Annex C
This template is to be used to apply for support for the improvement of joint capacity to produce, interpret and make better use of evidence to inform the planning and delivery of regional provision
This document is available online, in large print and electronically on CD. Should you or someone you know require this in an alternative format, please contact us on (029) 2068 2279 or email .
1. Region:
South East; South West; or North & Mid Wales
2. Regional Lead Institution:
Please designate a single institution as the regional administrative lead.
3. Partner Institution(s):
4. Administrative Contact for the Regional Strategy:
Tel No
5. Administrative Contact for this Proposal (if different to above):
Tel No
Continue on additional sheets as necessary
6. The Proposal
Please outline your proposal for building capacity to produce, interpret and make better use of evidence to inform the planning and delivery of regional provision.
7. Preferred methodology
(i)Set our your plans for delivery (eg new appointments, regional employer events, etc) including SMART interim targets and deliverables;
(ii)Please explain the extent to which institutional expertise and information will be utilised (e.g. the opportunities to build capacity in learning and teaching; innovation and engagement operations, as well as opportunities for synergy between them);
(iii)Please explain how you might use and interpret external sources of intelligence and ensure alignment with other related developments (e.g. Welsh Government LMI developments; and through the involvement of external bodies (e.g. SSCs, Careers Wales) as appropriate).
8. Anticipated outcomes and impacts
Please include SMART measures.
9. Alignment with Regional Strategy Objectives
Please explain how the proposed developments are aligned with the objectives, and will inform the delivery, of the Regional Strategy.
10. Sustainability
Please explain how the proposed developments will be sustained, drawing on the capacity and expertise of the Welsh Government, Careers Wales and other ongoing LMI developments. You should include:
- Information to explain how the developmentsmight be sustained financially; and
- An explanation of how the management structure and/or collaborative processes will ensure that the integrated nature of the developments will be sustained.
11. Implications
a) Please provide a summary of the implications of the plans for:
- Estates and other physical infrastructure; and
- Staff numbers, by category.
b) Please provide a summary of the impact on stakeholders: students, staff and other stakeholders (e.g. employers). This should summarise the impact on equality and diversity groups, including on those wishing to learn through the medium of Welsh. A full impact assessment will need to be undertaken, including on equality and diversity.
12. Financial Information
Additional detail may be sought on the breakdown and profile of costs for funding purposes.
Please provide a summary of the costs associated with the plans.
13. Risk Assessment
Please outline the risks associated with the implementation of the plans including:
- Explanation of the degree of risk; and
- How the risks are to be managed/mitigated.
14. Implementation Plan
a) Management Plan
Please provide a statement of the arrangements to be put in place to ensure effective management, including:
- Details of any unified management structure that is to be established and formal project management processes;
- Arrangements for resolution of disputes;
- Arrangements for ongoing consultation with stakeholders, where appropriate; and
- Details of any dedicated staff resource.
b) Timetable
Please provide an outline of how the plans are to be implemented including key stages and dates.
15. Confirmation of Institutional Support
Vice-Chancellors/Principals of all regional partners are requested to provide their signature below as confirmation of support of the above plans.
Partner InstitutionSignature of Vice-Chancellor/ Principal / ……………………
Date: / ……………………
Date: / ……………………
Date: / ……………………
Date: / ……………………
Please continue on an additional sheet where necessary.
A single completed template per region should besubmitted by30 November 2011to:
Craig Brett, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, Linden Court, Ilex Close, Llanishen, Cardiff, CF14 5DZ ().