Job Description and Person Specification (HR5)
Vacancy Number: 022011GR /
Job Description
School/Department: / Communications, Professional Services
Please enter Level under appropriate Career Pathway / ERE / TAE / MSA / CAO / R.Nurse / Clinical
ERE Category / Academic Posts / Non-Academic Posts
(mixed) / Research
only / Teaching
only / Enterprise / Education Development
Posts Responsible to (and Level): / Media Relations Manager (Level 5)
Posts Responsible for (and Level):
Job Purpose:
To build strong networks and working relationships across health/medicine-related faculties to proactively identify and source newsworthy items; be knowledgeable about academic disciplines within the faculties; write news releases and features for pitching to national and international print, broadcast, and online media; be persistent and tenacious in securing coverage for the University’s achievements via key journalists and in targeted publications; build and maintain a core team of selected academic staff who are ready and willing to appear on broadcast media; write background briefings and Q&A documents in preparation for media interviews; provide advice, support, and training in effective media techniques.
Key Accountabilities/Primary Responsibilities
  1. Build strong communication networks and working relationships across the Faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences in order to proactively identify and source newsworthy items, and develop a good personal knowledge of academic disciplines.
  1. Identify openings for senior academics and researchers to provide comment in and through the range of media channels, and provide support for them in this.Build and maintain a core set of media-friendly individuals.
  1. Create proactive media campaigns/plans working across the Communications and Marketing team to feed into key external agendas and corporate campaigns and to promote our best stories.
  1. Write news releases and features for pitching to national and international print, broadcast, and online media.Organise photo-calls, interviews and press briefings.
  1. Build professional links with relevant media outlets and partner organisations to secure coverage for the University’s achievements via key journalists and in those publications which are critical to our correct positioning in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
  1. Provide direct media advice, support and training for relevant faculty members in preparation for media interviews.
  1. Act as first point of contact for all media inquiries and respond in an appropriate manner to create a positive impact for the University.
  1. Provide expert advice on the external news agenda and its probable impact upon the University’s communications priorities.
  1. Work closely with academic staff to write background briefings and Q&A documents for senior faculty members in preparation for media interviews.
  1. Contribute to the news section of the University’s corporate website and social media, working closely with the Digital Media and Internal Communications team.
  1. Contribute copy for a wide range of University corporate publications as part of a department-wide editorial group.
  1. Undertake crisis news management when required.
  1. Undertake any other appropriate duties as directed by the linemanager.
/ % Time
Internal & External Relationships: (nature & purpose of relationships)
Academic colleagues in a range of disciplines within the faculties
Other communications and marketing professionals within the department
Journalists, editorial staff, commentators in a wide range of media
Special Requirements: requirement to work unsocial hours from time to time
Person Specification
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessed
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:
A good first degree
Postgraduate qualification or further relevant professional qualification
Experience of writing health/science/medicine related press releases and features for relevant media, web pages and/or publications.
Significant, demonstrable experience and success in proactively pitching and placing targeted stories in the media
Substantial & demonstrable experience of liaison with senior science journalists and commentators, and good contacts with senior editorial staff in the relevant media
Experience of contributing to a range of public relations activities / X
X / X / Application
Application interview
Application, interview, portfolio
Application & Interview
Application, portfolio
Planning and Organising:
Must be highly organised, efficient and thorough, and able to take projects through from conception to completion / X / Application & interview
Problem Solving and Initiative:
The ability to research a range of academic and other topics and turn them into high quality copy, sometimes to tight deadlines
Able to create openings and opportunities for high profile news coverage / X
X / Application, portfolio, interview, job-related task at interview
Management and Teamwork:
Excellent personal profile, interpersonal skills, a “can-do” attitude, able to command respect and credibility with very senior people and engage with individuals across departments and at different levels of seniority to achieve objectives / X / Application interview
Communicating and Influencing:
Demonstrable ability to write well-crafted and targeted copy in English, with varying tones of voice for different audiences
Proactive, outgoing, and tenacious in liaising with journalists to ensure the maximum exposure for the University’s key messages
Able to develop and manage strong lines of communication with senior academic staff , and manage interactions between them and the media, taking into account conflicting priorities / X
X / Application, interview, possible job-related task at interview
Application interview
Other Skills and Behaviours:
Well developed IT skills, conversant with all standard software appropriate for the tasks outlined in the job description, and including web
Familiarity with a university environment and an understanding of the market positioning of a Russell Group university
Able to advise senior managers on how to gain maximum publicity value from initiatives, and provide guidance to senior managers on news values and news management
Able to provide basic media training to academic and other colleagues who may be called upon to provide media comment / X
X / X / Application & interview
Application & Interview
Special Requirements:
A wide general knowledge and awareness of issues and themes relevant to a broad-based research-intensive University
Willing to work unsocial hours from time to time / X
X / Application & interview

Job Hazard Analysis Form - Appendix to Job and Person Specification

Please tick one of the following statements:

This post is an office-based job with routine office hazards e.g. use of VDU (if ticked, no further information needs to be supplied) / X
This post has some hazards other than routine office e.g. more than use of VDU

Please tick all those that apply, and put N/A if not applicable

Environmental Exposures / O* / F / C
Outside work
Extremes of temperature (e.g. fridge/ furnace)
Potential for exposure to body fluids ##
Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa) ##
Exposure to hazardous substances (e.g. solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify …………………………………………………………. ##
Frequent hand washing
Ionising radiation.
Equipment/Tools/Machines used
Food Handling ##
Driving university vehicles(e.g. car/van/LGV/PCV) ##
Use of latex gloves (note: prohibited unless specific clinical necessity) ##
Vibrating tools (e.g. strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers) ##
Physical Abilities
Load manual handling.
Repetitive Crouching/Kneeling/Stooping
Repetitive Pulling/Pushing
Repetitive Lifting
Standing for prolonged periods
Repetitive Climbing i.e. steps, stools, ladders
Fine motor grips (e.g. pipetting)
Gross motor grips
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height
Psychosocial Issues
Face to face contact with public
Lone working
Shift work/night work/on call duties ##

O – Occasionally (up to 1/3 of time); F – Frequently (up to 2/3 of time); C – Constantly (more than 2/3 of time) ## denotes to HR the need for a full PEHQ to be sent to all applicants for this position.

FOR SCHOOL/SERVICE USE ONLY / ResourceLink Post Number DK05009068
Which post does this job report to / Media Relations Manager
Is this post a Line Manager? / Yes / No / X
If yes, which posts directly report into it? / ResourceLink Post Number
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