Student Organization 2014-15 Annual Report
1. Answer all questions honestly and completely. Some research may be required, so give yourself an appropriate amount of time.
2. Please type. It is critical that the information is legible.
3. Submit the completed report electronically to the Office of Student Involvement by emailing to by:
Priority Deadline: 5:00 pm on Friday, February 27, 2015
Absolute Deadline: 5:00pm on Friday, March 13, 2015
4. Make sure that the student leaders for the 2015-16 year have a copy of this report.
5. Consult with Office of Student Involvement staff at any time: Student Union 3504 Phone: 419.530.4944
Purpose of Form: An overview of the 2014-15 school year and preparation for the 2015-16 school year.
To complete this application, type in the highlighted boxes and tab to the next box. To indent, hold the control key and press tab. Once you have completed the Annual Report, save the document and email to . In the Subject line of the email, enter “Annual Report – Name of Organization”.
Student Org:Member Submitting: / Name:
/ Role:
1. Print or type your organization’s statement of purpose here. (This should be the same or at least in alignment with the purpose statement that appears on the organization’s constitution)
2. How many currently registered UT students are on the active membership (as defined within your constitution) roster?
3. How long has this organization been active and recognized by UT?
4. Who is (are) your advisor(s)? Please provide a phone number and/or an email address that we can use to contact your advisors. At least one of your advisors must be a UT employee. Please provide your UT advisor’s title and department.
Advisor Name / Title / Department / Email / Phone Number5. Please explain how the existence of your student organization contributes to UT’s culture and/or how it makes UT a better place for students and/or the entire UT community. Please be specific but brief.
6. If your organization has a website, please type the web address here.
7. Did your organization charge membership dues? If so, how much? Where were funds deposited?
8. When and where did your organization general membership meet during this school year?
9. What is the average number of UT students who attended general meetings?
10. How did you advertise general meeting times/locations?
11. How often did your leadership team (student officers) meet throughout the school year?
12. How often did your advisor(s) attend leadership team meetings this school year?
13. When did (or will) your organization elect officers for the 2015-2016 school year?
14. Did you read your organization’s constitution prior to accepting your leadership role?
Yes No
15. When was the last time your organization’s constitution was revised?
16. Please list all events and programs that your organization hosted, facilitated, participated in, or collaborated on this school year – including any that you will have between the time of this report and the end of Spring 2015. (This does NOT include meetings, volunteerism or travel, just events and programs.)
Please provide the following information for each:
Name of the event or program / One sentence description / Date and Location / Any other student org or UT office/dept assisting / How many UT students and non-UT students attended17. Please briefly describe any volunteer or philanthropy work that was done by your members in the name of your organization this school year.
Agency / Brief Description Of Work Done / # Hours Volunteered / # UT Students Volunteering18. List any training, conferences, experiential learning, travel, etc. that student members participated in (or will participate in) this year through your student organization.
Conference/Training Name / Brief Description19. Please check the marketing efforts your organization used this school year.
OSI Assisted Marketing Marketing Done on Your Own
Flyers in the SU Flyers in Res Halls – left at Res Life Office
Posters in outdoor kiosks Flyers at the REC – left in REC Office
Banners inside/outside the SU Flyers posted in academic buildings
SU display case space Sidewalk chalking
SU glass covered bulletin boards Handbills
Added to UT’s on-line master calendar Collegian ads
Shadow box in SU, third floor UTTV network screens
Rocket Blast electronic newsletter Organization website
OSI traditional event calendar Facebook
Semester event posters Twitter
Organization president’s email list serve Announce at varied student organization meetings
Use of Student Organization Resource Room WXUT
21. Please list any supplies or equipment that your organization has purchased with UT funds. This is your organization’s INVENTORY of UT-owned supplies and equipment. You can list similar items together with a count, such as “22 hockey sticks” or “2 desktop computers”. (When student organizations purchase equipment or supplies with University funds (operating budget or special funding) these items become the property of the University of Toledo)
Item / Estimated Value / Where it is Stored building, room, etc22. Please rate the following events, services, and ranking on programs, based on the scale below.
0. never heard of it
1. heard of it, but never attended/participated
2. attended/participated, but didn’t like it much
3. attended/participated, and liked it
4. attended/participated, and LOVED it
Big Event / Lil Sibs WeekendRockethon / Relay for Life
International Dinner / Songfest
Intramurals / Student Government
Parent and Family Weekend / Student Organization Fairs
Student Housing Fairs / Student Organization Gala
Student Organization Resource Room / Welloween
Step Show/Flip the Yard/Stroll Competition / OTHER
Homecoming Activities during week
Homecoming Parade
International Village
Annual Report – 2014-2015 Page 1