BSPP Presidential meeting 2011: Abstracts, talks and posters
P.H. Gregory Prize
The Board of BSPP wishes to encourage young plant pathologists and others who are eligible to take part in the P. H. Gregory prize, which is awarded for the presentation of an oral paper at the Presidential Meeting each year. The P.H. Gregory Competition is open (a) to members of BSPP who have not previously presented a paper to a meeting of a learned society and (b) to all registered postgraduate students, whether or not they are members the society, or have presented a paper before to a meeting of a learned society. Contestants should not have entered the P.H. Gregory competition previously. This year, talks for the PH Gregory prize will be held on 15th December, the day before presentations from invited speakers, and the winner will be announced at the Presidential Dinner, also on 15th December. Those wishing to take part in this year's competition should indicate this on the form below.Based on the abstracts submitted, eight speakers will be selected to give oral presentations in the PH Gregory competition
John Colhoun Poster Prize
Posters from Postgraduate students may be included in the BSPP-sponsored John Colhoun Poster Competition. To be eligible, the work presented must form part of a research project conducted by the entrant in support of a PhD or Masters degree, and the entrant must not have been awarded the degree prior to the deadline for abstracts date. Please confirm when you submit your abstract that you wish your poster to be considered for the prize. Students need not be members of BSPP. Posters will be judged on 15th December, the day before presentations from invited speakers, and the winner will be announced at the Presidential Dinner, also on 15th December.Those wishing to take part in this year's competition should indicate this on the form below.
Posters from meeting delegates
We welcome poster presentations from all delegates attending the BSPP Presidential Meeting. Those wishing to present a poster at the meeting, please indicate this on the form below, including your poster abstract.
Deadline for receipt of abstracts
The deadline for receipt of all abstracts is 15th November, 2011. Abstracts received after this date can not be accepted for publication in the Abstract Book. Abstracts must be sent using the form below and returned by email to Steve Whisson().
Instructions for posters
Posters should not exceed 120 cm height by 100 cm width (portrait) in size. Posters must be attached to boards by Velcro®.
Posters should be put up on the afternoon of the presidential meeting (15th December) and left until the coffee break on the afternoon of December 16th. There will be a viewing and judging session (J Colhoun posters) during the afternoon on 15th December, and presenters will be required to be at their posters at this time. Please use the attached form for poster and talk abstracts
Form for Abstracts
Please use this form if you wish to make an oral or poster presentation (maximum 1 page, please use Times New Roman, 12pt font).
This abstract is for (tick all that apply):
PH Gregory PrizeJ Colhoun PosterGeneral Poster