November 2, 2016 / 7 pm Library
I. Meeting was called to order. The following were in attendance:
· Amy Dearing
· Andy Martin
· Heidi Manley
· Jackie Wachinski
· Jennifer Brownell
· Jon Stone
· L. Becky Powell
· Michelle Henry, teacher representative
· Sam Roberts
· Tonya Dudak
Previous Minutes (October 2016) were reviewed, approved by Heidi Manley and seconded by Sam Roberts.
II. Principal’s Comments - Mr. Andy Martin
a. Monthly newsletter was sent home. Mr. Martin will continue to distribute hard copies on a monthly basis.
b. The Race for Education went well. It was well-organized, and teachers enjoyed the time to have fun with their students.
c. Fall Fling went well and was well-attended.
d. Safety Week occurred in October and went well.
e. There will be an assembly this Friday 11/4 to close the Race for Education and kick off the Penny Drive/Food Drive.
f. First marking period is coming to an end, and Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up. A reminder to sign up for a conference if parents have not done so already.
g. Manheim Township School District is partnering with COBYS to offer an 18-week parenting/therapy course. Both parents and children receive training. Flyers will be going home with students this week. The course will run on Thursday evenings from January-May 2017.
h. The Veterans’ Day Program will be held next Friday 11/11. So far, 30+ Veterans will be in attendance.
III. Teacher’s Representative Comments – Michelle Henry
a. The Race for Education was amazing! The kids had fun. Thank you to the PTO for organizing.
b. Fall Fling was also well organized and a lot of fun.
IV. Completed/Ongoing Events/Fundraisers
a. Box Tops Collection Sheets/Submission report for 11/1
o Most recent submission was 11/1 which earned us $289.80 (includes summer through 10/1).
o There is also a balance of $259.70, so our next check should be for approximately $540.
b. Fall Fling
o All went well and we made a profit of $1304.58.
c. Race for Education
o We earned $17,657! Fifteen percent of that will go to Race for Education as a fee.
o There was discussion about the following:
- Setting up an online donation system next time.
- Holding the Race every 18 months instead of every 2 years.
- How to use/allocate the money: purchasing iPads, ensuring adequate funding for field trips, and purchasing new playground equipment.
V. Upcoming Events
a. Penny Drive/Closing Ceremony Assembly Race for Education (11/4)
o Mr. G. will emcee the event.
o It will be a school-wide pajama day.
o There will be games and prizes for the three students from each grade who brought in the most address labels.
o Popcorn will be provided to students at lunch.
b. Veterans Day Program (11/11)
o There is a need for someone to take pictures at the event.
c. Movie Night – “Trolls” (11/16)
o So far one theater has sold out, and we are about half sold for a second theater.
d. Faculty Appreciation Dinner (11/21)
o A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out soon. Donations will be needed.
e. Holiday Shoppe (12/6 – 12/8)
o A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out soon for parents to volunteer to help.
o Sample items will be on display during parent-teacher conferences.
o Most items will be priced between $2 - $4.
o A flyer will go home next week with students.
f. Talent Show (1/27/17)
o A Snow Date was discussed in the event of inclement weather on 1/27. It was decided that the Snow Date would be the following Friday 2/3/17.
o Auditions will be held around 12/12 – 12/13.
o Rehearsals will be 1/18/17 and 1/25/17.
o Informational flyers will be distributed to students this month. Students will need to submit by 12/5 if they wish to participate in the talent show.
o Audition/rehearsal dismissal will be at the Garden Doors as long as weather permits.
o There was discussion of having carnations to sell the night of the show.
o Tickets will be $1 each.
o There was discussion of having students participate in stage crew. A lottery system is an idea that can be used to keep the stage crew to an appropriate number of students.
o Landis Run has provided information to help with the show.
o There was discussion of having an area designated for children in the audience, as well as the performers when they are finished with their performances. It was suggested that the kids who are scheduled to perform in the 2nd half can be in the audience during the 1st half, rather than needing to wait in the cafeteria.
VI. Miscellaneous – Mr. Martin
a. Mr. Martin requested that any parent/PTO volunteers remain the area of the school in which they are helping.
b. Please be sure to get clearances if you plan to help at events.
c. Junior Achievement
o Parent volunteers are still needed for 3 classes.
o It is a series of 5-6 lessons with a theme for each grade level.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday December 7 in the Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Dearing
Recording Secretary