Build instructions
Project name / EVS API /Project version / 4.2.1
Build configuration (stage, prod, nightly, dependency, etc.) / STAGE
Technology stack / JBoss 405, ant 1.6.5
Java Home: /usr/jdk1.5.0_10
Ant Home: /usr/local/apache-ant-1.6.5
Build script / <root_directory>/build.xml
Build target / build-system
CVS repository root / See deployment instructions
CVS module / See deployment instructions
CVS branch / See deployment instructions
Build properties
Property / ValueSERVER_URL / Select the value from the list below based on the tier being deployed to (see deployment instructions):
Environment variables
Variable / Value /N/A / N/A
Deployment unit
File / Location /lexevsapi42.war / <my install>\evsapi\output\lexevsapi42\package\webapp
Dependent Project(s)
Project / Description of dependency /caCORE SDK / The caCORE SDK does not need to be built. It just needs to be available to the EVS API.
If building in eclipse, the directories need to be siblings of each other. For example, it would look something like this:
C:\ <my install>\cacoresdk\SDK4
C:\ <my install>\evsapi
1. If you directory structure does not match the above, you many need to modify the build.xml file. Inside the evsapi directory,
a. Set the basedir attribute of the project element to the path where the cacoresdk module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/cacoresdk)
b. Set the value attribute of the property cacore_home element to the path where the evsapi module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/ evsapi)
Additional BUILD Instructions
Not Manual Check-out and Build
1. Use the tag from the deployment request to check out the project from the CVS repository specified above
2. Modify <project_root>\conf\ by modifying the build property specified above with the value specified above as appropriate to the tier you are deploying to. Please note to copy the value above exactly (including :80/${PROJECT_NAME})
3. Execute the build (see build script and target above)
Manual Check-out and Build:
2. Check out the cacoresdk and evsapi to separate repositories:
a. cvs -d :pserver:<username> login
b. enter password when prompted
c. cvs -d checkout –r <tag> cacoresdk/SDK4
d. cvs -d :pserver:<username> login
e. enter password when prompted
f. cvs –d pserver: checkout –r <tag> evsapi
You should now have something like:
C:\ <my install>\cacoresdk\SDK4
C:\ <my install>\evsapi
3. If you directory structure does not match the above, you many need to modify the build.xml file. Inside the evsapi directory,
a. Set the basedir attribute of the project element to the path where the cacoresdk module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/cacoresdk)
b. Set the value attribute of the property cacore_home element to the path where the evsapi module is located (e.g. c:/<my install>/ evsapi)
4. Navigate to c:<my install>/evsapi/conf and edit the file. Change the line SERVER_URL=${PROJECT_NAME} by modifying to the appropriate tier (see below)
5. In the command prompt window, change to the evsapi directory and type ant build-system to generate the war file.
6. The web application deployment unit, (see name above), is located at:
<project_root> \output\<project_name>\package\webapp