Parents: In preparation for the 2013-2014 school year, we have compiled a list from our staff to assist you in purchasing items that will be needed by our students. This list may help you avoid purchasing unnecessary supplies.
Mr. Berze / Reading / 7/8 / Pencils & NotebooksMr. Call / Social Study
Geography / 7/8 / 1” 3 Ring Binder, Loose Leaf Paper, Pencils for Social Studies
2 pocket folder, loose leaf paper and pencils for geography
Mrs. Celestin / Reading
Social Studies / 7/8 / 3 ring binder, dividers, loose leaf paper, pencils, coloring pencils, headphones or earbuds, glue sticks, scissors.
Mr. Chevalier / Math
Reading / 7/8 / Pencils, lots and lots of pencils
Mrs. DeVault / English / 7/8 / 2 pencils,2 red pens, 2 blue or black pens, 1 box of tissues, 1 binder with pocket folder, 1 pkg (5) dividers for binder, 2 notebooks, loose leaf paper, coloring pencils. NO MECHANICAL PENCILS
Ms. Ewing / Math / 7/8 / Folder, Notebook, Pencils
Mr. Fetty / English
Reading / 7
7 / Wide-Ruled 100 page Composition notebook, 1 pkg or more of wide ruled loose leaf paper, 1 folder with 2 pockets, 10-20 #2 pencils NO MECHANICAL PENCILS
Ms. Flint / Physical Ed
Health / 7/8 / District Policy appropriate gym clothing and tennis shoes for Phys Ed
Notebook and pencils/pens or loose leaf paper and binder/folder
Mr. Hughes / Social Studies / 7/8 / Loose Leaf Paper, Pencils, Folder
Mr. Kernick / Intervention Specialist / 7/8 / 2 Folders, notebook, pencils, and loose leaf paper
Mrs. Johnson / Intervention Specialist / 7/8 / Pens or pencils/folder or binder for papers/notebook/paper
Mrs. McClure / Math
Alg/Pre Alg / 7/8 / Spiral Notebook, Loose leaf notebook paper, pencils, erasers
Mr. Milliard / Intervention
Specialist / 7/8 / Folder, notebook, pencils
Mr. Nau / Financial Literacy / 8 / Folder, paper, pencils
Mrs. Panepucci / Science / 7/8 / 1 Notebook to be used for Science only, pencils, pens, colored pencils, highlighters, Box of tissues
Mrs. Paugh / CD / 7/8 /
Pencils, paper, box of tissues, glue sticks
Mrs. Rogers / Science / 7/8 / Notebooks, pencils, Ink pens, highlighters, color pencils, Either a Trapper/Binder or folders to keep organized, 1 box of tissues, 1 container of Clorox wipes or equivalent.Mr. Soos / Math / 7/8 / Single Subject Notebookand pencils, Math Folder
Mrs. Soos / Music / 7/8 / No supplies needed for this class
Mr. Tolliver / Intervention Specialist / 7/8 / Notebook, Pencils Pens, Paper, Folder
Mrs. Vucelich / Reading / 7/8 / Loose leaf paper, notebook, folder, pencils & pens, 3x5 index cards, and a box of tissues
Mrs. Yanda / Study Isle
Soc. Studies / 7/8 / Colored pencils, notebooks, folders, earbuds, box of tissues, sanitizing wipes.
Mrs. Yocum / Computer / 7/8 / $5.00 Lab Fee and personal ear buds