around a chlor-alkali plant in Pavlodar, Northern Kazakhstan

Ullrich. S. M., Ilyushchenko, M. A., Kamberov, I. M., Panichkin, V. Y., Tanton, T. W...... 298

Introduction to the problematics of mercury in power plants
and municipal waste incinerators

Ullrich, S...... 302

Mercury in Artisanal Gold Mining:Flows, Uses and Exposures

Veiga, M. M., Maxson, P., Hylander, L...... 303

Microbial Ecology of Mercury Reducing Biofilms

Wagner-Döbler, I., von Canstein,H., Felske, A., Leonhäuser, J., Pauling, B.V.,
Fehr, W., Deckwer, W. D...... 311

Biomercury – Worldwide remediation of mercury hazards through biotechnology

Wagner-Döbler, I...... 312

Reducing mercury emissions in small scale mining
- experiences from South America

Wotruba, H...... 313

Alternative low cost method for mercury semi-quantitative determination in fish: Training of local users in Itaituba, Brazil and Manado, Indonesia

Yallouz, A., Pereira, D., Rodrigues-Filho, S., Villas-Bôas, R., Veiga, M., Beinhoff, C...... 317

A Survey of Environmental Pollution by Mercury Derived from
a Chemical Factory Drain in Guizhou, China

Yasuda, Y., Liya, Q., Matsuyama, A., Usuki, F., Yasutake, A., Aramaki, R.,
Yamaguchi, M., Xiaojie, L., Li, L., Mei, L., Yuming, A., Nakano, A., Pin, J...... 321

Calculation of mercury accumulation in the Idrijca River overbank sediments

Žibret, G., Gosar, M...... 326

Mercury Concentration in the Environmental Compartments
in the Vicinity of Mcca Plant in Poland

Zielonka, U., Hlawiczka, S., Fudala, J., Dyduch, B., Munthe, J., Wängberg, I., Denby, B.....331

Part1 – Health333

Mercury Concentrations in Canned Tuna Fish From Ghana

Agorku, S., Voegborlo, R. B., Ephraim, J. H...... 335

Total Mercury Levels of Maternal Hair in Kagoshima, Japan

Ando, T...... 338

Effects of Methylmercury Exposure on Human Reproduction

Arakawa, C., Yoshinaga, J., Nakai, K., Satoh, H., Okamura, K...... 339

Total Mercury Levels in Fish from Akosombo
and Kpong Hydroelectric Reservoirs in Ghana

Baah,D. A., Voegborlo, R. B., Kwaansa-Ansah, E. E., Ephraim, J. H., Adimado, A. A...... 343

Risks and benefits of fish consumption in an Italian population
moderately exposed to methylmercury

Barbone, F., Valent, F., Pisa, F., Horvat, M., Daris, F., Fajon, V., Gibicar, D., Logar, M.....344

Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption in an Italian Population Moderately

Barbone, F., Valent, F. ž ., Pisa, F., Daris, F., Logar, M.,
Fajon, V., Gibicar, D., Horvat, M...... 346

Urinary mercury in subjects living close to chloralkali plants, the EMECAP study

Barregĺrd, L., Horvat, M., Mazzolai, B., Sällsten, G. , Gibicar, D., D’Onofrio, R.,
Fajon, V., diBona, S., La Manna, S., Mattoli. V., Raffa, V., Tripoli, G., Fontanelli, R...... 348

Health Impact Diagnosis due to Gold Mining Activities in “Bloque B”
at El Callao, Bolivar State, Venezuela

Bermúdez, D., Veiga, M. M., Roeser, M., Pacheco-Ferreira, H., Pedrosa, L. R.,
Voss, L., Penna, S., Maciel, W...... 352

Speciation of Hg in Urban House Dust from Seattle, Washington

Bloom, N. S., Hutchings, A...... 353

Medical Investigations in two Populations from Indonesia,
Mercury Burdened by Small Scale Gold Mining

Boese-O’Reilly, S., Drasch, G., Maydl, S., Dittmann, A., Roider, G., Beinhoff, C...... 358

Underestimation of Human Methylmercury Toxicity
due to Exposure Misclassification

Budtz-Jřrgensen, E., Grandjean, P...... 359

Mercury Contamination Predictive Factors in Fish Farming Areas
of the Brazilian Southern Amazon

Campos, R., Yokoo, E., Valente, J., Hacon, S., Farias, R., Argento, R...... 363

Minamata: The aftermath

Canuel, R., Lucotte, M., Rheault, I...... 364

Human Exposure to Mercury in the Riverine Population
of the Madeira River, Amazon, Brazil

Cavalcante de Oliveira, R., Rodrigues Bastos, W.,
Glória da Silveira, E., de Freiras Fonseca, M...... 369

Study on the roles of serum selenoproteins upon Hg toxicity
in chronic mercury mine workers

Chen, C., Zhao, J., Yu, H., Zhang, P. Li,, B., Li, X., Chai, Z., Qu, L...... 373

Effects of prenatal and postnatal mercury exposure on neurodevelopment
in children from the Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil

Corręa Marques, R., Medeiros Amorim, M. I., Amorim, C. S. C.,
Rodrigues Bastos, W., Rodrigues dos Santos Cezar, M...... 377

Mercury exposure in pregnant women and their neonates
at the Porto Velho city, Rondônia, Brazil

Corręa Marques, R., Rodrigues dos Santos Cezar, M., Medeiros Amorim, M. I.,
Amorim, C. S. C., Rodrigues Bastos, W...... 378

Accidents of Environmental Exposure to Metallic Mercury

Dabkowska, B., Muszyńska – Graca, M., Jarosińska, D...... 379

Ecosystem and health: Community involvement in a transdisciplinary project
on mercury exposure with an Innu community of Labrador

de Grosbois, S., Atikessé, L., Bourbonnais-Spear, N., St-Jean, M., Charron, J.,
Anderson, M. R., Penashue, M., Rich, N., Benuen, M...... 384

Impact of Mercury Pollution on Resident Population: A New Approach
to Data Analysis Using Innovative Data Mining Techniques

Di Bona, S., Fontanelli, R., Guerri, D...... 388

Criteria for the Diagnosis of a Chronic Mercury Intoxication

Drasch, G., Boese-O’Reilly, S., Roider, G...... 392

Nephrotoxicity in Chloralkali Workers Formerly Exposed
to low Levels of Mercury Vapour

Efskind, J., Ellingsen, D., Thomassen, Y., Hartman, A...... 393

Neurobehavioral Assessment of Former Chloralkali Workers Exposed
to low Mercury Vapour Levels

Ellingsen, D. G., Efskind, J., Bast-Pettersen, R., Thomassen, Y...... 395

Hypothetical estimation of ‘Non-Mercury-Associated Selenium’
in Human Autopsy Tissues of Mercury Exposed Idrija Residents
and Mercury Mine Workers

Falnoga, I., Tušek-Žnidarič, M., Prosenc, A., Stegnar, P...... 398

Assessment of Total Mercury Content in Diets and Hair Samples of Pre-School Children from Amazonic Region

Farias, L. A., Fávaro, D. I. T., Maihara, V. A., Vasconcellos, M. B. A., Aguiar, J. P. L.,
Alencar, F. H., Yuyama, L...... 400

Mercury Distribution and Elemental Imbalances Related to Oxidative
Damage in Fetal Rats After Their In Utero and Lactation Exposure
to Low Dose Mercury

Feng, W., Wang, M., Shi, J., Li, B., Liu, J., Deng, G., Chai, Z., Ouyang, H...... 401

Long-Term Effects of Mercury on Subclinical Kidney Function

Franko, A., Dodic Fikfak, M., Kobal, A. B., Horvat, M...... 405

Hygienic Problems of Mercury Safety: Instrumental and Methodological
Aspects of Mercury Monitoring

Gladkov, S...... 407

The brainstem as a target of developmental methylmercury toxicity

Grandjean, P., Murata, K., Budtz-Jřrgensen, E., Weihe, P...... 408

Mercury exposure in Austria: Implications for Women’s and Infant Health

Gundacker, C., Pietschnig, B., Forster, C., Komarnicki, G., Wittmann, K...... 412

Lift-on Technique: a new approach for dental amalgam removal

Guzzi, G., Ronchi, A., Gatti, A., Angeleri, S., Formichi, O., Minoia, C...... 417

Association between HLA-class II and Mercury sensitization

Guzzi, G., Mazzi, B., Tomasi, S., Fleischhauer, K., Pigatto, P. D...... 420

Exposure to mercury vapor from dental amalgam estimated with
Zeeman atomic absorption spectroscopy

Halbach, S., Welzl, G...... 424

Urinary Levels and Early Biological Effects of Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Metallic Mercury – Polish Findings from the EMECAP Project

Jarosinska, D., Biesiada, M., Muszyńska-Graca, M., Dabkowska, B.,
Langauer-Lewowicka, H., Barregĺrd, L...... 429

Changes of Metal Components of Mt-Iii in the Brain of Mt-I, Ii Null Mice
Exposed to Mercury Vapor

Kameo, S., Nakai, K., Kurokawa, N., Kanehisa, T., Naganuma, A., Satoh, H...... 432

Mercury Exposure from Mercury/Silver Fillings

Kennedy, D...... 436

The Level of Total Mercury in Hair Strands of General Populations in Korea

Kim, D. S., Yu, S. D., Kim, J. H., Park, J. S., Cha, J. H...... 437

Comparative Analysis of Mercury Content in Cosmetic Products
Used in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Kinabo, C...... 441

Impact of occupational elemental Mercury exposure on the health
of miners in the Idrija Mercury Mine

Kobal,A. B...... 442

Potential Kidney Effects in Ex-Miners of the Idrija Mercury Mine Exposed
to Elemental Mercury and Silica Dust

Kobal, A. B., Sešek-Briški, A., Krsnik, M., Horvat, M., Dizdarevič, T., Ženko, B.,
Džeroski, S., Arnerič, N., Osredkar, J...... 447

Can occupational exposure to elementary mercury increase the risk of suicide?

Kobal Grum, D., Arnerič, N., Kobal, A. B., Horvat, M., ženko, B.,
Džeroski, S., Osredkar, J...... 452

Possible Influence of Elemental Mercury in Pregnancy

Krsnik, M., Prezelj, M., Osredkar, J., Sesek-Briski, A., Kobal, A. B., Knap, C.,
Horvat, M., Gibicar, D...... 458

The Determination of Hg in Hair Samples of the People Living Inside
Vlora Hot Spot, Albania

Lazo, P., Cullaj, A. Malaj, F...... 459

Mercury Exposure in two Coastal Communities of the Bay of Fundy, Canada

Legrand M., Arp, P., Ritchie, C., Man Chan, H...... 460

Health and Environmental Impact of Mercury in a Gold Mining Community
in Western Mindanao, Philippines

Maramba, N. P. C., Reyes, J. P., Francisco-Rivera, A. T., Akagi, H.,
Panganiban, L. C., Sunio, R...... 464

Neurodevelopmental Assessment of Children Exposed to Mercury in Palawan

Maramba, N. P. C., Reyes, J. P., Dioquino, C. P., Dando, N., Panganiban, L. C. R.,
Francisco-Rivera,A. T., Castillo, M. T., Reyes, R., Quitoriano, C.,
Afuang, M., Timbang, R...... 469

Residual small-Fibre Neuropathic Dysfunction Associated with Past
Occupational Elemental Mercury Exposure

Meh, D., Kobal, A. B...... 471

Maximizing nutrition from fish consumption and minimizing toxic risk:
an ecosystem approach to mercury in Canadian communities

Mergler,D., de Grosbois, S., Chan, L., Vanier, C., Legrand, M., Atikesse, L., St-Jean, M.,
Charron, J., Abdelouahad, N., Beauchamp, G., Pull, A., Rheault, I., Lucotte, M...... 472

Estimates of Mercury Exposure in Dental Office: Environmental and Biological Monitoring of Mercury Assessment among Dental Team

Minoia, C., Nucera, A., Merlini, C., Ronchi, A., Gatti, A., Angeleri, S.,
Grassi, M., Guzzi, G...... 476

How Protein is Degradated by Poly Lactide-Co-Glycolide (PLGA)

de Moraes Namur, J. A., Bueno da Costa, M. H...... 479