MINUTES of the Meeting of the Budleigh Salterton Traffic Group held in the Council Chamber, Station Road, Budleigh Salterton on Wednesday 8 June 2011 at 2.30 p.m.


Cllr J A Shiel

Cllr T D Wright

Cllr S Hall

County Cllr Mrs C Channon

P Wilson (Devon County Council)

P Downes (Devon County Council)

R Henderson (BSDS)

S Yerrell (OVA)

PCSO C Major

Secretary: Mrs J E Vanstone

162. Election of Chairman

It was unanimously agreed that Cllr J A Shiel be appointed Chairman.

163. Apologies for Absence

A Tilbury (Chamber of Commerce)

Paul Wilson introduced Paul Downes who was the new Neighbourhood Team Leader for the Eastern Area and who would be attending all future meetings.

164. Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Traffic Group held on 16 March 2011 had been circulated prior to the Meeting. It was unanimously agreed they be signed as a true record.

165. Matters Arising from the Last Meeting

(i) Grit Boxes John Shiel advised that the Emergency Group had discussed the idea of a tow-able gritting machine and had agreed that it was not the direction the group wished to proceed because of problems with storage of the grit/machine etc. The Group felt that self-help was the best way to move forward and asked if additional grit boxes could be supplied. Christine Channon said she would speak to Mike Bishop to see if more could be provided. Paul Downes said that he could help with training of Snow Wardens. Christine added that it would be helpful if the Emergency Group could gather the names of residents willing to store grit. Jo would liaise with Christine re: locations of grit boxes.

(ii) Upper Station Road Car Park: Free Sign It was noted the sign was in place.

(iii) Exmouth Road/West Hill: Interactive signage It was noted the signs were operational although the outbound sign was not entirely in the correct place and was becoming overgrown by bushes. It was agreed that a better location may be opposite Woodlands. Paul Wilson said that Lee Cranmer had been dealing with this and he would speak to him.

(iv) Mansfield Terrace: Provision of Mirror Christine advised that she had agreement in principle and was waiting for cost details. She would action this as soon as Lee Cranmer returned from leave.

166. Any other business at the Chairman’s Discretion

1. Steve Hall asked why Cliff Road was closed by The Feathers. Paul D said that it may be a safety factor. Christine said no signage was in place and it was suggested that a sign needed to be put up in Rolle Road/Queens Street warning that the road was closed. Paul D said he would look into this.

2. Christine asked who would be liable if someone fell off the step by the Budleigh Club due to lack of railings. It was suggested that the older Victorian stanchions be kept and painted and the other ones replaced with posts/rope. Christine said she would look at her locality budget for funding.

3. Christine asked about a suitable location for a peripatetic speed sign for East Budleigh Road. Paul W said he would speak to Lee Cranmer on his return from leave. Christine wondered how much a sign like this would cost.

4. Christine was delighted with the new piece of footway by St Peter’s Church but said that drivers were still parking on it! She wondered if a bollard could be erected there.

5. Stuart Yerrell said that one of his neighbours was concerned about reports that the street lighting would be switched off overnight.

Stuart also said that he was concerned about the speed of some motorbikes travelling along the East Budleigh Road and he would be reporting this officially to Chantalle Major. Chantalle said they would be speaking to Bicton College with a view to educating the students a bit more.

6. Paul W advised that the Tour of Britain would be passing through the area again this year with Stage 4 being held on 15 September.

167. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting would be Wednesday 9 November 2011 at 2.30pm.

There being no further business, the Meeting closed at 3.30pm



