Building Wellbeing Together Weekend Bursary Application

The Building Wellbeing Together Weekend (22nd-24th September 2017) will bring together key speakers, organisations and individuals to help set the agenda for the wellbeing movement – exploring how we can build wellbeing together in our own lives, in wider society and in harmony with the natural world.

The Weekend is a collaboration between the Network of Wellbeing (NOW) and Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking. There is a limited bursary budget available to help support applicants who would otherwise be unable to participate. This application form sets out the criteria for allocating bursaries and the application process.

Criteria: Funds will be allocated in order to maximise their benefit, with priority given to applicants who:

1) Will benefit the most from and contribute the most to the Weekend itself;

2) Will make best use of the Weekend going forward, e.g. through applying it to a project/initiative;

3) Demonstrate a commitment to the wellbeing movement, e.g. through existing voluntary work or other activity.

The decisions made on bursary allocation will be final. We will be happy to provide feedback to applicants when requested.

Bursary Application Form

Whilst larger bursaries may be given in some circumstances, most will be up to £50, and the remaining cost of the ticket will need to be paid by the bursary recipient (to see prices you please visit:

Please complete the questions as accurately and fully as possible and return this completed form to deadline for applications is 12 noon Monday 11th September. You will be informed on Friday 8th September if your application has been successful.



Email address:

Organisation (if relevant):

Telephone number:

How did you hear about the Building Wellbeing Together Weekend?

Why would you like to attend the Weekend? (100 words max)

Please outline your engagement with and interest in wellbeing to date (100 words max)

What level of Bursary are you applying for? £

Please note: you will need to pay the remaining cost of your ticket not covered by the bursary. The average bursary amount will be £50. To see full price list please visit:

What type of ticket would you be applying for? Saturday only / non-residential / camping / shared room

Would receiving the bursary make the difference between you attending and being unable to attend? Yes / No

If you receive a bursary do you guarantee that you will attend the weekend in full? Yes / No

In signing this form I confirm that the above information is true and that if awarded a bursary I will use it to attend the Building Wellbeing Together Weekend. Please note: an electronic signature is fine.


Dated ………………………………..