ORACLES Science Meeting
June 23-25, 2016
Building N232 room 103, Moffett Field, CA
ThursdayJune 23: Overview and Payload capabilities
Morning: Science objectives – unanswered questions. Project overviews.
8:00-8:30 Coffee, informal introductionsAll
8:40-9:00 Science objectives – DIRECT EFFECTSRedemann
9:00-9:20 Science objectives – AEROSOL HEATINGZuidema
9:20-9:40 Science objectives – INDIRECT EFFECTSWood
9:40-10:00 Coffee BreakAll
10:20-10:40 Updates onCLARIFYHaywood
10:40-11:00Updates onLASICZuidema
11:00-11:30Namibian Research interests Knox
11:30- 1:00lunch (1.5 hr) - to Ames cafeteria or other
Afternoon: Logistics and instrument status updates -
1:00-1:50 Logistics overviewLuna
1:50 P3 instruments (Status updates,current issues, specifics of ideal flight plans and maneuvers)
1:50 P-3 facility measurements (15)Van Gilst
2:05Cloud (15)McFarquhar
2:20HIGEAR (15)Howell
2:35PDI (10)Small
2:45CCN (10)Nenes
Break 2:55-3:30final dinner count
3:30 PTI(10)Sedlacek
3:40 APR3(10)Tanelli
3:50SSFR (10)Pilewskie
4:00COMA (10)Podolske
4:10AMPR (10)Lang
4:204STAR (10)LeBlanc
4:30 PICARRO (10)Noone
4:40P-3 (25)Valliant
5:05 Aeronet (15)Holben
5:20Preview of tomorrow, adjourn for todayRedemann
Friday Jun 24: Aircraft, Coordination, Modeling, Logistics and Capacity Building
8:00-8:30 Project Management & LogisticsLuna
[during Coffee, lunch order process, collect/display posters]All
Morning: AEROCLO-SA, ER-2 and Modelers.
8:30-9:00 Updates onAEROCLO-sA and SEALS-sAFormenti
9:00 –10:15 ER2 (1:15 total)
• eMAS (10)Platnick
• HSRL2 (10)Hostetler
• RSP (10)Cairns
• AirMSPI (10)Diner
• SSFR (10)Pilewskie
• ER-2 (25)Thomsonw
10:15 - 11:00 Coffee break & poster viewing
11:00 – 11:45 Measurement and flight needs from modeling groups
11:00 Modeling – global (15)DaSilva
11:15 Modeling – WRF-Chem (15)Saide
11:30 Modeling - LES (15)Ackerman
11:45-1:00 Lunch (Specialty’s) -tables outside or breezeway or room 103
1:00-3:30 Deployment and flight planning
1:00 Meteorological and satellite data in the field (20)Pfister
1:20 Recap from dry-run and discussion (20)Pfister/Wood
1:40Updated Flight plans/module/score cards (40)Wood/all
2:20 Routine flight plans (20)Howell/Wood/Redemann
2:40Flight operations – a day in the life of ORACLES (10)Redemann
2:50 Flight operations – in-flight decision-making (20)Redemann
3:10Flight ops tools: everybody set up MTS config (20)???Pfister/Redemann
3:30 - 5:20Coffee break and Poster sessionbreezeway
5:20 regroup; preview of tomorrow; adjournRedemann
Dinner on your own
Saturday Jun 25:Flight Planning
8:00 - 10:30 Detailed Flight Planning All
Flight Planning tools / distribution / usersRedemann/LeBlanc
Flight Planning discussion (30-45 mins for each objective)All
- Desirable conditions
- Available data sources (OMI AI, MODIS AOD, SEVIRI, Meyer AAC AOD)
- Refining useful flight modules
- Assessing degree of success in scorecards
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 11:30 Coordination and flight monitoring with partners
Coordination with CLARIFYHaywood
Coordination with AEROCLO-SAFormenti
Coordination with Namibian Research interests Knox
11:30 Data Management (15)Shinozuka
11:45 - noon Open topics and wrap-upAll
16/21/16 3:44 PM