Buck-I-SERVWinter 2014
Group Trip Application
Group Buck-I-SERV Alternative Break Trips are organized and planned by the Buck-I-SERV student cohort and consist of ten or twenty people, including trip advisor(s) and leaders. Each substance-free trip must include one trip advisor and two trip leaders for every group of ten. Group Buck-I-SERV Alternative Break Trips resemble traditional Buck-I-SERV trips in most ways except that the applicants are applying to travel, learn and serve as a group rather than individual participants.
Each trip cost is determined by the estimated cost of housing, transportation, service and other miscellaneous trip costs. Participant fees are a reflection of a portion of the overall trip cost [and must be paid by each individual student or by the group]. Additionally, students are asked to bring money for their own food and personal needs, unless otherwise noted on the specific trip description.
In addition to the individual participant fees, group applicants are expected to contribute a portion of the remaining trip cost, about 25% of the total trip cost. The amount of this payment varies and is listed on the trip description located within this document.
Because some Buck-I-SERV funding comes from the Student Activity Fee, group trip applicants cannot use Programming Funds or other sources generated by the Student Activity Fee to pay for the group or participant fee portion of the trip cost.
Payment Deadlines:
Participant Payments / Group PaymentsSeptember 26th, 2014 by 9pm – First Participant Payment of $100 due / ---
October 17th, 2014 by 9pm – Second Participant Payment of $75 (or remaining balance) due / October 17th, 2014 by 9pm – First Group Payment due (at least 50% of total)
November 14th, 2014 by 9pm – Final Participant Payment/ remaining balance due / November 14th, 2014 by 9pm – Final Group Payment/ remaining balance due
*All group and participant payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.*
All payments should be made online through the MyTrips link on the Buck-I-SERV website. Additional payment details will be available on the trip award notifications.
Application Process:
Student groups interested in being considered for a Group Buck-I-SERV trip should:
- Identify two student leaders who will complete the application process and fulfill the responsibilities set forth by Buck-I-SERV including but not limited to:attend Trip Leader trainings, conduct pre-departure group meetings, maintain a full trip roster, and meet all additional trip-specific requirements.
- Identify and secure trip Advisor(s) (faculty, staff or graduate student; 1 advisor – 10 participant trip and 2 advisors – 20 participant trip)
- Complete the attached application including: rationale, educational purpose, a roster of all participants, and a waiting list in case a participant drops before the trip departs.
Note: If the group is applying for a van transportation trip each Group must have a minimum of 2 drivers (21+ with valid driver license) on roster for approval for each group of ten.
- Ensure that each individual participant in the group submits an online application by September 14th, selecting “Group Buck-I-SERV Trip” as a trip preference.
Application Timeline (Winter Break Pilot):
-July 28th, 2014 - Applications for Group BIS trips become LIVE
-September 3rd, 2014- Completed Group BIS trip applications DUE by 5pm (hard copy) or 11:59pm (email)
-September 10th, 2014- Group BIS trip applicants NOTIFIED of acceptance or denial
-September 14th, 2014- ALL Group Individual Participants online Buck-I-SERVapplications DUE (no exceptions)
Note: If a group application is denied, individual students within the group will still have time to apply for traditional Buck-I-SERV trips for the upcoming semester by the September 14th deadline, if they choose. Those who apply online prior to the Group application notification (9/10/14) will be considered for all other leadership positionsand international trips for which they have indicated preference on the online application, among the traditional applicant pool.
If the group application is approved, Group participants, leaders and advisors will participate in all pre-departure education, training and events and a reorientation initiative. Each participant on the Group roster must also complete the individual Buck-I-SERV online application before the September 14th deadline.
Via hard copy: Rebecca Delo, Coordinator of Community Service Administration, 2076 Ohio Union, 1739 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43210
(If office is closed, Rebecca has a mailbox in the Ohio Union Administration Office is 2008 Ohio Union, and your application can be placed there.)
Via email attachment:
September 3rd, 2014 - Completed Group BIS trip applications DUE by 5pm (hard copy) or 11:59pm (email)
Group Name: ______
Affiliation (check all that apply):
____Student Organization ____Department ____College ____Other
*Name of student organization/department/college or other affiliation: ______
Designated Trip Leader 1: ______
Designated Trip Leader 2: ______
Designated Trip Advisor 1: ______
Designated Trip Advisor 2 (required only for trips larger than 10): ______
___Attach roster of your proposed participants for this trip (name and dot#).
Proposed Group Size (check one): _____ 10NOT AVAILABLE20
Trip Preference (descriptions on next page; check all that apply)
_____Option #1God’s Love We Deliver – New York City
_____Option #2Habitat for Humanity – Punta Gorda, Florida(this site can accommodate up to 15 participants; can be discussed with Groups during the application process)
_____Option #3Once Upon A Time – Maryville, Tennessee
_____Option #4One Heartland – Willow Creek, Minnesota
Essay Questions (please attach your answers to the following questions):
-Describe your group, including your overall collective purpose, typical activities, and current engagement with community service.
-What does your group hope to learn from participating in a Buck-I-SERV trip together?Why is community service important to your group this year?
-Groups are expected to contribute an additional 25% of the total trip cost. Please describe your sources of funding you might use to fund the additional cost.
Does your group have recent history of sponsoring alternative break trips? If so, please provide those details:
Winter/Spring/Summer Location Type of Service Dates
Trip Descriptions
God’s Love We Deliver – New York City
God's Love We Deliver is a leading provider of nutritious, individually-tailored meals to people who are too sick to shop or cook for themselves.God's Love We Deliver cooks4,600 meals each weekday, delivering them to clients living with life-altering illnesses in all five boroughs of New York City, Newark and Hudson County, New Jersey.All of their services are provided free of charge without regard to income.The mission of God's Love We Deliver is to improve the health and well-being of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses by alleviating hunger and malnutrition. Volunteers prepare and deliver nutritious, high-quality meals to people who, because of their illness, are unable to provide or prepare meals for themselves. Buck-I-SERV has a long trip history with God’s Love We Deliver and last visited this site in winter 2013. This 10 person trip will travel by motor coach along with other NYC-bound Buck-I-SERV trips. Local transportation will be by subway which is included in the trip cost. Food is not included.HOUSING: NYC Hostel
Your Group Cost: $2,000, and
Per person cost: $450 for each participant (7) + $225 for each leader (2)
Once Upon A Time – Marysville, Tennessee
Volunteers work to assist both the Cherokee people and the environment while challenging themselves in a mentally and physically manner. This amazing trip will give volunteers an inside perspective on Native American Cherokee culture in the area. The trip will take place between the idyllic Great Smokey Mountains National Park and Cherokee National Forest in East Tennessee. You will get a chance to work with invasive plants at the Nature Preserve. Students will have the chance to go hiking in the nearby mountain and enjoy the beautiful sights all around them. Come join Ed and Arlene and see what it feels like to be a part of their family; this is a trip you will not forget! Buck-I-SERV has a long history with Once Upon A Time and last visited this site in summer 2014. Transportation will be by 12-passenger van. Most food is included in the registration cost. HOUSING: On-site, Primitive
Your Group Contribution: $1,650, and
Per person cost: $415 for each participant (7) + $210 for each leader (2)
Habitat for Humanity – Punta Gorda, Florida
Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing, through constructing, rehabilitation and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies, and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions. Volunteers may work on the construction of houses, home rehab projects, local ReStore projects, and other community engagement/non-building activities. Volunteers do not need to have any construction knowledge. Since 1987, Habitat Charlotte County (Punta Gorda, FL) has helped over 275 Charlotte County families achieve the dream of homeownership. Enjoy your time in the sunshine state and help rebuild homes for low income families. Buck-I-SERV has a long history with Habitat for Humanity and visited the Punta Gorda site for the first time in winter 2013. This 10 person trip will travel by motor coach along with other Florida-bound Buck-I-SERV trips. Upon arrival the Group will pick up a minivan and car to use as local transportation. Food is not included.HOUSING: Church space
Your Group Cost: $1575*, and
Per person cost: $375 for each participant (7) + $190 for each leader (2)
*Based on 10 participants. Site may have up to 15 spots available; If interested in a group larger than 10, please indicate that information on your group trip application.
One Heartland – Willow River, Minnesota
One Heartland helps improve the lives of children and families facing socially isolating conditions such as HIV/AIDS, type 2 diabetes, homelessness or identifying as LGBTQ. Most of One Heartland’s camp experiences are offered at no cost to campers and families, as more than 75 percent of them live below the poverty line. One Heartland creates community, offers respite, and builds lifelong skills by providing an accepting environment for youth and their families. Past groups have carved signs, painted, and done projects to improve the grounds for the children before the summer camp season. This trip has consistently received incredible feedback about the staff and general service experience. Many participants returned to the camp during the summer as counselors because their experiences were so impactful. There are no children present while volunteering.Buck-I-SERV has a long history with One Heartland and visited this site 3 times in the 2013-14 academic year. Transportation will be by van. Most food is included in the registration cost. HOUSING: On-site, Camp Housing
Your Group Pays: $1,500, and
Per person cost: $335 for each participant (7) + $170 for each leader (2)