Burlescombe Parish Council November2017Minutes


Minutes of


Held in the Community Hall, Burlescombe on Monday 6thNovember 2017at 7.00pm


11.1 / Present:
Councillors: Les Neville (Chairman),Judy Downing, Kevin Stower and Cliff Taylor
Leslie Findlay – Parish Clerk/RFO / ACTION
Parish Councillors: Karen Collard & David Sprague
District Councillors: Heather Bainbridge & Christine Collis
County Councillor Ray Radford
Mr Brian Codling raised concerns that vehicles coming up the hill by the railway bridge in Burlescombe were not obeying the priority signs. This matter was discussed but all Cllrs agreed that it was very difficult to take any action. It would make more sense to have the priority for those coming up the hill, however very unlikely to be agreed by DCC. No further action will be taken for present.
11.2 / Declaration of Interests:
Cllr Neville declared a personal interest in item and Cllr Downing declared a personal interest in item
11.3.3 / Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising:
The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record and unanimously approved by the Councillors.
Water Tower:
AI have now confirmed that the Parish Council own all the land including the bank alongside the railway line and the Water Tower. Therefore it was agreed that the PC should now proceed to get the trees trimmed beside the tower and remove the ivy so an assessment can be made. Clerk is still awaiting contact from Western Power. (The minutes from the meeting with the Conservation Officer are attached).
Clerk was asked to contact Community First, the Insurance Company to seek advice about insuring the ORL and Water Tower.
Cllr Stower will investigate funding possibilities for stabilising the Tower and Cllr Taylor will contact a tree Surgeon to get an estimate cost to remove the ivy and cut back the overhanging branches.
Weed spraying in Westleigh:
Clerk confirmed that the weeds have been sprayed in Westleigh. It was agreed that next year the contract for cutting the verges should include weed spraying in Westleigh and along the path beside the School in Burlescombe. Clerk to action. / LF
11.4.2 / Chairman’s Report
The broken steps on permissive footpath have been fully repaired by Aggregates Industries.
Cllr Neville attended the Autumn DCC Parish Paths Partnership meeting on 13th October in Crediton. The annual survey for the PROW has begun. Any volunteers to walk the paths should contact Cllr Neville.
Grand Western Canal
Cllr Neville attended a meeting of the GWCJAC at Phoenix House Tiverton on 3/10/17. The agenda, minutes of the meeting held on 7/3/17 and current report can be found on the MDDC website. Search for ‘Public Document Pack GWCJAC’ 3/10/17.The canal warden scheme is being resurrected, so if there are any volunteers to contact Cllr Neville.
11.5. / Police Report
Offence / Recorded Crime
01-29 Oct 17 / Recorded Crime
01-29 Oct 16
Violence with Injury / 0 / 3
Violence without injury / 0 / 3
Vehicle Offences / 1 / 0
Other Theft / 0 / 1
Criminal Damage / 0 / 1
Trafficking of Drugs / 1 / 0
Total / 2 / 8
Anti-Social Behaviour / 3 / 1
Crime Recorded / 0 / 3
Public Safety / 6 / 8
Transport / 1 / 3
Total / 10 / 15
11.6.3 / Planning:
New Applications:
17/01696/CAT Notification of intention to fell 1 Weeping willow tree and 2 pine trees within the conservation area at 2 Quarry View, Burlescombe.
As there was insufficient information regarding this application it was not discussed. Planning Officer at MDDC will contact the Clerk once the information is available.
17/01644/FULL Erection of agricultural building for use as covered silage clamp at Great Landside in Sampford Peverell Parish. It was unanimously agreed that BPC would support SPPC in their comments.
The Minutes from the Planning Meeting on Wednesday 18th Oct were approved and signed by Chair of Planning.
SBX/DCC/3963/2017 Ayshford recycling and soil screening/storage facility. Cllr Stower informed the Council that the Clerk had received notification that the applicants have lodged an appeal against the decision by DCC. The status of the Appeal has not been agreed by the Inspector.
11.7 / Highways
No reports of repairs or work completed. The road past Oak Farm, Burlescombe is being resurfaced and the road will be closed from Monday 27th Nov to Friday 1st Dec.
11.8 / Councillor Taylor’s Report
Old Railway LineParkwood
The maintenance has been carried out by Grahame Hawkins and the grass is cut and weeds sprayed.
The annual assessment review will be carried out by Cllr Neville and Cllr Taylor. / CT
11.9 / Councillor Downing’s Report
The Quarry Liaison Meeting on 16th Oct was attended by Cllr Neville, Cllr Downing and Cllr Taylor. Cllr Downing briefed the Council on the meeting.
AI will be holding a public exhibition on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th Nov from 4 – 8pm.
11.10.2 / Councillor Collard’s Report
Westleigh: The gate latch in the Westleigh Play area has been mended by Grahame Hawkins, the PC express their thanks to Mr Hawkins as no charge was made.
Burlescombe: the following repairs/maintenance issues have been highlighted to MDDC.
1. Three new bits of wood to repair the wooden bridge as the current ones are rotten.
2. The tightening on the see –saw
3. Grease on the swings grease nipples to help maintain them.
11.11.6 / Clerk’s Report
Income Received: £150 has been returned from the Burlescombe and Westleigh Horticultural Society as they have disbanded due to falling membership numbers. There was a request for the money to be used to plant more daffodil bulbs along the verges. It was agreed that this would be good use of the money and Cllrs agreed to wait until the new affordable houses had been built in order that the bulbs could be planted along the new verge. Clerk to reply to Mr Walter.
The following expenditure was approved:
Amount £ / Cheque/BACS / Payable to / Comments
15.75 / BACS / URC Hall / rent
292.50 / BACS / Countrywide Grounds maintenance / Grass cutting Sept/Oct
1240.09 / BACS / MDDC / Grass cutting
43.20 / BACS / Cllr Les Neville / Travel expenses
300.00 / BACS / Mr Grahame Hawkins / ORL maintenance
66.00 / BACS / Vision ICT / .gov domain fee
12.00 / BACS / Community Hall / rent
71.91 / Cheque no 707 / Cllr Judy Downing / Bulbs for planting on the ORL
311.35 / Cheque No 708 / Community First / Annual Insurance premium
The RFO also confirmed the following two payments had been made which had prior approval from previous meetings:
1. Projector and Printer for planning issues £629.98
2. 2nd payment for the Ayshford Notice Board £1153.20
Clerk will contact Community First to delete the laptop from the current Asset Register and include the new Notice Board at Ayshford. In addition enquiries will be made regarding the Water Tower. Clerk to update the Property Register and update Cllrs at Dec meeting
Clerk sought approval for an expenditure of £23.95 to purchase a litre of sickens cetol filter 7 plus to treat the new notice board at Ayshford every six months. It was agreed the Clerk should purchase the treatment and ask Mr Hawkins if he would treat the Board in April 2018.
Precept discussion
Councillors reviewed the current expenditure for this year and discussed future possible costs to the PC. It was agreed that the reclaiming of the current VAT will be approximately £1000 and this should supplement the precept request in order that the Precept remains the same as 2017/18. It was proposed and unanimously approved that the Precept will be £10,000 for 2018/2019. Clerk to action. Councillors thanked the Clerk for the discussion documents and the work on the accounts.This will be reviewed at the December Meeting. / LF
11.12 / Correspondence
Snow Warden Scheme. Due to the shortage of numbers of Councillors the PC is unable to have a Snow Warden. It is therefore asked that if anyone notices that the grit bins within the Parish are low or empty they should inform the Parish Clerk. / ALL
Matters brought forward for information or future agenda:
There are three Councillor vacancies on the Parish Council. If anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor please contact the Parish Clerk.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Judy Downing for clearing the rubbish from the layby on the s bend above the Church.
The Chairman will be representing the PC at the Remembrance Service on Sunday 12th Nov.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 4th December 2017 in the URC Hall, Westleigh at 7pm
The Meeting closed at 8.25pm

Les Neville


Burlescombe Parish Council