Wollondilly Wanderers Ulysses Club Inc.
Branch Contacts
President – Steve Mackie 0418 260 220
Secretary – David Lowe 0438 786 093
Website : wollondillywanderers.ulyssesclub.org
fb: Friends of the Ulysses Club Wollondilly Wanderers Branch /
Please submit your ride suggestions for January/February Ride Calendarto Chris Thorne before the5th DecemberCommittee Meeting or email to
Date / Description / ContactNovember
10th to 12th / The NSW Southern Highlands will play host to Australia’s
‘Outdoor Recreation & Adventure Show’from
Friday November 10 to Sunday November 12, 2017.
Times: Friday/Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm
Sunday 9.30am – 3.30pm
Moss Vale Showground, Illawarra Highway Moss Vale
Tickets available online or at entrance gates:
Come see us at the Ulysses Club Inc. Stand.
Need people to volunteer who aren’t going to Mogo
For more info:
11th & 12th / Mogo Weekend: 26 James St, Mogo
Dinner $25 for Roast of the day with games and entertainment.
Accomodation: 02 4474 2123 Book under ‘Wolly’s’
Depart Macca’s Mittagong 8.30am.
Morning tea at Des May’s home.
140 The Wool Road,St Georges Basin 2540
Then onto Batemans Bay for refreshments.
Entertainment and games
Branch sponsored breakfast will be supplied Sunday morning.
19th / i98FM Illawarra Convoy will be held on Sunday, November 19. The Convoy will depart under police escort from the Illawarra Coal’s West Cliff Colliery on Appin Rd at about 8am and follow a route that will take them down Mt Ousley through Warrawong and past Stockland Shellharbour, then onto Croome Road, Albion Park Rail.The action continues with a free Family Fun Day at the Croome Road Sporting Complex, when the registered motorbikes and trucks begin arriving at around 9am.The Fun Day includes lots of great entertainment, rides and stalls and concludes just after 3pm.
Truck and Motorbike registrations are now open online at the website, costing $30 which includes a complimentary Convoy t-shirt.
21st / Monthly meeting at Mittagong RSL Club, Bessemer Street, Mittagong Dinner available in the Homestead Bistro prior to the meeting.
Meeting start time 7.30 pm
24th to 26th / Motorcycle Show, ICC Darling Harbour, 14 Darling Dr, Sydney,
Need volunteers for Ullysses stand.
FRIDAY 24th 10am-8pm
SATURDAY 25th 9am-6pm
SUNDAY 26th 9am-5pm
3rd / Macarthur Toy Run
Depart Mittagong Macca’s 9am for departure
from Narellan Macca’s at 10.30am.
Ride to Koshigaya Park Campbelltown.
Please bring an unwrapped gift or voucherfor a child
up to age 14.
Prizes for best decorated bike & bike with trailer or Trike
Sausage sizzle and drinks available
5th / Committee meeting at Mittagong RSL Club, Bessemer Street, Mittagong Dinner available in the Homestead Bistro prior to the meeting.
Meeting start time 7.30 pm
9th / Southern Highlands Community Ride
Help us help the people of the Southern Highlands
Departing Mittagong RSL carpark cnr Old Hume Hwy & Bessemer Street, Mittagong at 9.30am for escorted run through the Southern Highlands and then return to RSL
Sausage Sizzle & drinks available
Please bring an unwrapped gift or voucher
Prizes for best decorated bike & bike with trailer or Trike
All proceeds go to the Highlands Community Centres
Inc. for distribution throughout the area.
16th / Wolly’s Christmas Party
Mittagong RSL Club, Alexander Room
6.30pm for 7pm start.
$30. Per head includes food and entertainment.
Buy your own drinks
If you would like to come please pay by 8th December.
19th / Monthly meeting at Mittagong RSL Club, Bessemer Street, Mittagong Dinner available in the Homestead Bistro prior to the meeting.
Meeting start time 7.30 pm
November 2017
Sunday 12th - Open Day - 11am-4pm
Major Exhibitors:The Trevor Thomas Big Bikes Day; All British Day –
Linnwood House, 25 Byron Road,GuildfordNSW
Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Rover, Wolseley, and theAntique & Classic Motor Club.
Other Exhibitors:Carnival Glass Association;
Holroyd Art & Craft Society, Western Sydney Woodturners, The Traditional Tool Group, Art & Craft stalls, Book/DVD/bric-a-brac stall, and more!
On the driveway in front of the house, theCity of Holroyd Brass Bandwill entertain you (times of session tbc.