Business Ethics Center
Budapest University of Economic Sciences
1053 Budapest, Veres Pálné u. 36.
Phone/Fax: (36-1) 318 3037
Curriculum Vitae
M.A. in Finance, 1982 Budapest University of Economic Sciences,
Doc.Univ. in Sociology, 1984 Budapest University of Economic Sciences
Ph.D. in Economics, 1997 Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Present Positions:
Tutor in Business Ethics at the Warnborough University, London (since 2000)
Széchenyi Distinguished Professor in Ethics & Economics awarded by the Hungarian Ministry of Education (since 2000)
Chairman of the Inter-faculty Group in Business Ethics of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS), Paris (since 1997)
Director of the Business Ethics Center, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (since 1995)
Visiting Lecturer in the Human Ecology Program at the Loránd Eötvös University (since 1995)
Associate Professor of Business Economics,Budapest University of Economic Sciences (since 1991)
Past Positions:
Convenor of the Transatlantic Business Ethics Summit at the Budapest University of Economic Scineces (2000 September)
Director of the „Business & Ecology” Summer Course at the Central European University (2000 July)
Connelly Visiting Scholar in Business Ethics at the McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (2000 March - May)
Bolyai Scholar of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the Research Project „Ethics of Decision-Making” (1998 - 1999)
Adjunt Professor of Business Ethics in the joint MBA Program of the IMC – Graduate School of Business, Budapest and the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio (1998 - 1999)
Director of the “Ethics of Capitalism” Summer Course at the Central European University (1998 July)
Director of the „Economics and Environmental Ethics” Summer Course at the Central European University (1997 July)
Fellow in the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, Wassenaar (1996-1997)
Visiting Scholar in W. A. Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley (1990-1991)
Research Fellow at the Department of Business Economics, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (1987 - 1990)
Research Associate at the Department of Sociology, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (1982 - 1987)
Major Fields of Research:
Business Ethics, Ecological Economics, Evaluation Research, Decision Theory, Environmental Philosophy, Economic Psychology, Value Theory
Courses Developed & Taught:
Business economics, business ethics, ecological economics, decision theory and methodology, business & ecology, environmental ethics, ethics of capitalism
Member of Editorial Boards:
International Journal of Social Economics (since 1992)
Global Outlook: An International Journal of Business, Economics Social Policy (1998-2000)
Scholarships and Awards:
2000 November, Special Guest at the Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics, & Society, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, UK.
1999 October; Soros Visitor at the Oxford Centre for the Environment, Ethics, & Society, Mansfield College, University of Oxford, UK.
1995 March; TEMPUS Visitor at the London School of Economics, UK.
1993 October; PHARE Visitor at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
1992 November; PHARE Visitor at the University College London, UK.
1992 June; TEMPUS Visitor at the European University Institute, Firenze, Italy.
1991 July; Participant of the „Ethics & Economics” Summer School at the University of Sienna, Italy.
1984 June – August: Young Scientist Summer Programmer at the International Institute for Applied SystemsAnalyses, Laxemburg, Austria
Research projects:
1999-2000Comparative Survey between the European Union and Hungary Focusing on the Implementation of Environmental Principles. Total budget: 60 000 Euro provided by the EU.
1999Economics of Nature Conservation. Total budget: 25 000 USD provided by the Hungarian Ministry of the Environment (co-director: Sándor Kerekes, Head of the Department of Environmental Economics & Technology, Budapest University of Economic Sciences)
1996-1997Social, Environmental and Ethical Aspects of the Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy. Total budget: 30 000 USD provided by the Center for International PrivateEnterprise, Washington, D.C.
1995-1996Ecological Economics. Individual research support grant provided by the Pro Renovanda Cultura HungariaeFoundation for writing a book on the subject.
1992-1994Responsible Decision-Making. Contributoryresearch support provided by the Hungarian National Science Foundation.
1986-1987The Ecological andHuman Approach of the Economy. Individual research support grant provided by the Soros Foundation for writing a book on the subject.
Responsibility & Choice: Decision Making in Business and Public Policy. (in preparation)
Ethics and the Future of Capitalism. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick & London. (2001)
The European Difference – Business Ethics in the Community of European Management Schools. 1998. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London. (editor)
Other Economizing. Budapest, 1989. KJK. (In Hungarian)
What the Economics Worth if it is Hungarian? Budapest, 1987. KJK. (In Hungarian)
Series Edited:
„Ethics the Economy” Newsletter of the Business Ethics Center, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (since 1994)
Business Ethics Papers Series, Business Ethics Center, Budapest University of Economic Sciences (since 1999)
Book Chapters:
“Moral Responsibility and Economic Choice” in J. Berács & A. Chikán (eds.): Managing
Business in Hungary: In International perspective. 1998. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest pp.
“Environmental Ethics for Business” in J. Berács & A. Chikán (eds.): Managing Business
in Hungary: In International perspective. 1998. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest pp. 488-496.
“The Ethical Fabric of a Transformation Economy: the Case of Hungary” in Jean-Paul Larcon (ed.): Entrepreneurship and Economic Transition in Central Europe. 1988. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London & HEC School of Management, Paris pp. 93-102.
“Establishing Business Ethics in Budapest”. In Laszlo Zsolnai (ed.): The European Difference – Business Ethics in the Community of European Management Schools. 1998. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston/Dordrecht/London. pp. 81-88.
„Business Ethics in Management Science” in Peter Koslowski (ed.): Business Ethics in East Central Europe. 1997. Springer Verlag. pp. 95-102.
“Ecological and Social Impacts of the Economic Transition in Hungary” in Z. Bochniarz et al (eds.): Designing Institutions for Sustainable Development in Hungary: Agenda for the Future. 1994. Minneapolis & Budapest. pp. 155-164.
“Morally Rational Decisions” in A. Chikán (ed.): Progress in Decision, Utility, and Risk Theory. 1991. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 293-298.
Published Articles:
Plurality of Values in Environmental Decision Making. OCEES Research Paper No 18. Mansfield College, University of Oxford. 2000 June
“Corporate Transgressions through Moral Disengagement” Journal of Human Values 2000 No. 1. pp. 57-64. (Co-authors: Albert Bandura & Gian-Vittorio Caprara)
“Responsibility & Choice” Business Ethics Papers No. 1. 1999 September
„Rationality Choice and the Diversity of Choices” Journal of Socio-Economics 1998. No. 5. pp. 613-622.
“Social Aspects of the Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy” Society Economy 1998. No. 3. pp. 152-158.
“Norms, Goals, and Stakeholders in Program Evaluation” Human Systems Management 1998 No. 2. pp. 155-160. (Co-author: P.J.M. Verschuren)
„Competition and Ethics” Etika Gazdaság 1997 Autumn p. 1. (In Hungarian)
„Moral Responsibility and Economic Choice” International Journal of Social Economics 1997. No. 4. pp. 355-363.
„Making Responsible Decisions” Society and Economy 1997. No. 4. pp. 106-120.
„Environmental Ethics for Business” Management Research News 1996. No. 5
“Legality, Morality, and Legitimacy” Society Economy 1995. No 5. pp. 137-138.
“I & We & She: Ecological Note on Etzioni’s Socio-Economics Paradigm” Journal of Socio-Economics 1995. No 3. pp. 521-524.
“A Framework for Alternative Economics” International Journal of Social Economics 1993. No 2. pp. 65-75.
“Ecological and Human Dimensions of the Economy” INFO-Társadalomtudomány 1992. July pp. 23-26. (In Hungarian)
“Responsible Decision Making and the Natural Environment” Vezetéstudomány 1992. No 5. pp. 32-36. (In Hungarian)
“Beyond Positivism and Normativism” Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 1992. No 4. pp. 137-144.
“Meta-Economic Choices” Human Economy 1991. June pp. 6-7.
“Revitalizing East Europe” New Economics 1990. Autumn p. 6.
Making of a Meta-Economics. 1986. Budapest University of Economic Sciences Sociological Working Papers. No 2. 88 p.
Videos produced:
The Capitalist Threat (Debate with George Soros) 30 minute video. 1998. Central European University.
The Future of Capitalism. 30 minute video. 1998. Central European University.