Buffalo Lake District

Board Meeting

May 11, 2013

Present: Bill Lewis, Vikki Trimble. Frank Breitenbach, Roger Naniot, Don Schoechert, Jo Orvatz.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Bill Lewis at 9:00 AM. The pledge of allegiance was given.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Frank made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction that the attorneys fees are $87,000.00 to date. Roger seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer's report was read. Roger questioned if we have a limited time to use the Lotus Funds and Bill said there was no time limit. Roger motioned to accept the report seconded by Frank. Motion passed. Roger also suggested a new format for the reports and he will work with Vikki to set them up.

District Goal Setting: Bill reported that the district is evolving and the needs are changing. He asked for suggestions from the groups on possible committees for the future. Some suggestions were a clean water committee, clean boats committee and a water clarity committee. It was suggested that a request for volunteers be put on the website. Roger also mentioned that we do have district plan from several years ago that would be a good starting place for a goal setting committee. Once again the question of how to get volunteers was raised. After much discussion it was suggested that we put the information in the annual newsletter, give a hand out at the annual meeting and put the request on the website.

Website: Along with the goal setting discussion there was discussion on making the website more interactive. Jim Barton will talk to his son and daughter for ideas and then will work with Tom on this. Rick Brefield will check with the Lake Puckaway website as it had features we liked.

2013-14 Budget: Bill handed out a copy of a proposed budget for all board members to review for the next meeting.

Harvesting Committee: Jim reported that they have been doing annual maintenance on the equipment and he anticipates about 2 more weeks of work. He looked into prices of new equipment – elevator are approximately $40,000.00, Harvester approximated $180,000.00 and a transporter approximately $140,000.00. He stated that the Water Way Commission Fund who gives grants to help make purchases is giving less and less and receiving more and more applications. Not sure what the future grants will be. He is also looking into prices for painting the elevators and may decide it is more cost effective to paint it themselves. Jim mentioned that in the future we should replace the large harvester and transporter belts with stainless steel belts because they greatly cut down on repairs costs..

Technology Committee: Tom is not here not report.

Ecology Committee: The Lotus project is waiting for the grant. Alliant is still looking into putting up a pole for an osprey nest on the dredge bank. The committee is requested the district look into making the little island by the dam into a nature preserve to be used by the schools. Roger made a motion seconded by Frank to allow the committee to investigate this idea further. Motion passed. They also asked for a line item in the budget of 5% of the budget for lake rehabilitation. This idea will be sent to the finance committee.

Marquette County Lakes Group: Al reported the next meeting will be September 12. The boat safety class is completed. He suggested that people use the AIS coordinator and Prairie Nursery as contacts for developing their shorelines.

County: Frank said there was nothing to report other than the dredge bank is ongoing. The contract was awarded to Lunda for 4.7 million.

Town: Joe reported that the town was going to make work on the causeway a priority this year and they will be working with the DNR and Joan Ballweg on it. The Freedom Road boat landing will be done sometime in June.

Dredge Bank: the attorney is waiting for paperwork from the state on the pre-construction meeting for get a time line for the work.

New Business: Roger requested that Vikki contact the insurance company for information about liability for the board.

The next meeting will be July 13 and the annual meeting will be August 24.