Roundtable on “Prerequisites for transition to environmentally friendly farming and protection of water bodies from nutrient loading from rural areas (BASE, Luga-Balt and other relevant projects financed by EU, international organizations and national funds)”
XV International Baltic Sea Day Environmental Forum
Place of meeting: Green Hall 9 (ParkInn Pribaltiyskaya Hotel)
20MARCH 2014, THURSDAYModerators:Mr. HarriHuhta, MTT Agrifood Research Finland
14.30–14.35 / Opening14.35-14.50 / Greetings:
-Mr. Sergey Tsivinskiy, Committee of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Leningrad region
-Mr. Vladimir Popov, North-West Methodological Centre of the Russian Agriculture Science Academy
14.50-14.55 / New HELCOM requires to agriculture
HELCOM Secretariat
14.55-15.00 / Work on load reduction from agriculturewithinthe St. PetersburgInitiative
Baltic Sea Action Group
15.00-15.05 /
Prospects fora conference onsustainable agricultureand rural developmentin the Baltic region, within the cooperationwith the Baltic Sea StatesCouncil
Mr. АndreyGolohvastov, Agriconsult
15.05-15.15 / Modern requirements to agricultural producers within Russian environment legislationMr. Vladimir Tsvetkov, St. Petersburg Institute of Nature resources Utilization, Environment Safety and Protection
15.15-15.25 / Monitoring water dynamics and nutrient loads from rural area in North Savo region in Finland
Ms. Kirsi Järvenranta/Mr. PerttuVirkajärvi/ MariRäty, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research
Mr.ErkkiSaarijärvi, Vesi-EkoOy, Water-Eco Ltd
15.25-15.35 / Rationing of nutrient loadfrom agriculturalproduction
Mr. AlexandrShishkin/Ms.Ekaterina Petruneva, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
15.35-15. 45 / A deterministic – stochastic model for calculation of the nutrient load on water bodies
Mr. SegreyKondratyev/Ms.Marina Shmakova/Vladimir Ulichev,Institute of Limnology ofRAS
Mr.Nathaniel Trumbull, Department of Geography, University of Connecticut
15.45-15.50 / Identification of the parameters for nutrient loading modeling on the river system
Ms. MarinaEpifanova, St.Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers
15.50-16.00 / Questions and Comments
16.00-16.30 / Coffee-break
Balanced fertilization
16.30-16.40 / Environmentalassessment of thecoastal zonesof Luga river catchment
Ms.MarinaEfremova/Mr. SergeyMelnikov/Ms. AnnaPapushina, St.Petersburg State Agrarian University / Environmentally friendlymaintenanceof cattle-the EU requirementsand experienceof South Savoprovince
Mr. HarriHuhta, MTT Agrifood Research Finland
16.50-17.00 / Development oflong-term plan of manure managementfor Kaliningrad region.Outcomes of the BASE project
Mr. AlexandrBrukhanov, SZNIIMESH
17.00-17.10 / Information technology for the precision farming then mineral fertilizers applying
Mr. DmitryKhomyakov, Lomonosov Moscow State University
17.10-17.15 / Soil contamination inthe impact zone of enterprises for mineral fertilizers production
Ms. AnnaMelnikova, Lomonosov Moscow State University
17.15–17.20 / Questions and Comments
Environment friendly agriculture
17.20-17.30 / Greening the agriculture by selecting technological solutions based on the criteria of best available technologies
Mr. Igor Subbotin/Mr. AlexandrBriukhanov,SZNIIMESH
Ms. TuijaRanta-Korhonen, Mikkeli University of Applied Science
17.30-17.40 / Environmental aspects of acid soils liming
Mr.AnatolyOsipov, AgroPhysical Research Institute
17.40-17.50 / Quantitative parameters of objects environmental safety
M. Alexandrova, Toxicological Institute
U.Ignatiev, LLC “ANALECT”
17.50-18.00 / Environmental-economicantagonismatanthropogenicpollutionwastes recycling
Mr. Alexander Kartoshkin/ ValeryBelyakov/Mr. Sergey Shirokov/Ms. Irina Belinskaya/ Ms. ElenaOvchinnikova, St.-Petersburg State Agrarian University
18.00-18.10 / Researchonbioplasticsdegradation potentialin agricultural soilsandwaters
Ms. VictoriaMotorina/ Ms. ElenaRusskih, St. Petersburg Institute of Nature resources Utilization, Environment Safety and Protection
18.10-18.20 / The first resultsof the project "Clean rivers ina healthyBaltic Sea"for ensuring environmental safety of middle course of theLugariver
18.20-18.30 / Questions and Comments
Moderators: Mr. HarriHuhta, MTT Agrifood Research Finland
10.00–10.05 / Opening10.05-10.15 / Finnish Organic Research Institute and the Finnish Research Program on Organic Food Chain
Ms. PirjoSiiskonen, Finnish Organic Research Institute
10.15-10.25 / Prospect for development of organic agriculture in Russia
10.25-10.35 / Experience of JSC Farm «Losevo» in production agricultural products and supply of dairy products close to the organic
Ms. Irina Kuznetsova, JSC Farm «Losevo»
10.35-10.45 / Outcomes of the projectfor certificationof organicagricultural production
Mr. SemenGordishevsky, EcologicalUnion
10.45-10.55 / Prospects forlarge-scaletopinamburcultivationforenvironmental improvementsin the BalticSea region
Mr. Nikolay Voronov, RussianState Hydrometeorological University
Ms. GalinaVoronova, Creative Union ofInventors ofSt. Petersburg
Mr. Victor Starovoitov/ Ms. OksanaStarovoitova, Russian Research Institute of Potato Growing
10.55-11.05 / Environmentally friendly methods of struggle with unwanted alien organisms in the Baltic Sea area
Mr. ValentinSapunoff,RussianState Hydrometeorological University
11.05-11.20 / Results of studies performed by aqua biological research unit of ENPI project SE717
Mr. NikolayAladin/Ms. LubovZhakova/Mr. MikhailDianov/Mr. AlexeySmurov, Zoological Institute RAS
Ms. TatinaAsanova/Ms. TatianaNikitina,Novgorod Department of State Research Institute for Lake and River Fishery
Ms. N.Zueva,Novgorod Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors “Podrostok”
Mr. AlexanderEgorov, Institute of Limnology RAS
11.20 -11.30 / Questions and Comments
11.30-12.00 / Coffee-break
12.00-12.10 / Investigation of Environmental Status of Luga river and its tributaries by Schoolchildren in frame of the project “Clean rivers in a healthy Baltic Sea
Ms. UlianaAntonova/Ms. IrinaGospodarikova/Ms. JuliaShevtsova, Tolmacheva secondary school
12.00-12.15 / Socio-psychologicalrole of Luga districtrural populationsin EnvironmentProtection
Ms. IrinaMelnikova, St.Petersburg State Agrarian University
12.15-12.25 / Youth summerschools for water bodies environmentand river Luga bed cleaning within the project"Luga-Balt"
Ms. IrinaUzhinova /Mr. ValeryBelyakov, NGO AAFRDRT
Ms. OlgaMoiseenko,Diving Club"Black diver"
12.25-12.50 / Panel Discussion
12.50-13.00 / Summarizingroundtable
«День Балтийского моря»
XV Международный экологический форум
Санкт-Петербург, 19 – 21 марта 2014 г. / / Baltic Sea Day
XV International Environmental Forum
St. Petersburg, 19 – 21 March 2014