BuistMiddle School for Advanced Studies

7th Grade Humanities


Contemporary’s World History

ADDITIONAL READING: Students will be assigned historical novels throughout the year. Most of these books can be found in the school library or at the Charleston County Public Library; however, many students find it beneficial to purchase their own copy so they can make notes within the book. In some cases I do have class sets or copies that students may barrow.


This seventh grade social studies course focuses on the world history from Renaissance to present day. Students learn about the effects of global trade on world civilizations and the development of young republics during the age of Enlightenment. The study of the independence movements and revolutions will help students to understand the progress that the world has made and they will learn to appreciate the contributions that its people have made to their specific nations. Students also learn about the major political, economic, and social changes in the twentieth century to the present in the context of national and worldwide events. Instruction will emphasize the elements of social studies literacy—the tools, strategies, and perspectives necessary for understanding how history, geography, economics and government are interwoven in our world’s history.


Students will be engaged in a variety of assignments that incorporate both social studies and literacy elements. They will complete class assignments, projects, book reviews, and other assessments. All books chosen for this course’s book study can be checked out at the Charleston County Public Library or purchased; however, students will be responsible for having a copy with them for class. At the end of this course, students should understand and be able to explain the major geographical, political, religious, and economical factors that have affected the history of the world from the late sixteenth century to present.


1st Quarter (Colonial Expansion and Young Governments)

Standard 7-1:The student will demonstrate an understanding of the colonial expansion of European powers and their impact on world government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Standard 7-2:The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of absolute monarchies and constitutional government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Book Study: Stowaway, by Karen Hesse

In the summer of 1768, an eleven-year-old butcher's apprentice named Nicholas Young climbed aboard a ship, hid himself from captain and crew, and waited to be carried far away from the life he hated in London. Nick didn't know it, but the ship he chose -- H.M.S. Endeavour -- was bound for an astonishing adventure.

2nd Quarter (Revolution and Empire Building)

Standard 7-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of political, social,

and economic upheavals that occurred throughout the world during

the age of revolution, from 1770 through 1848

Standard 7-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the impact of imperialism throughout the world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Book Study: Beware Princess Elizabeth, by Carolyn Meyer

Imprisonment.Betrayal.Lost love.Murder. What more must a princess endure?

Elizabeth Tudor's teenage and young adult years during the turbulent reigns of Edward

and then Mary Tudor are hardly those of a fairy-tale princess. Her mother has been

beheaded by Elizabeth's own father, Henry VIII; her jealous half sister, Mary, has her

locked away in the Tower of London; and her only love interest betrays her in his own

quest for the throne.

3rd Quarter (The World at War)

Standard 7-5:The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes and effects of world conflicts in the early twentieth century.

Standard 7-6:The student will demonstrate an understanding of international developments in the post–World War II world, including the impact of the Cold War on the world.

Book Study: Kiplings Choice, GeertSpillebeen

When World War I broke out, John, like his father before him, wanted to fight for his country. When his military application was threatened for the same reason as his father’s, poor eye sight, Rudyard took matters into his own hands. Determined not to let history repeat itself, the elder Kipling applied all his influence to get his son a commission.

4th Quarter (20th Century)

Standard 7-7:The student will demonstrate an understanding of the significant political, economic, geographic, scientific, technological, and cultural changes and advancements that took place throughout the world from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day.

Book Study: Sunrise over Fallujah, Walter Dean Myers

Operation Iraqi Freedom, that's the code name. But Robin Perry, an ambivalent recruit from Harlem, and all his fellow soldiers in the Civil Affairs Battalion have a simpler name for it: WAR.

Perry and the rest of his unit soon find their definition of "winning" the war in Iraq ever more elusive and their good intentions being replaced by terms like "survival" and "despair."


All students are required to keep a notebook, take quizzes and tests, complete daily Journal entries and homework assignments, as well as various projects and book studies.

Projects: Throughout the course of the year, individual and group projects will be assigned to reinforce content. Projects will incorporate written, visual, oral, and technological elements. National History Day is a comprehensive project that will span over the first and second quarters and ultimately result in two separate test grades. All project due dates will be posted on the Edmodo calendar.

Notebooks: Students are required to keep all unit assignments, activities, and daily work in their notebook. This notebook will be checked periodically throughout a unit of study.

Exams, Tests and Quizzes: A cumulative exam will be given at the end of each semester. Tests and quizzes will be given periodically to assess students understanding of the material. All assessment dates will be posted on the Edmodo calendar.


Grades will be based on a combination of test scores, project grades, notebook grades, and journal grades. Grades can be accessed by parents using the Power School Parent Portal.
Major Assessments 40% - Tests, exams, big projects
Minor Assessments 30% - Notebooks, Activities, Quizzes
Final Exam 20%
Homework/Daily 10%

Charleston County Grade Scale
100-93 A
92-85 B
84-77 C
76-70 D
69-0 F


Extra assistance is available for all students. Please check with me individually for availablity.


Anyone wishing to schedule a conference may do so by contacting me via e mail at .


***School Phone Number (843) 724-7750


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