Particular Specification - Part 41

Particular Specification for


1.  Scope and Specification of Work

1.1  The Burglar Alarm and Security Installation shall include the whole of the materials and labour necessary for the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the works in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings and *Annex A to N, which comprise the following systems:

1.1.1  Electricity Supply and Grounding - Annex A

1.1.2  Central Control Station - Annex B

1.1.3  Communication Network - Annex C

1.1.4  Uninterrupted Power Supply - Annex D

1.1.5  Remote Signal Transmission - Annex E

1.1.6  Card Access Control System - Annex F

1.1.7  Security Lock and Switch - Annex G

1.1.8  Doorphone System - Annex H

1.1.9  Movement Detector - Annex I

1.1.10  Glass Breakage Detector - Annex J

1.1.11  Digital Video Motion Detector - Annex K

1.1.12  Security Closed Circuit Television Surveillance System - Annex L

1.1.13  Watchman Tour System - Annex M

1.1.14  Interfacing with Lifts CCTV - Annex N

1.2  Design Responsibilities

1.2.1  The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the burglar and security installation and selection of equipment and components including the matching with the components of other interfacing installations.

1.2.2  The Contractor shall be responsible for investigating the actual site conditions and finding out any element that may affect their choice of equipment and method of installation before submission of their tender.

1.2.3  The Contractor shall be responsible for the selection of the proper, correct and consistent components to match the system proposed in order to meet all the requirements specified. In the event that these requirements cannot be met due to the use of improper, incorrect or inconsistent components, the Contractor shall replace all such components and shall re-design the Burglar Alarm and Security installation, all to the satisfaction of the Architect. All extra costs thus incurred shall be borne by the Contractor.

1.3  Compliance with General Specifications

1.3.1  The Burglar Alarm and Security installation shall comply with the following statutory obligations, regulations, standards and specifications together with any additions or amendments thereto currently in force: -

(a)  Security and Guarding Services Ordinance Chapter 460 of the latest edition.

(b)  Factories and Industries Undertakings Ordinance Chapter 59 of the latest edition.

(c)  General Specification for Electrical Installation in Government Buildings of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued by the Building Services Branch, Architectural Services Department (hereinafter referred to as the Electrical General Specification)

(d)  All equipment shall conform to IEC 61000 or other similar recognized international standards on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) compliance for industrial or commercial applications and the manufacturer must be able to issue a Certificate of Compliance on request.

1.4  Hidden Works

Hidden works refer to works that will be covered up, put out of view or ultimately removed so that they cannot be measured after completion. Examples are demolition works, temporary works and overtime.

At least one week before the planned execution of overtime work, the Contractor shall apply in writing for approval-in-principle from the Architect. The application shall indicate the estimated total labour time with date and time for the overtime work. Claims of overtime without approval-in-principle by the Architect will not be processed.

The Contractor shall submit Hidden Works Record with supporting information and certified by the Contract Manager or Project Manager to the Architect for endorsement:

(a)  prior to hidden works being covered up or demolished,

(b)  within 1 week of completion of temporary works, or

(c)  within 3 working days on completion of the overtime work on daily basis, if overtime work is instructed by the Architect.

Hidden Works Record on overtime without the Architect prior approval will not endorsed.

Production of Hidden Works Record does not relieve the Contractor’s obligation under the Contract for examination of work by the Architect before covering up.

Claim for hidden works without endorsed Hidden Works Record will not be accepted unless justifiable reasons and supporting documents providing mechanism for measurement of hidden works can be given by the Contractor and approved by the Architect.

1.5  Overtime Work

When overtime work is instructed as required, the Contractor shall apply for approval-in-principle from the Architect to that effect beforehand and submit overtime record including detailed description of works carried out in the overtime period afterwards. Deviation of actual labour time from the approval-in-principle shall be highlighted on the Overtime and Works Record.

The Contractor shall keep daily records of labour time to be claimed including names, ID nos., trades and register of arrival and leaving of each worker and signatures of the workers. When requested by the Architect, the Contractor shall also submit payroll record of the workers for random checking.

Overtime payment will not be made for watchmen, foreman, supervision, idling time and catching up of delay caused by the Contractor’s default, negligence or omission.

For approved overtime works, the Contractor is entitled to extra payment of as described in the General Regulations of the Schedule of Rates.

1.6  Interfaced with other services

The Contractor shall be responsible to provide all necessary, including wiring, conduits, connection units, etc in order to ensure proper interfacing works being installed between the burglar alarm and security installation and other services related, like CCMS, Building Management System, etc.

1.7  The Contractor shall employ a specialist sub-contractor from “List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works : Burglar Alarm and Security Installation”.

2.  Constraints Applicable to This Particular Installation (Not Used)

3.  Testing and Commissioning

3.1  Compliance with Testing and Commissioning Procedures

The Contractor shall test and commission the Burglar Alarm and Security Installation (or brief title description) in compliance with the Testing and Commissioning Procedure No. 5 for Burglar Alarm and Security Installation issued by the Building Services Branch, Architectural Services Department.

The Contractor shall commission the installation and carry out complete performance tests according to the manufacturers’ instructions, the requirements of the statutory rules and regulations and to the satisfaction of the Architect before the installations will be accepted. Every programme shall be also field tested and debugged.

Before the major equipment is installed on site, the Contractor shall conduct an off-site testing and commissioning if requested by the Architect. After the off-site testing and commissioning have been accepted by the Architect, the equipment shall be delivered to site for installation. A full testing and commissioning shall be required after the site installation.

After connecting up, the system shall be field tested and tuned up to the required sensitivity by simulating of required alarm action and condition for every alarm device. The system performance in multi-alarm situation shall be tested by simultaneously simulating of required alarm action and condition for a group of randomly selected devices.

3.2  Testing and Commissioning Procedures for Special Items

“Not Used”

3.3  Particular Requirements on Testing and Commissioning Schedules/Sequences

3.3.1  All submissions as required under these procedures are to be submitted to the Architect at least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of testing and commissioning work.

3.4  Others

“Not Used”

4.  Maintenance and Training

4.1  Maintenance Requirements

4.1 Particular Maintenance Requirements

4.1.1  General

The Contractor shall furnish maintenance, free of further charge, for the complete burglar alarm and security installation for a period of twelve (12) months after the Contract Completion Date. This maintenance shall include: -

(a)  24 hours attendance of on-call maintenance and emergency repair services (hereinafter referred to as emergency services). The Contractor shall maintain an emergency service team consisting of technically qualified, skilled and experienced technicians for prompt attendance of emergency services at any time. The phrase at ‘any time’ shall cover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year including Sundays and Public Holidays. Fault calls shall be conveyed to the Contractor by the operational staff of the Building in concern, the Architect or his representatives verbally or in written form at any time. Upon receipt of a fault call, the emergency service team shall arrive at the site of incident within reasonable time normally in 1 hour to carry out emergency services. The emergency services shall include overtime works, all mechanical, electrical and electronic works and inspection, testing, adjustment, commissioning and cleaning which are found necessary to reinstate the safe and satisfactory working condition and operation order of the installation as soon as possible and within 24 hours.

(b)  Quarterly inspection and regular maintenance of the system equipment. Maintenance services shall be carried out at any time as instructed by the Architect. The Contractor is deemed to have allowance in the Contract for carry out maintenance services outside normal working hours.

(c)  A log book shall be kept in the main control station to record down events in maintenance work. The Contractor shall be responsible to record every attendance in the log book together with a detailed description of work including description of the alarm point and equipment concerned, rectification action and follow up action. The Contractor shall also be responsible to obtain signature from the representative of the occupant for each entry in the log book to signify the occupant acknowledging and accepting the maintenance work.

(d)  The Contractor shall be responsible for the replacement of parts due to normal wear and tear without additional cost to the Contract and the logging of alarm and false alarm, tracing the cause of the event and recommend improvement.

(e)  The Contractor shall provide temporary replacement for any damaged/defective equipment, part and/or component if they find necessary to take them away from the installation for repair.

4.1.2  Scope

Maintenance services shall be carried out in sequence in according to the manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual and to the Architect’s satisfaction as the following: -

(a)  Electrical wiring, alarming, monitoring, sensing, detection, indication, operation, signal transmission/receiving devices and equipment and all remote/main circuits are in safe and satisfactory working condition and operation order.

(b)  Each alarm device or manual call point at working station or within protective zone/area will instantly activate the common alarm circuit upon its operation.

(c)  Activating the common alarm circuit will cause the automatic operation of the local and/ or remote alarm and successful transmission of the alarm signal to the security control centre via the remote alarm transmission system.

The correct operation of security control consoles shall include correct display of device in alarm.

The correct operation of all indicators including fault warning and of all alarm devices shall be checked and recorded.

All sensing device shall be tested in accordance of manufacturer’s recommendation and shall be adjusted for satisfactory operation and alignment if necessary to suit the layout of the protected floor/area. Similarly, where lenses, optical/audio sending and/or receiving devices are fitted, they shall be properly cleaned and adjusted for alignment with proper material and tools.

All camera lenses and monitor screens shall be cleaned and checked for overall clarity of the picture. All video cables and mains leads shall be checked for electrical sound connection. VCR controls and switches shall be checked and verified for correct and proper operation.

All electrical and/or mechanical locks shall be examined for correct operation.

The remote alarm transmission system to the security control centre shall be examined and tested in according to proper procedures to be agreed with Commissioner of Police and with the management of the control centre.

4.2  Particular Training Requirements

The Contractor shall provide on or off-site training to the representatives of the Employer. Training shall include the operation, data entry and programming of all systems, etc. The exact time of the course shall be determined by the Architect.

The Contractor shall also submit lesson plans and training manuals for the training phases, including type of training to be provided with a sample training report and a list of reference material for approval. The training manuals shall include an agenda, defined objectives for each lesson and a detailed description of the subject matter for each lesson. The Contractor shall furnish all audio-visual equipment and all other training materials and supplies. Where the Contractor presents portions of the course by audio visual material, copies of the audio-visual material shall be delivered to the Architect, either as part of the printed training manuals or on the same media as that used during the training sessions.

Approval of the planned training schedule shall be obtained from the Architect.

4.3  Others

“Not Used”

Annex A



Power supply points at mains voltage of 220V, single phase, 50 Hz shall be provided by others in the main control location, slave control location, adjacent to camera, and adjacent to local control units. For power supply to field devices, spur units at mains voltage shall be provided adjacent to the local field device units. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision of transformers and rectifiers to suit the voltage pattern of the field devices, and also conduits and wiring for providing electrical power from the rectifiers to the field devices. The Contractor shall be responsible to submit drawings and schedules indicating the required location of the power supply points, their rating and the wattage and power factor of the anticipated load, in good time. In the event when the Contractor failed to provide the schedule, the Contractor shall be responsible for the extra cost of remedial work such as chasing and coring of concrete to make way for the electrical supply.

Unless indicated otherwise in the Particular Specification or on the Drawings, all cables and wirings shall be enclosed in steel conduits/trunkings.

Video signal cables, control cables and power cables shall be enclosed in different conduits/trunkings. Control cables of different voltages shall be enclosed in different conduits/trunkings. For indication of the purpose of the trunking, labels shall be provided at 10 m interval along the trunkings and cover of conduit adaptable boxes. For trunking of length less than 10m, at least one label shall be provided. The label shall be stencil marking of not less than 10mm of wording ‘S’, ‘C’, ‘P’ to indicate their purpose for burglar alarm and security system signal cable, burglar alarm and security system control cable, and burglar alarm and security system power cable respectively.