Building Bridges March 1987

March Members Meeting

Wednesday 18th of March, 7:30 PM Doctor Johnson house, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham B4 6AF


It is almost certain that BDRG will have enough funding to continue employing two workers. The final confirmation from Inner City Partnership Fund has not come but the indications are positive. When the okay is given we will explain in detail the new roles for the workers. Meanwhile, the proposals for the Resource Centre were discussed by the Directors of the Economic Development Unit on 4 March and if supported be sent to the other Committees from there. Again, positive signs are indicated!

In April we hold our second Annual General Meeting where we report back on the year's events and make some plans for the future. It is also a time for electing a new Committee and deciding policy. We hope that members will attend if possible. The date for the AGM is 22 April, 1987 at Doctor Johnson house at 7 PM.


When Maria's contract ends at the end of March she hopes to have a place at Prospect Hall. Maria sees this as the first step towards developing her skills in future employment and to service our Group. May we, on your behalf, thank her for the work she has done for us and wish her all the best.

MSC' S Guide

Our criticism of the MSC' S Guide to YTS Trainers has gained support from the local MSC and nationally to from the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People. In response to a document Bob has written the National MSC has promised changes when it is republished.

Meeting Place Required

At the last meeting we discussed finding a venue for our meetings. We decided to remain where we are and don't feel the meeting after the AG M. In the meantime we will be sending you a questionnaire about areas open to us and what days and weeks of the month would suit you for meetings. When you receive this could you return it as soon as possible.

Management Committee

The outgoing catchment Management Committee hopes that at the AGM we will see new blood coming into the Committee. We are keen to encourage active full members to stand for election, but also associate members have a role to play as well.

Building Bridges

While this is a short issue of BB we hope the Development Workers' Report will be of interest to you. The next edition will be extra large because of the AGM.

British Council of Organisations of Disabled People

Manpower Services Commission, Moorfoot, Sheffield, SI 4 PQ

Dear Sir,

March 2, 1987

Guide to Trainers of Young Disabled People

On behalf of BCODP, which has a membership of 35 organisations of disabled people, I wish to protest vigorously at the above publication.

You have received a report from the Birmingham Disability Rights Group, every word of which we heartily endorse.

In your Code of Good Practice on the Employment of Disabled People you state that ill health and disability are not synonymous and yet as a Guide for trainers you produce a medical dictionary which does nothing but reinforce the stereotype of disabled people as medically unfit people. Disabled people reject this stereotype. We also cannot see the relevance of this sort of information in the training process. A little medical knowledge can be a very dangerous thing especially when it is used to make decisions which should in fact be based on a person's ability and skills.

The United Nations World Program of Action Concerning Disabled Persons specifically recommends that statutory authorities consult with organisations of disabled people when issuing any documents relating to disability. We are not aware that this consultation took place in the formation of this Guide.

Again may I refer you to the response to your Guide from the BDRG with the hope that the MSC does not in future perpetuate the myth of disability as a medical model which only increases the discrimination from which we suffer-particularly in the area of education and employment.

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Hurst
