Pre Induction Task - Summer 2017

BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science (medical science)

Task – Health and safety awareness

When scientists work in a laboratory there are certain procedures and practices they have to carry out whether they are involved in routine laboratory analysis or in scientific research.

In order for them to carry out these procedures and practices safely they must follow health and safety rules.

Research COSHH, PPE and RIDDOR. Describe and explain what they stand for and when they were introduced. For each one, explain what they are and discuss why they are important.

Finally explain how all three of the above are related to Risk Assessments written in college or the workplace.

How to present you information

You are required to present your information in any form you wish. You could use word, powerpoint, publisher, poster etc. You must include all sources of references/websites you used.

Useful websites

Your work must be handed in at your first BTEC Applied Science lesson or can be uploaded inadvance of the first day of teaching, Monday 5th September. You can access the pre-induction tasks from the 'New Student Portal' ( there is alink to the 'New Student Portal' from the College website. The pre-induction tasks are available to download from here and once you have already registered on the portal you can upload any completed tasks via the upload page. If you have any problems registering or logging onto the portal please contact the College on 01204 846215.

Kit List
BTEC Level 3 Subidiary Diploma in Applied Science (medical science)
Our Kit List is here not only to remind you what the BTEC Subsidiary diploma course is about but also to let you know what trips or essential items you will need for the course.
You will be studying 3 mandatory units in the first year of the course. The first unit 1 is the Fundamentals of science which covers aspects of physics, chemistry and biology. This is then followed by unit 2 – working in the science industry and then by unit 4 – Scientific practical techniques. In the second year you study 3 optional units these include: Unit 11 – Physiology of human body systems; Unit 13 – Biochemistry and biochemical techniques and finally unit 18 – Genetics and genetic engineering.
Practical work
This is an essential component of all three sciences especially chemistry in particular. You must make sure you attend ALLpractical sessions. You will be provided with essential PPE.
How we work – we use a variety of teaching and learning styles such as individual learning, research tasks, discussion and debate and structured tasks. We set weekly homework.
What we need from you –to bring basic stationary to lessons, be punctual and engaged. To commit to at least 4.5 hours of time per week outside of lesson to be spent on homework, reading, research this subject.
Skills we develop and test
  • Independent learning – your ability to go away and research to gain knowledge and answers.
  • Graphical presentation and analysis – being able to interpret, present and analyse data
  • Group work – to answer questions or complete research tasks.
  • Analysis – the ability to take information and analyse it in terms of impact and importance and analysis of data from which conclusions can be made
  • Evaluation – to be able to make judgements using evidence provided in a range of situations
  • Other key/command words you will encounter include:

Good Luck and see you in the first lesson