Buckhannon-Upshur High School Physical Education Syllabus

This syllabus is for you to acquaint yourself with the procedures and regulations that will help you attain success in your PE class.

The PE curriculum includes a wide variety of physical activities: lifetime sports, team sports, weight & fitness training techniques, and the WV FitnessGram Test that must be administered to all PE students. The course emphasizes the relationship that regular exercise and good nutrition help with disease prevention and a healthy lifestyle. All courses are taught by a certified Physical Education teacher. Reinforcement of the principles at home can further enhance this very important message: PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITY IS IMPORTANT TO EACH PERSON’S OVERALL HEALTH & WELL BEING.

  • Five Components of Physical Education
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Muscular Strength
  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition


The grading scale is based on participation points for their individual effort during class. A written test will also be given each quarter throughout the school year. In addition to a written test, each quarter students will be given a Physical Assessment based upon the five components of Physical Education. Furthermore, student participation points are based off of individual student efforts during daily Static/Dynamic warm-up exercise, Core exercise, and main activity/unit of study. Finally, we strive to assist every student to achieve 100% success.


PE is a class that is based on participation, performance and effort. Consistent attendance, dressing for class and participation are very important. NOT DRESSING, NOT PARTICPATING and ABSENCES are the 3 leading causes for low grades in Physical Education classes. If a student is on a school based trip an E will be marked and that student will be excused. Students MUST dress appropriately in order to participate in PE. Students that don’t have proper gym attire for that class period will be given an alternative assignment and sent to ISS where they will have to complete it by the end of that period.

Students will be required to have a note from the doctor/school nurse/athletic trainer/health clinic staff member in order to excuse them from PE for anything over 1 class period. All excuses should state the problem and length of time the student will be out from PE. If a student is going to miss a long period of time (i.e. full 9 week grading period) they NEED to discuss this with their PE TEACHER.


Students must dress on game days. Teachers will take into consideration that they will be actively participating in a school sponsored activity later in the day but ALL STUDENT ATHLETES will be required to work out to the fullest extent with their class.


Students enrolled in PE classes are required to wear appropriate clothing in class such as shorts, sweat pants, T shirts, athletic shoes ( no sandals/boots, etc.). BLUE JEANS are not appropriate clothing for class. All students are required to change in the designated Physical Education Locker rooms. Students will not be permitted in the athletic locker rooms during P.E. class.


Food, candy, energy drinks, sodas and gum will not be permitted in the gymnasium at anytime. Water bottles and sports drinks are acceptable to be used appropriately during class.


The locker room is locked during class time. All personal belongings should be left in the dressing room during class.Students will not be permitted to have their cell phone/iPod in gym class. ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES MUST BE LEFT IN THE LOCKER ROOM.BUCKHANNON-UPSHUR HIGH SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS.


Report all injuries to your teacher immediately. While most injuries can be prevented by proper stretching and warm-up exercise, accidents can happen during Physical Activity. If an injury occurs the Physical Education teacher will provide treatment, or if need be student will be referred to the health professional on duty.CAUTION-----Horseplay or fighting will not be tolerated, and could result in exclusion from class.


Buckhannon-Upshur High School Physical Education staff is required to administer the FitnessGram Test each year and submit results to the WV State Department of Education. Student’s will be assessed during the 1st semester on the following FitnessGram batteries of tests:

  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Pacer Test
  • Muscular Strength & Muscular Endurance
  • Modified Pull-Ups
  • Curl-Ups
  • Flexibility
  • Trunk Lift
  • Sit & Reach
  • Body Composition
  • Height & Weight


  • Be on time and in the correct clothing
  • Actively participate everyday
  • Participation in the FitnessGram Assessment
  • Positive Attitude during all Physical Education Activities
  • Do well on written assignments (i.e. Tests/Quizzes/Projects)
  • Do well on physical assessments

Mrs. V. Casto, Mr. M. Donato, Mr. M. Gitzen and Mrs. T. Squires

B-UHS Physical Education Teachers