BSN Program Award Application – 2018W
Application Deadline: July 11, 2018 at 11:59pm PST
03528 - Dorothy J. LOGAN Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
Scholarships totalling $9,050 have been endowed by family and friends in memory of Dorothy Jean Logan (UBC/VGH Nursing 1950). The awards are offered to students in nursing and are made on the recommendation of the School. Preference may be given to students with demonstrated volunteer activity that has relevance to Nursing.
03523 - UNIVERSITY of B.C. Nursing Division Beth McCann Memorial Scholarship
Scholarships totalling $2,150 have been endowed in memory of Beth McCann by her friends and colleagues, and augmented by donations from the Nursing Division of the UBC Alumni Association. Beth McCann was associated with the School of Nursing for 35 years and retired in 1982. The scholarships are given to undergraduate students in Nursing taking at least 24 credits of course work who demonstrate a commitment to the nursing profession and a contribution to the University or the community. The awards are made on the recommendation of the School.
03549 - Jim and Helen HILL Memorial Service Award in Nursing
Awards totaling $20,150 have been endowed by the estates of UBC alumni Helen Gray ('56 BSN) and Christopher James (Jim) Hill ('52 BASc). In recognition of the Hill's passion for volunteerism in the community the awards will go to outstanding undergraduate nursing students who have demonstrated leadership through volunteerism, community service and campus activities. Financial need may be considered. The awards are made on the recommendation of the School of Nursing.
Application Instructions:
- Please complete the following information:
Name (First Last)
Student Number
Yes / No
I have read the award criteria. Please consider my application for the Dorothy J Logan Memorial Scholarship in Nursing.
I have read the award criteria. Please consider my application for the Beth McCann Memorial Scholarship.
I have read the award criteria. Please consider my application for the Jim & Helen Hill Memorial Service Award in Nursing.
- If you are applying for the Jim & Helen Hill Memorial Service Award in Nursing, provide a brief statement on how receiving this award will support your continued success in the program. Pay special attention to the awards criteria outlined in the description (200 words maximum).
- Please refrain from including personal identifying information in this paragraph as award applications are blinded prior to adjudication by the BSN Awards Committee.
- Statements can be addressed to the BSN Awards Committee.
- Save the file as “FirstName_LastName_Statement” as a Word or PDF document.
- Your name will be removed from the file name prior to adjudication.
- Complete the “List of Leadership & Service Activities” on page 2 of this application.
- Submit all components of the application by July 11, 2018 at 11:59pm (midnight) via email. Please ensure all file titles include your name. If you are unable to submit your application via email, please drop off a printed copy to addressed to the BSN Awards Committee in Student Services, School of Nursing, Room T248 by July 11, 2018at 4pm.
03528 - Dorothy J. LOGAN Memorial Scholarship in Nursing
03523 - UNIVERSITY of B.C. Nursing Division Beth McCann Memorial Scholarship
03549 - Jim and Helen HILL Memorial Service Award in Nursing
(Combined Application Form, please check off which awards you are applying for)
List of Leadership & Service Activities (Last 2 years)
Service / Leadership Activity(identify if paid or volunteer position) / Brief description of nature of role / organization / Activities undertaken / Dates engaged in activity (Start & End) / Contact to Confirm Involvement (Name & email or phone number)
BSN Program Award Application – 2018W