Individual study plan for postgraduate training (a template)
Name (in bold):Intended degree (MSc or PhD): … / Subject: e.g. Animal Breeding
Date of admission as postgrad student: / Activity per year (full-time = 100%):
Estimated date of exam (month, year):
Main supervisor:Co-supervisor(s):
Description of the role of each individual supervisor: ………
Dates for set-up and revision of the individual study plan
Date of set-up:Date of current revision:
Dates of earlier revisions:
Financing (sources, periods, etc)
Research project
Title of the research project:……Background, objectives, hypothesis: ……
Planned research activities & Timetable:……
Planned publication:……
Performed research activities (since admission as postgraduate student): ……
Publications or written reports: …..
Oral presentations: ……
Title of course / Planned / Completed / NotesCredits / Year / Credits / Grade / Date
Other activities (e.g. conferences and workshops attended,international visits,etc)
Activity / PlannedYear, month / Completed
Date / Notes
Date and Signatures (e.g. Student ,Supervisor(s), Head of department, … )