
“Building a New South East Europe –

Role and Potential of the Media”

Sarajevo, 15-16 October 2009


Journalists and editors from leading South East European media outlets gathered in Sarajevo on 15-16 October 2009 to discuss their role in shaping a new image of the region as a place of tolerance, progress and European values. The event took place under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, with support of the European Commission.

The two-day workshop comprised of an opening session and three thematic sessions, each being introduced by experts in the field. The thematic sessions’ topics were as follows:

1.  Role and responsibility of the media in South East Europe

2.  Bringing EU ideas closer to the South East European public

3.  Regional cooperation through promotion of Trust Based Societies concept and media independence

The event achieved the following general goals, the effects of which are expected to have a lasting influence on the work of journalists in South East Europe:

§  Increased awareness of the media in SEE of their pivotal role in promoting trust and communication among the people, and creation, through dialogue and cooperation, of conditions for overall progress of the region and a climate of tolerance and coexistence.

§  Increased knowledge and understanding among the journalists, and through their work also the general public, of EU ideas and their benefits for the people of the region;

§  Greater responsibility and independence, and higher ethical standards in the work of media professionals;

§  Increased networking among SEE journalists as well as supported existing media networks.

The workshop participants reaffirmed the indispensible role that journalists play in shaping public opinion and in raising awareness of the importance of establishing trust in the region.Moreover, they highlighted that building trust, promoting dialogue, mutual cooperation and understanding are preconditions for sustainable economic and social development of the SEE societies, with an ultimate goal of improving lives of the people in SEE and making them full-fledged members of the European family.

The participants discussed possible further courses of action that would provide the journalists with additional tools necessary for strengthening the leverage they have in their respective societies. The idea is to make the SEE region more tolerant and prosperous, its leaders more efficient and accountable, and the citizens better equipped to cope with the challenges of everyday life.

More specifically, the participants:

1.  Thanked the Regional Cooperation Council and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina for bringing the journalists from all 12 members of the Council from South East Europe together at the Sarajevo workshop;

2.  Assessed that the new conditions in SEE demand a new role of the media, greater journalistic responsibility and maintenance of highest possible professional standards;

3.  Agreed that, after a difficult period in the recent past, SEE is entering a new development phase built on a strong pro-EU energy throughout the region;

4.  Discussed various aspects of journalistic profession, such as journalistic standards, ethics, independence, investigative reporting, education, working conditions, influence of new technologies on the media profession, etc.;

5.  Expressed concern over the still present signs of radicalism, extremism, stereotypes and nationalism in their societies and called for a strengthened objectivity and responsibility in the reporting;

6.  Agreed that the media will have to take upon themselves a greater role in stabilizing SEE societies, in particular by genuine support to the process of completion and consolidation of peace in the region through appropriate editorial policies;

7.  Agreed to stimulate debate on European standards and values through their work, as well as on issues related to EU institutions and the accession process;

8.  Invited EU institutions to invest further efforts in communicating EU to the journalists and citizens of South East Europe so that they can better understand the impacts of the often complex EU content on the lives of citizens;

9.  Explore ways of organizing specialized courses/study trips/exchange programmes for reporters on the complex issues of EU integration to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to develop expertise on EU affairs;

10.  Agreed that such events should be held regularly in various cities of South East Europe and possibly in Brussels, organized or co-organized by the RCC in support of regional cooperation among journalists, with the exact topics being identified in consultation with the journalistic pool based on the Sarajevo workshop participants.