University Square Stratford
Brief description of the project and building:
The University Square Stratford building is a collaboration between Birkbeck University of London and the University of East London. Their vision is for a building that will be an exciting, welcoming and attractive beacon of learning, playing a pivotal part in the delivery of education for the institutions and their partners.
The building houses teaching spaces, dance and performance spaces, offices, seminar rooms, a lecture theatre, café, student advice centre and openly accessible computers for students.
The key innovative and low-impact design features of the building:
The building has been designed in line with best practice sustainable design standards aiming to minimise its impact upon, and where possible enhance, the local and wider environment. A site was selected with excellent public transport provision and in order to allow the redevelopment of brownfield land, where the opportunity was taken to significantly enhance the local ecology and biodiversity through landscaping and the construction of a green roof.
All construction materials, for the building fabric and hard landscaping, were carefully selected to ensure they have a low environmental impact (including embodied carbon) over the full life cycle of the building. Further to this, and to help ensure a healthy internal environment, internal finishes and fittings that adhere to low emission standards for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been chosen.
Resource efficiency is a paramount concern for the client and fundamental to the adopted low-impact design approach. The building has been provided with facilities to support effective waste management, including organic waste composting. Water efficiency is supported through this installation of low use fittings and a rainwater harvesting system servicing the WC/urinal flushing demand.
Energy efficiency and consideration for the reduction of operational Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions has been designed into the building through a high performance fabric as well as efficient building services and control systems. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are installed on the roof and integrated into the building façade to provide a source of clean renewable energy, and preparations have been made so that in future it may be feasible to integrate the building within an expansion of the existing Olympics low carbon energy network.
Steps taken during the construction process to reduce environmental impacts:
As principle contractor for this project VolkerFitzpatrick have ensured that the site was managed in an environmentally and socially considerate and accountable manner. Exemplary level performance was achieved under the Considerate Constructors Scheme, which independently assesses the impact of construction works upon the general public, the workforce and the environment.
VolkerFitzpatrick operate an Environmental Management System certified to ISO 14001 standard, and employ effective procedures for managing and minimising air (dust) pollution arising from and water (ground and surface) pollution occurring on the site. In working with their supply chain VolkerFitzpatrick help ensure construction material can be responsibly sourced, and procured in alignment with low impact aspirations.
A site management plan was implemented to support the monitoring, reporting and target setting for energy and water consumption arising, and construction site waste generated, from site activities. Significant effort has been made with regards the effective and appropriate management of construction site waste and it is expected that the site will comply with exemplary level performance criteria, as defined by BREEAM. Whereby the amount of waste generated per 100m2 (gross internal floor area) is <9.2m3 or <4.7tonnes, and where at least 90% by weight (80% by volume) of non-hazardous construction waste generated by the build has been diverted from landfill.
Social or economically sustainable measures achieved/piloted:
VolkerFitzpatrick have embarked on a series of community engagements including newsletters to local residents. In addition VolkerFitzpatrick have been in contact with the local primary school to interact with the pupils with the aim of raising awareness of site safety issues.
The SIUC building provides a space which can be used by others from the local community. It is a large multipurpose rehearsal studio that can operate independently and securely from the rest of the building. The Theatre Royal Stratford East (TRSE) will be sharing the facilities and will have access and use of rehearsal area located on Level 03 and primarily comprises a 17m x 13m rehearsal room, with a 6.5m ceiling height. It is a self-contained space which is operationally distinct from the rest of the floor occupied by UEL IPAD, however there is an obvious benefit to being adjacent to the IPAD spaces.
In addition to the rehearsal space (which is lobbied from the main circulation for improved acoustic performance) there is an open plan area for directing and storage. Part of this area can be curtained off for costume fitting if required.
The building will also include a display area with the atrium/reception which will showcase the buildings renewable energy systems. Providing live energy metering and CO2 savings displays for the installed technologies and details on their design and function within the building.
VolkerFitzpatrick as a part of the considerate contractor’s scheme have committed to employ local labour and encourage their sub-contract supply chain to offer apprenticeships to local candidates. In addition VolkerFitzpatrick are also committed to sourcing local materials wherever possible with the aim of reducing the projects carbon footprint and additionally having a positive effect on the local economy
The following table contains statistics relating to the performance of the building:
BREEAM rating and score (target) / Excellent, >70%Contract sum / £17.7m
Basic building cost / £13m
Services cost / £4.3m
External works cost / £0.4m
Gross floor area / 8,767m2 GIA
Total area of site (hectares) / 0.36ha
Function areas and their size / UEL Law, Teaching:
UEL Law, Office:
UEL IPAD, Teaching:
UEL IPAD, Shared:
UEL IPAD, Office:
PC Teaching & Open Access:
BBK, Teaching:
BBK, Leaning Centre:
BBK, Office: / 1150m2
Area of circulation / 1692m2
Area of storage / 80m2
% area of grounds to be used by community (where relevant) / 100%
% area of buildings to be used by community (where relevant) / 100%
Predicted electricity consumption (kWh/m2) / 87.10
Predicted fossil fuel consumption (kWh/m2) / 33.00
Predicted renewable fuel consumption (kWh/m2) / 331.00
Predicted water use m3/person/year / 4.28
% predicted water use to be provided by rainwater / 43%
Project team:
Construction Project Manager / Gardiner & TheobaldLead Designer / AWW Architects
Constructor / VolkerFitzpatrick Ltd
Quantity Surveyor / Gleeds
Structural Engineer / Capita Symonds
Services Engineer / P&R Morson & Company Ltd
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