Building Bright Futures State Advisory Council | Nominating Committee Report

BBF Nominating Committee Members

Reeva Murphy, Chair; Ben Allen, Kim Keiser, Sarah Squirrell, Carolyn Wesley (BBF staff)

Seeking two additional SAC members to join the nominating committee.

Nominating Committee Meeting

The BBF Nominating Committee last met on Friday, March 9, 2019. Issues covered:

  • Review of SAC Members and Terms
  • Designated
  • No action needed
  • Appointed
  • We need a second member of the House of Representatives. We are outreaching to several members about their interest and then will work with the Speaker’s Office to formalize the appointment.
  • At-large
  • Vacancies
  • Stephanie Winters, Health
  • Nominating committee interested in representatives of the health care or business sectors. Outreach underway.
  • Expiring Terms
  • Kim Keiser, 3/31/2018 First Term
  • Interested in serving a second term
  • Betsy Rathbun-Gunn, 3/31/2018 Second Term
  • Katie Watts has been nominated to represent the VT Head Start Association
  • Eddie Gale, 3/31/2018 Second Term
  • Need to have a member of a school board, to be recommended by the VT School Boards Association after their April 11th meeting
  • Executive Committee Members and Terms
  • Vacancies
  • Betsy Rathbun-Gunn, Co-Chair
  • The Executive Committee recommends David Young at Co-Chair
  • David Young, Treasurer
  • The Executive Committee recommends Cheryle Bilodeau
  • Expiring Terms
  • Aly Richards, 3/31/2018 First Term
  • Interested in serving a second term

State Advisory Council Nominating Business | March 2018 SAC

Proposed motion:

The BBF State Advisory council moves to:

  1. Elect Kim Keiser to serve a second term as at large member to the State Advisory Council (through 3/31/2021, second term)
  2. Elect Katie Watts as at large member to the State Advisory Council (through 3/31/2021, first term).
  3. Elect David Young as Co-Chair of the State Advisory Council (through 3/31/2020, first term).
  4. Elect Aly Richards to serve a second term on the Executive Committee (through 3/31/2020, second term).
  5. Elect Cheryle Bilodeau to serve as a member of the Executive Committee (through 3/31/2020, first term).

Next Steps

  • BBF staff will work with at-large nominees and Governor’s Office to complete appointment paperwork
  • BBF will continue its work to identify members to fill three remaining vacancies (one Representative, one school board member, and another at large member)

Previous SAC Nominating Business

September State Advisory Council Business

  • Welcomed Michael Mrowicki as appointed member from the House (first term through 3/31/2020)
  • Welcomed Richard Westman as appointed member from the Senate (first term through 3/31/2020)
  • Elected Donna Bailey as At Large Member to fill seat vacated by Kim Coe (first term through 3/31/2020)

May State Advisory Council Business

  • Elected Emily Merrill as at large member to the State Advisory Council (first term through 3/31/2020). Vacancy due to term expiration of Maleka Clarke.

March State Advisory Council Business

  • Welcomed Martha Maksym as the designee of Human Services
  • Re-elected Stacey Weinberger to serve her second 3-year term as member of the SAC through 3/31/2020
  • Elected Kim Keiser to serve on the Executive Committee as Secretary, filling the seat of Eddie Gale (term expires 3/31/2020)
  • Elected Nicole Grenier as at large member to the State Advisory Council (first term through 3/31/2020). Vacancy due to resignation of Kristin Mason

Next Nominating Committee Meeting: TBD