Programme Specification
This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.Sources of information on the programme can be found in Section 17
- Awarding Institution / Body
- Teaching Institution and Location of Delivery
- University School/Centre
- External Accreditation
- Title of Final Award
- Modes of Attendance offered
- UCAS Code
- Relevant Subject Benchmarking Group(s)
- Other external influences
Local (North West) Core Capabilities for those working with Children, Adolescent and their Families around Mental Health
The Ten Essential Shared Capabilities for Mental Health Practice (NIHME / Sainsbury Centre)
- Date of production/revision of this form
- Aims of the Programme
To enable a range of students the opportunity to enhance their existing practices, through development of specialist knowledge and skills for working with children, young people and their families.
To enable students to integrate learning accumulated through knowledge of research and reflective processes culminating in the development of a practice based project
- Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
A.Knowledge and Understanding
A1 Examine the major child and adolescent mental health problems and discuss appropriate therapeutic interventions.
A2 Critically analyse the rights of the child / young person with mental health problems and their family, including law, ethics and politics which influence decision-making.
A3 Evaluate multidisciplinary, multi-agency working in the provision and monitoring of quality resources and standards of care for the child /young person with mental health problems.
A4 Critically reflect on the effect of family dynamics and developmental issues on the mental health of child / young person in order to develop effective family centred care.
A5 Critically explore social attitudes, social constructs, cultural and political influences towards children / young people and mental health problems
A6 Identify and reflect on child development issues
A7 Identify the contexts where children and families receive care and the impact of development
A8 Explore, analyse and evaluate the nature and organisation of professional clinical practice
Teaching and Learning Methods
Formal lectures will be used to introduce topics and provide a framework for further study. An integrated theory/practice Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach will also be utilised with lecturing staff guiding and supporting students. Seminars, discussions and debate will extend analytical skills, promoting professional critical thought required at this level of study and practice. Analysis and evaluation will result from critical reflection on the study of recent research and reports, on instances of conflict and /or difficult decision-making in practice.
Resources will be made available through Blackboard, as appropriate.
Assessment methods
Case study, production of a health promotion leaflet, Oral presentation, A written project
B.Subject-specific skills
B1 Develop formulation skills related tothe major child and adolescent mental health problems and discuss appropriate therapeutic interventions.
B2 Evaluate use of assessment tools and processes and skills required for assessment
B3 Assessthe impact thatdevelopmental issues have on children, young people and their families
B4 Evaluate opportunities for mental health promotion in a variety of practice areas
B5 Present written and oral evidence to support the development and completion of the project
B6 Be independent in their choice of study in order that individual knowledge, skills, commitment and personal responsibility are promoted
B7 Review and analyse understanding and ability to conceptualise and utilise theory in practice, identifying key research/evidence to support activities and interventions culminating in a written project
Teaching and Learning Methods
The student is placed at the centre of a co-operative learning process that will develop skills and knowledge to critically analyse and evaluate approaches to child and adolescent mental health and social care provision. Formal lectures will be used to introduce topics and provide a framework for further study. An integrated theory/practice Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach will also be utilised with lecturing staff guiding and supporting students.
For project work, action learning sets will be used following an induction and using ongoing supervision. A key lecture will also address issues around oral presentation skills and the production of a written project
Assessment methods
Case study, production of a health promotion leaflet, essays, A written project, Oral presentation
C.Thinking Skills
C1 Identify skills and attributes in relation to reflective processes
C2 Review and summarise the available evidence base including systematic reviews in order to inform evidence based practice
C3 Identify relevant theory and appropriate research in order to help determine the need for change
C4 Utilise reflective theories and research appraisal techniques to enhance practice
C5 Be resourceful and innovative in formulating research problems/practice development areas, locating and managing data and information, synthesising findings and drawing conclusions from the work.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lead lectures, computers labs, seminars, discussions, student led presentations, diary writing and the use of small groups to analyse students own practice experience and appropriate literature. Analysis and evaluation will result from critical reflection on the study of recent research and reports, on instances of conflict and /or difficult decision-making in practice.
Resources will be made available through Blackboard, as appropriate.
Assessment methods
Reflective assignment; Oral presentation; A written project
D.Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
On successful completion of the programme the student will be able to
D1 Demonstrate literacy through analytical thinking and reflection, assignment development
D2 Demonstrate numeracy skills by analysis of data e.g. evidence base, audit.
D3 Demonstrate communication and team working skills by presenting information, contributing to Problem Based Learning activities, discussion and debate.
D4 Demonstrate I.T skills via Blackboard, literature searching, PBL, presentation skills using
D5 Demonstrate use of personal development planning by managing own learning and reflection on practice.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Scheduled opportunities which provide the student with feedback about their progress towards meeting the module outcomes / transferable skills are available through the use of critical incident analysis, feedback, presentations, Problem Based Learning and personal development planning through personal tutorials and Elearn/Blackboard.
Assessment methods
Essays, presentations, Problem Based Learning, and group discussions
13.Programme Structures* / 14.Awards and Credits*
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Credit rating
Level 6
Level 6 / NU3530
NU3161 / Professional Practice Project (C)
Enhancing Practice: Child and Adolescent Mental Health (C)
Plus 40 credits at level 6 derived from the option modules below
Option Modules
Facilitating Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Children, Adolescents and Parents
Solution Focussed Interventions
Dual Diagnosis – Substance Misuse and Mental Health Co-Morbidity
Self harming Behaviours
Managing Relationships, Team & Environments
Enhancing capability for working with personality disorder / 40
20 / BSc (Hons) Child and Adolescent Mental Health
120 credits at Level 6
15.Personal Development Planning
Personal Development Planning will form the basis for ongoing personal development discussions with personal tutors. This will not be formally assessed but will support learning and develop skills for reflection on practice. Students will be supported in the development of their PDP by:
1 Developing skills of reflection on their academic, personal and professional performance and development will be continually encouraged within the module teaching and learning strategies.
2 The use of personal tutorials whereby progress will be reviewed using personal reflection, setting goals and through the development of action plans.
3 The identification of strengths and weaknesses, skills, qualities, attitudes and capabilities will be developed throughout the course with the use of case studies, PBL, reflection and the evaluation of therapeutic interventions.
4 Improving learning and performance by taking responsibility for their own development and the necessary skills for independent learning
5 Planning realistically for career progression and the management of lifelong learning by reflection on multi-agency and multidisciplinary working.
16.Admissions criteria
Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information.
Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.
Core professional qualification e.g. nursing, social work, occupational therapy, counselling, health visiting, school nursing, teaching or working within specialist areas of practice, and education to Diploma in Higher Education. Students need to be working in an appropriate care/educational setting.
17.Key sources of information about the programme
- BSc (Hons) in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Fact sheet
- University Web page
- CPD Prospectus
18.Curriculum Skills Map
Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed
Level / Module Code / Module Title / Core (C), Compulsory (COMP) or Option (O) / Programme Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding / Subject-specific Skills / Thinking Skills / Other skills relevant to employability and personal development
A1 / A2 / A3 / A4 / A5 / A6 / A7 / A8 / B1 / B2 / B3 / B4 / B5 / B6 / B7 / C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 / C5 / D1 / D2 / D3 / D4 / D5
LEVEL 6 / NU3530 / Professional Practice Project / C / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3024 / Enhancing Practice: Child and Adolescent Mental Health / C / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3035 / Facilitating Cognitive Behavioural Interventions with Children Adolescents and Parents. / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3307 / Solution Focussed Interventions / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3090 / Dual Diagnosis – Substance Misuse and Mental Health Co-Morbidity / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3609 / Self Harming Behaviours / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3019 / Managing Relationships, Teams and Environments / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √
NU3161 / Enhancing capability for working with personality disorder / O / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √ / √