BUCS and British Rowing are working together to support a series of regional indoor rowing events hosted and organised by University clubs. Events will run for a period of 2 weeks from Sat. 15th Nov. to Sun. 30th Nov. and results from eligible students will count towards the BUCS Indoor Rowing Championships.
BUCS medals will be awarded in the following categories ( to eligible students )
Openweight Men / Women – 2km ( BUCS points will also be awarded )
Lightweight Men / Women – 2km ( BUCS points will also be awarded )
Men / Women – team event ( the top 8 individual scores from students from each University club
Beginner Men / Women – 1km
RowAbility ( adaptive ) Men / Women – 1km( BUCS points will also be awarded )
University Clubs will be supported by British Rowing staff in planning and running their events and clubs will be encouraged to open up the events to others beyond the student rowing community i.e other student sports clubs, community members etc.
Please ensure that in completing your form you have spoken with your Director of Sport ( or equiv. ) and your local British Rowing team leader and that they support your application.
University Rowing ClubKey contact
Email address
Telephone number
Date of application
Please confirm that in bidding to organise this event you are able to meet the following criteria :
To hold an event between the dates of Sat. 15th Nov. to Sun. 30th Nov. (incl.)
Event to be planned and run by a University Club
Event to attract entries from other University Clubs, community members, other sports clubs within the Uni etc.
Work with BUCS and British Rowing to appoint an Independent Adjudicator
A maximum charge of £5 / student entry in BUCS categories
Offering a min. of five categories i) Openweight Men / Women – 2km, ii) Lightweight Men / Women – 2km iii) Men / Women – team event –8 x 2km each iv) Beginner Men / Women – 1km v) RowAbility ( adaptive ) Men / Women – 1km
Use of Concept 2 machines
If necessary student entries passed to BUCS to be verified as eligible by the Athletic Union
Results for student categories to be returned to British Rowing within 24 hours of completion of the event with a short event report and photos
Please provide details of your proposed event :
Date of event Sat. 15th Nov. to Sun 30th Nov. (incl.) -please check region event calendars to insure no local event conflicts
No. of C2 machines
Estimated capacity
Entry fee ( for student categories )
Target Universities / other entrants
Proposed Independent Adjudicator ( pls. advise if help required in nominating an adjudicator )
Please provide some further information about your approach to the planning / running of the event :
Confirmed contact with Director of Sport / (name)
Confirmed contact with British Rowing Team Leader / (name)
Applicant & key contact / (signature)
Applicant & key contact / (position in club)
Please submit this form to Dan Hetherington() if you would like to be considered to host an event. Applications close on 8th June 2014 and BUCS will work with British Rowing staff to select University hosts as quickly as possible after that date. If after the closing date there are gaps in geographic coverage – then BUCS and British Rowing will work with Unis in those areas to fill the gaps as applicable.
Applications will be assessed on;
compliance with the criteria set out on the form
ability to attract high performing athletes to support the event
evidence to support projections for the number of universities and students taking part in the event
evidence of commitment to a wider participation in the sport – encouraging new participants / beginners etc.
evidence of development opportunities for students in planning and organising the events
please see guidance document for further details.