Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

2 Timothy 2:15

What is AWANA?

Awana is a bible-based ministry for children and youth; Awana emphasison scripture memorization

AWANA Gospel Wheel


Awana Meeting Format ------Page

Snack Time------Page

Opening Ceremony------Page

Game Time------Page

Handbook Time------Page

Council Time------Page

Closing Ceremony------Page

Leaders’ Prayer Meeting------Page

Awana Leader------Page

AWANA GBC Leadership


Activity / Start – End / Duration
Snack time / 11:20- 11:30 / 10 min
Opening / 11:30- 11:40 / 10 min
Council Time / 11:40- 12:00 / 20 min
Handbook time / 12:00- 12:20 / 20 min
Game time / 12:20- 12:40 / 20 min
Closing / 12:40- 12:50 / 10 min
Sparky: 5 year-old to 2nd grader
/ Truth & Training
Activity / Start – End / Duration
Snack time / 11:20- 11:30 / 10 min
Opening / 11:30- 11:40 / 10 min
Game time / 11:40- 12:00 / 20 min
Handbook time / 12:00- 12:20 / 20 min
Council time / 12:20- 12:40 / 20 min
Closing / 12:40- 12:50 / 10 min
T&T: 3rd grader to 6th grader


Everyclubber must have 3 basic items every Sunday:

| Uniform (once earned) | Name Tag | Bible and Handbook |


Position Description & Requirements:

Leaders must be saved Christians

Availability & Commitment

Awana leaders are expected to have high level of commitment to the program. It will be important that you ensure a consistent availability to your clubbers. We expect our clubbers to come to Awana every Sunday, so do Leaders. Please give early notice to your Director, in case of absent or change of service schedule

Positive & Loving Disciplinarian

Awana practices Positive Encouragement (awarding points for good deeds) and avoids Punishment (deduct points or adding points to other group). The purpose of our program is to mold clubbers into more godly individuals, by teaching them God’s words as well as good acceptable behavior

An attitude of patience and gentleness; A genuine love for children

Team-work and Cooperation

Willingness to cooperate with other leaders and submit to authority over you

When your group has a new comer:

Make sure he/she has a name tag (if no, please write one for him/her)

Explain Awana program to his/her parents or lead them to our Awana Director.

Check attendance for your group on attendance sheet and circulate it to other leaders during Awana program.

phoning policy: we prefer the leader(s) of the group to call and show care of their clubbers. However, if you do not feel comfortable calling, please let the coordinator know, so we can reassign the job. also, if u find out a kid has decided to go to another service or church, please also let the coordinator know.

Note - Discipline :

The 3-Count - Handles individual rebellion

The 5-Count - Control group attention

The difference between leaders and helpers (or listeners) is mainly in training. You have them assigned well doing the right roles. The best way to deal with the problem is to move those parents who are only working with their own children and disciplining them to another group. You will have to explain that their only job is to help the clubbers memorize and listen to their verses (using the “only 2 helps per section” rule). If this is not acceptable, then they must wait outside for the child to finish.

You can explain that Awana has a very specific way of encouraging the clubbers and using positive discipline and their interference makes it difficult for everyone else. Let them know that they are truly only observers and invite them to the fall training so they will get a better picture of how Awana works and what its principles are.


Session Description:

Duration:10 minutes; 11:20 – 11:30

Clubbers will be served and eat snacks in Room 401 only

Clubbers and leaders will find his/her name tag in Room 401, during snack time

Snack Offering Sign-up Sheet

A tracking sheet can be found on the wall of room 401 entrance; we encourage parents and leaders to volunteer in providing healthy snacks & drinks for clubbers


Session Description:

Duration:10 minutes; 11:30 – 11:40

Leader-In-Charge will lead:

Greetings, Opening Prayer, and Awana Pledge* session

Optional session: Uniform Inspection, Review of last Sunday lesson

Awana Pledge:

(Leader-In-Charge may invite 2 clubbers to come up front to hold the Awana Flag)

“I pledge allegiance to the Awana Flag, which stands for the Awana Clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ, and train them to serve Him”


Session Description:

Duration:20 minutes; 11:40 – 12:00

All clubbers are expected to participate in activities assigned

Leader-In-Charge will be responsible to lead games/activities that encourage all clubbers to learn team work in an active and fun Christian environment

Games Ideas for Leader-In-Charge:

Check with Awana Secretary/Diector for a print of Game Book. We have several game books in R404.


Session Description:

Duration:20 minutes; 12:00 – 12:20

Clubbers will be divided into Small Groups

Sparky:Sparkies will follow his/her assigned group (according to his/her grade in general)

T&T:3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th graders each forms one group

Small Group Leaders, assignments:

Score-sheet tracking : Keep scores for Awards, give score sheet to the Secretary at end of session

Handbook Completion : Focus in clubbers’ Bible verse memorization and its application to life; Note that leaders may give maximum two helps for each signature; Do have your clubber to work on our Verse Sheet, when he/she forget to bring handbook

Build strong relationships with clubbers and serve as godly example

When you have a new comer: make a note on score-sheet about comer’s name and the Secretary will prepare a gift for this new comer in closing ceremony.

Note for New Clubbers:

New friends will receive a Gate Test, which will need to be completed before receiving a handbook and uniform


Session Description:

Duration: 20 minutes; 12:20 – 12:40

Leader-In-Charge will present Bible stories or gospel messages for the week. Note that Bible stories or gospel message content are previously assigned as result of Leaders Prayer Meeting’s discussion. If not assigned, then Leader-In-Charge can refer to some Christian Sunday School websites for ideas, such as

Leader may give points to encourage clubbers’ active participation during council time.


Session Description:

Duration: 10 minutes; 12:40 – 12:50

Leader-In-Charge will lead :

Singing of AWANA theme song*

Awards Presentation; Greetings of new friends

Award items & Accumulated Score for each group will be provided by Club Secretary

New friend will be call up front and presented with a small gift

Clubber may exchange for 1 toy for 3 coupons collected from group points


Closing Prayer

Class ended – remind clubbers to return their name tags at the exit

AWANA Theme Song

Firmly AWANA stands, Lead by the Lord’s command
Approved workmen are not ashamed, Boys and girls for his service claimed

Hail AWANA in the march of youth, Hail AWANA holding for the truth

Building lives in the words of God, AWANA stands

Our Saviour following, with steps un-faltering, with love un-altering, in Christ we sings

His banner over us, in service glorious, we’ll fight victorious, for Christ our King

Youth on the March


Session Description:

Duration: Approx. 20 minutes; 13:00 – 13:20

Awana Leaders are all encouraged to participate in the prayer meeting

During the session, AWANA Director will lead:

Review for classes and sessions of the day

Discussion on future assignment takers, curriculum, etc.

Discussion on possible future improvements

Prayer requests; Closing Prayer