Building Machines

Team Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

Team Members: How did this team member contribute to the project?








You are surrounded by machines. Some are simple machines, such as ramps for wheelchair access to a building. Others are compound machines, such as elevators and escalators, which are made of two or more simple machines. In this lab, you will design and build several simple machines and a compound machine.

GPS: S8P3. Students will investigate relationship between force, mass, and the motion of objects.

c. Demonstrate the effect of simple machines (lever, inclined plane, pulley, wedge, screw, and wheel

and axle) on work.

Suggested Materials:


•clay, modeling

•craft sticks




•rubber bands



answer the following questions. be thorough and remember this will count as A summative assessment:

Questioning and forming a hypothesis:

  1. How can simple machines be combined to make compound machines?

Form a Hypothesis

  1. Write about how your team plans to combine three or more simple machines in order to make a compound machine. ______

Test the Hypothesis

  1. Use anyscrap materials listed above and brought from home in orderto build a model of each simple machine: inclined plane, lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, and wedge. Describe and draw each model. Describe how each simple machine makes work easier. Include words such as force and distance.

inclined plane: ______

Draw your inclined plane:

lever: ______

Draw your lever:

wheel and axle: ______

Draw your wheel and axle:

pulley: ______

Draw your pulley:

screw: ______

Draw your screw:

wedge: ______

Draw your wedge:

  1. Design a compound machine that includes two or more simple machines by using the materials brought from home. You may design a machine that already exists, or you may invent your own machine. Be creative!

5.After your teacher approves your design, build your compound machine.

Analyze the Results

  1. List a possible use for each of your simple machines:

inclined plane- ______

lever- ______

wheel and axle: ______

pulley: ______

screw: ______

wedge: ______

2.How many simple machines are in your compound machine? ______List them: ______

3.Compare your compound machine with those created by your classmates. ______

  1. What is a possible use for your compound machine? Why did you design it as you did? ______

5.A compound machine is listed in the materials list. What is it? ______