Building Your Hybrid Course Worksheet
Name of Instructor: Ellen Kanavy
Online Module/Learning Unit Title: The Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Volume Two
Course: American Literature II
Note: You will need to complete 2 modules/learning units for the Online Learning Committee review.
Since I have the dates for Face to Face and Online delivery, I prepared (1) Module Weekender #1 Face to Fact and in a separate Module, I prepared (1) Module Weekender #3 for Virtual delivery. This Module is Face to Face.
Use this table to make notes for the content of one module/unit/week of your hybrid course.
Module #1Weekender #1 Face to Face
Friday, January 21, Saturday, 22
Modular Learning Objectives-please list the modular objectives for your unit. / 1.Students will study the Timeline in post Civil War Literature in light of History, Politics, and the Development in Culture and Industry.(pp. 3 - 10)
Students will study the Highlights of the Introduction - Progression of Literature through history p. 10-28.
Students will compare information in the text with the Timeline for each of the periods they study. / F2F
2. Students will become familiar with techniques utilized in writing about literature. – Literary Analysis.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of techniques in discussion of the short stories planned for Weekender 2 / F2F
3. Students will be able to define Realism (p. 33), Regionalism (p. 35), and Naturalism (37 and 38) and will identify some authors of each period. / F2F
Course Content/Interaction What types of content will you use to present your story? (Voice over PPT, video, etc.) / 1. PowerPoint presentations to introduce key terms and ideas (Literary Analysis). / F2F
2. Video to demonstrate common themes present in Realism, Regionalism, and Naturalism. / F2F
3. Video clips and text to study the Evolution of Fiction, Newspapers, Literary Marketplace pp. 21, 22, 25. / F2F
Learning Activities – How will the students practice what they are learning? (discussion, paper, research) / 1. Discussion Board on initial reactions of writings of authors during the periods of Realism, Regionalism, and Naturalism. / F2F
2.Assignment #1 - Write your perceptions ofRealism, Regionalism, and Naturalism in the context of Literature. Be sure to mention some of the authors of each time period. Paper will be due on Friday, February 5 / F2F
3. Short Quiz on each period. / F2F
Technology- What tools/ media will be used for the delivery of your course content? / 1. Moodlewill be used for discussion and quiz. / F2FandOnline
2. PowerPoint presentations / F2F and Online
3. DVD Bedford Anthology Video Clip of Realism,
Regionalism, and Naturalism / F2F
Assessment – How will you know the students learned the assigned items?
(quiz, discussion board, presentation) / 1. Students will be graded on their discussion board postings. / Online
2. Quiz – graded / F2F and Online
3. Graded Paper on student understanding of Realism, Regionalism and Naturalism. / F2F
Adapted from: Creating a Hybrid College Course: Instructional Design Notes and Recommendations for Beginners, G.Hensely